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So you are on 2g Test and 1G primo a week? I'm in my late 50s so if your around my age you are my new hero! Lol

You have to be pretty big with them doses, or at least jacked AF.

Was it the pre-order Anadrol?

52yo and it’s an experiment to see what I can handle. I plan to back off the first sign of issues, only…. There are none. BP is good, e2 is good, no moon face, no acne, hair is fine. I chickened out around 2ml of oil per day.

I’m not that big, reasonably jacked…. 188lbs and 9% bf.

Anadrol is the pre-order.
You can't kill yourself with insulin. Is a documented case of a guy trying to commit suicide and took 3 ml of insulin and ended in er. After he was released the next day he took a whole box 15 ml and in ended in hospital again and released in 2 days.

The dude didn't die but he's probably permanently mentally retarded. Brain cells don't do well starved of fuel for any remotely extended period of time.
The dude didn't die but he's probably permanently mentally retarded. Brain cells don't do well starved of fuel for any remotely extended period of time.

No complications in this case. There are a few ones that are documented. More than I knew years ago
What you took is a lot, isn't it, especially when you consider the half life.

Yet, someone gave the thumbs up to this post.
That's what I was thinking. I did 200 mg a day for like 1 weeks it was terrible. It works but the sweating was embarrassing. That was back in like 2016 and never touched it again.
Looking good brother. Curious what are the highest doses you've done?

I was under impression that, yes, it is mostly genetics. But aas will push you pass your genetic limits. And it'll boil down to what your genetics will allow you to tolerate.

For me, I can't tolerate over 500mg test. Estrogen gets out of wack and difficult to maintain. But you hear of guys pinning grams and not having issues.I was reckless and naive when I was younger going 750 test and 600 deca. By the ed I felt like shit AND looked like shi. Diet was all over the place.
Thx man. IWhen I was young and naive I was reckless, 750 test 600 deca as and example. By the. end I looked AND felt like shit. Diet was all over the place.

When I got more educated, 300 test and another compound npp, tren, eq, dhb, Mast etc..... was when I felt and started to look good. Ii feel 400 of any 1 compound is too much for me.

300mg max of any compound is my happy place.

Only time I've ran 3 together was test, tren, Mast all at 300. Been that way for years and it's more than enough for my goals.
My hgh promo order will be at more door tomorrow! Has any one gotten any tracking or an update on there oil promo order from last week?
I tried to get my tracking number yesterday and was told test c is now out of stock. Was asked if I would take sus in exchange, but I hate sus. I asked if I could at least get test p and Haven’t got a word back since.
Back when I was waiting on a tirz order I tried a week of sema since I already had it in the fridge. It could be just a coinsidence and maybe I caught the flu on the same exact week but day 2 i had crazy body chills, scratchy throat,nose was completely congested. Felt like I got hit by a mac truck. But the cold symptoms were confusing because I researched for days and asked around. No one said they had those kind of side effects. Only the usual gastro ones. But because I was too traumatized to give it another try I guess ill never know if it really was really the sema or just bad timing and I caught the flu at the same time.
100% bad timing