Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

So guys, sorry if being ignorant, but isnt injectable superdrol just masteron? Also which dose/injection frequency is usually used for injectable
no, the difference between superdrol and masteron is not the delivery vehicle, it is the methylation of masteron that make it superdrol. Changing the chemical composition GREATLY alters how it reacts, even a small chemical change can make a huge change in bioreactivity.
no, the difference between superdrol and masteron is not the delivery vehicle, it is the methylation of masteron that make it superdrol. Changing the chemical composition GREATLY alters how it reacts, even a small chemical change can make a huge change in bioreactivity.
Yes but isnt the methylation actually what makes oral superdrol?
So guys, sorry if being ignorant, but isnt injectable superdrol just masteron? Also which dose/injection frequency is usually used for injectable
On paper yes but they act differently. Same with dbol is oral versions of eq but they act differently. Sdrol is similar with tren in my opinion
Injection every day dose 30-50mg
I be interested in it if I could get someone to explain how to meake a Payment with a card because I guess Western Union don't work any more lol so what app I gotta download
They will explain you when you made the order. Send a link and put the card data there
Pretty simple
Guys do you get anything out of using l carnitine? there suppose to be so many benefits, but so far the only substantial thing that ive experienced is pip. i brew my own with 800mg/ml use about 2 ml per day for last month or so.
Are you using insulin with it? Or eating carbs?
Yes but isnt the methylation actually what makes oral superdrol?
Oral superdrol… as opposed to Injectable? No, the compound is the compound, what makes it oral vs injectable is putting it in oil and injecting it into your body, vs putting it into a capsule and swallowing it.

Chemical composition has nothing to do with method of administration
20mg is the normal dose for oral. Injectable you can take more. Is retarded that you don't know what are you talking about
I’m no expert on injectable superdrol, but im pretty sure IM vs oral, IM is more potent because it skips one pass through the liver and gives greater bioavailability
I’m no expert on injectable superdrol, but im pretty sure IM vs oral, IM is more potent because it skips one pass through the liver and gives greater bioavailability
That's why you can take more and don't have all the downside.
For example I know guys that can't take 100mg dbol but injectables they can and have great results with that.
There should be enough topic around here for sdrol
So guys, sorry if being ignorant, but isnt injectable superdrol just masteron? Also which dose/injection frequency is usually used for injectable
no. just like eq isn't injectable dbol. and dbol you actually just inject isn't eq. structural changes ultimately make things play out very differently.
That's why you can take more and don't have all the downside.
For example I know guys that can't take 100mg dbol but injectables they can and have great results with that.
There should be enough topic around here for sdrol
If it’s more potent, you should be able to take less and get the same results. Maybe that’s the idea behind lower dosages :shrug:

However, higher bioavailability does not automatically equal less side effects, if anything I would *think* it means more side effects.

This is all speculation and critical thinking on my part, not any data-backed conclusions.
Once you stock primo in USA my heart will be complete

Test gh and primo how much better can it get, if only you had insulin I’d have to change my pants every time I opened up a list from you
I'll be interested how this goes I'm from Ireland ,I've payed customs before and stuff still got seized that being said it was CBD buds from USA
I take mt2 for about 6months April to September gives me a good tan as a ginge and it stays I don't go back pale still have a bit of colour by the time I go back on

If you don't mind bud keep me updated if it gets through
We always shipped to Ireland very successfuly, it's just slow a bit