Well it's easy, how much we sell 1 kg of anavar raw?
1 kg anavar $2750 (we make profit from this)
10.000 tabs of anavar 10mg tabs = $890 (100g of raw)
$890 -$275 = $615
with this price we make more than $700 gross profit, you subtract the costs: amortization of investments, human resources (time of the engineer who masters the core technology and his assistants), rents, you always have a respectable profit if you aren't greedy..
Our financial model is based on making profit on high orders volume, instead of big profit per order, so we are able to absorb a very high volume of orders, which can exceed a hundred per day, sent on time, and when you add up the margins accumulated over the month after deduction of costs, you have enough to have a very confortable living same as the domestic source that ship 5 orders per day with 250-300% net margin.
When you cut the middle man, it's always cheaper..