Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic


How does it work in regards to custom pills? I believe i read the min order is 600 pills at maximum 200mg of compound pr.pill, is that right?

Is is possible to order a custom blend of multiple compounds within that 200mg?

is there a price difference for pills vs the raws?

How does it work in regards to custom pills? I believe i read the min order is 600 pills at maximum 200mg of compound pr.pill, is that right?

Is is possible to order a custom blend of multiple compounds within that 200mg?

is there a price difference for pills vs the raws?
There is indeed a price dif. From finished pills to raws. As always. Just check the price list. Making pills = more effort.
Haven't used any of my goodies ordered yet, but wife was on 2nd week of semaglutide. 1st week she tried .25 Mcg and didn't make much of difference. Bumped it up to .5 this week and it is definitely working, it has definitely suppressed her appetite where she is feeling quite full through the day
Anyone using sigmas hgh? Wondering how the water retention is. Currently running tp's black tops and they are awesome. Don't want to make the switch and save a few bucks if it turns me into a water balloon.
Anyone using sigmas hgh? Wondering how the water retention is. Currently running tp's black tops and they are awesome. Don't want to make the switch and save a few bucks if it turns me into a water balloon.
Very little water retention on it, from my experience, at least none outside the muscle

It seems to be largely intramuscular retention