Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

There’s no in between unless you have a mental disorder
You literally got it. Or just another troll, but once the source confirmed the "hundred" of PMs he got from him in a matter of hours, I think you are right.

If I were the source I would not waste a single minute more with him, there are a lot of payments method and he simply can't go through any them ,sure.
You literally got it. Or just another troll, but once the source confirmed the "hundred" of PMs he got from him in a matter of hours, I think you are right.

If I were the source I would not waste a single minute more with him, there are a lot of payments method and he simply can't go through any them ,sure.
I believe he is a young guy
So what are you guys in the US mainly doing? Buying a prepaid Visa or just putting it on your own debit debit card? Sorry so many questions but I'm thinking about making an order soon. I've never even used a prepaid card I guess you get them at Walmart?
Is he retarded? ..... I was banging this chick awhile ago and found out she was retarded.... I started forgetting how to pay with my debit card, shitting in the sink instead of the toilet, I couldnt find my hands one day wich really freaked me out so I went and got tested... I caught it early so I was able to reverse it but hey live and learn I guess....
So what are you guys in the US mainly doing? Buying a prepaid Visa or just putting it on your own debit debit card? Sorry so many questions but I'm thinking about making an order soon. I've never even used a prepaid card I guess you get them at Walmart?
When you buy a hoodie on wish or alibaba do you really need a prepaid card?
Well it's the same, it's just an alibaba legal purchase.
Some guys use prepaid cards, even that it's not very usefull.
Ask your mom to help you out, JK.

Credit Card seems the most common way, so go pick up a prepaid. I know they accept pre-paid via alibaba.
They actually don’t. International prepaid cards ended in the post 9/11 era.
It's 20% od just like some of our favorite sources here. I'm all for accuracy but he is telling us to expect it to be overdosed.

I think when it comes to generic Chinese hgh it's safe to assume 10-30% OD
@TrenTrenTren @Laxbro88 @EatClen/TrenHard @Alphalfa @NBE

So I’ll give my reasoning for being unhappy about it, some y’all are still gonna say STFU, but at least you’ll understand where I’m coming from.

Back in November I bought a couple of kits of HGH from QSC and ran it as though it was 10 IU. I’ve never used GH before this, and haven’t since then either, but I have no reason to believe it isn’t legit, even after having used it, so this is not a flame post at all.

I quickly ramped up from 2 to 4 IU/day over a couple of weeks time (I know now that this was probably too fast). My sleep and recovery were fantastic, it helped me recover from a lat tear in possibly record time. But I kept getting incredibly painful hand numbness while I was sleeping and mild to moderate gyno.

Well, it sounds like I actually went from 2.4 to 4.8 IU/day, and, had I known it was overdosed, (because at the time there was only one GH test from 6 months prior, AND it wasn’t already stated by the vendor) I would’ve pulled back a little bit and dosed a little lower.

Again, not a shit post about quality of GH or anything like that, but I had issues and I was running 20% more than I thought I was. Would it have made a difference? Maybe, maybe not, but it would’ve been nice to know upfront to make the necessary adjustments before starting.

That is my argument as to why accuracy is necessary.

Flame away for a simple request, if you must.