Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I think it’s fine line though. People can be objective about negative reviews and not pull out the pitch forks immediately like a bunch of these clowns are calling for. None of them likely customers, some of them SOURCES aka competitors.
it makes it weird when half the people praising or talking shit have a join year or 2022...
it makes it weird when half the people praising or talking shit have a join year or 2022...
Not sure how much stock I put into it. My account is from 2022. Some people lurk with no account for longer than people think. Some of them may have multiple accounts. Lots of situations. My point is that isn’t the only thing you can rest on that all this guys reviews are shills. How many out of 100 are not real? Maybe 10? Ok I still think he’s got some fair reviews here that show he wasn’t half bad as far as his aas oils go. I can’t speak on anything else.
Not sure how much stock I put into it. My account is from 2022. Some people lurk with no account for longer than people think. Some of them may have multiple accounts. Lots of situations. My point is that isn’t the only thing you can rest on that all this guys reviews are shills. How many out of 100 are not real? Maybe 10? Ok I still think he’s got some fair reviews here that show he wasn’t half bad as far as his aas oils go. I can’t speak on anything else.
Yea. I agree. People are too extreme. But I'm not justifying the lack of refunds part or poor accountability.
Hgh domestic took about a week (6days )

Nothing broken 2 kits in one bag 1 kit in another and both had bubble wrap built into the bag.


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People need to make the distinction between shitty business practices and selling fake or harmful gear which I haven’t seen any evidence of. If I’m wrong show me.

The most recent incident with Deus. You say you saw it but you also say this above in your quote. If it wasn’t for Deus testing it than he would not had known it was something different than what he ordered. Now he is being scammed.

There is also the same scenario with skankhunt. He tested the hcg and it came back 50% underdosed I believe. QSC played their no soup for you crap until we did what we are doing here and raised hell as that’s scamming and will not be tolerated. In the end I believe they did refund him 50% of his funds back which is still crap. Boy did it take some arm twisting to get it tho.

Summary, if you’re not testing this source which no one is you’re playing with fire and be prepared that when/if you do test and it doesn’t come back like it should that you will get no compensation back. You should also be fearful that if you do come forward that they will make threats or flat out dox you. This is why the pitch forks are out.

Edit: also their lady var tested all over the place.
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The most recent incident with Deus. You say you saw it but you also say this above in your quote. If it wasn’t for Deus testing it than he would not had known it was something different than what he ordered. Now he is being scammed.

There is also the same scenario with skankhunt. He tested the hcg and it came back 50% underdosed I believe. QSC played their no soup for you crap until we did what we are doing here and raised hell as that’s scamming and will not be tolerated. In the end I believe they did refund him 50% of his funds back which is still crap. Boy did it take some arm twisting to get it tho.

Summary, if you’re not testing this source which no one is you’re playing with fire and be prepared that when/if you do test and it doesn’t come back like it should that you will get no compensation back. You should also be fearful that if you do come forward that they will make threats or flat out dox you. This is why the pitch forks are out.

Edit: also their lady var tested all over the place.
Yes but he still to this day refuses to refund anyone else who was effected by that batch of hcg unless they themselves send it in for testing and then and only then would they refund them (and they would only refund 50%, but chances are they would go back on their word on anyone who did actually send it for testing in hopes of a refund)
There is also the same scenario with skankhunt. He tested the hcg and it came back 50% underdosed I believe. QSC played their no soup for you crap until we did what we are doing here and raised hell as that’s scamming and will not be tolerated. In the end I believe they did refund him 50% of his funds back which is still crap. Boy did it take some arm twisting to get it tho.
I dont remember who it was but had the exact same batch as skankhunt. He reached out for refund and was told no, he had to pay to get it tested if he wanted a refund. Then typical asshole move by Qingdao he said no refund for you because you brought it up here.

This fucking source wants all negative buried and not discussed in the open. This is so troubling. He refund nazis them and makes all others afraid to speak out. This is so fucking wrong.....
Yes but he still to this day refuses to refund anyone else who was effected by that batch of hcg unless they themselves send it in for testing and then and only then would they refund them (and they would only refund 50%, but chances are they would go back on their word on anyone who did actually send it for testing in hopes of a refund)

I dont remember who it was but had the exact same batch as skankhunt. He reached out for refund and was told no, he had to pay to get it tested if he wanted a refund. Then typical asshole move by Qingdao he said no refund for you because you brought it up here.

This fucking source wants all negative buried and not discussed in the open. This is so troubling. He refund nazis them and makes all others afraid to speak out. This is so fucking wrong.....

You guys are absolutely right. Hard to keep up with everything this source has done but these fan boys in here think we just decided to jump on QSC for this incident which is clearly not the case. Enough is enough.
You guys are absolutely right. Hard to keep up with everything this source has done but these fan boys in here think we just decided to jump on QSC for this incident which is clearly not the case. Enough is enough.
QSC is the poster boy for what a good source is Not...

Good Sources no particular order
1. Test raws
2. Test finished
3. Offer testing incentives
4. Act like a guest here because they are
5. Handle issues Respectfully, promptly
6. Value transparency on their thread
7. Produce sterile and properly dosed gear
8. Refunds and replacements
9. Top notch Opsec
10. Respectful to members here needed to be said twice.

QSC does not tick a single box on the above. Not even 1 fucking box
QSC's customer service has serious shortcomings - but can we really expect them to offer 3rd party testing, reimbursement for member testing, reship following customs seizure and all that good stuff we like here at Meso and still maintain their crazy low price? His whole business model is pile it high sell it cheap with none of the trimmings - and it seems to work judging by the amount of orders he's generating here. I haven't ordered yet but may soon - based solely on the price & generally favorable reviews of the product. I do know if things go south he's definitely not going to hold my hand & make it all better.
no I don't expect them to offer all of that, I get it. I don't even expect them to be perfect and without error.
But if they make a mistake, I definitely expect them to correct it without doxxing their customers. Maybe that's too much to ask these days.
no I don't expect them to offer all of that, I get it. I don't even expect them to be perfect and without error.
But if they make a mistake, I definitely expect them to correct it without doxxing their customers. Maybe that's too much to ask these days.
This is what his MO appears to be to stop anyone from speaking ill against them. Start with no refund or no reship. If that dont work dox them. Now he has instilled fear in quite a few customers that wont speak out about negative experiences.
Now he has instilled fear in quite a few customers that wont speak out about negative experiences.
Where are your examples of this? I am seeing a trend of certain members saying things and not backing them up with facts.

Edit: several members have reached out to say this is in fact the case. So Btcowboy is correct.
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Where are your examples of this? I am seeing a trend of certain members saying things and not backing them up with facts.
Well smarty pants I would love to show examples but if they are afraid to speak out for fear of being doxed how would I get that proof?

Ita called psychology, he has already multiple times refused refunds/reships, soft doxed people and threatened to dox another. That would make any others afraid to speak out, very much like an abused wife not pressing charges against an abusive husband.
Where are your examples of this? I am seeing a trend of certain members saying things and not backing them up with facts.
it's a 460 page thread, there has definitely been a few times that he has threatened people. If you are interested in them, go find them.

Why are you playing attorney for this source?
it's a 460 page thread, there has definitely been a few times that he has threatened people. If you are interested in them, go find them.

Why are you playing attorney for this source?
He’s literally a bi polar child who one second says “no one order form this source” and then posts crap like he does above.

Then he just says that it’s critical thinking and we must be stupid