Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

No, that doesn't show us forum members who are afraid to speak out. That shows QSC making the threat. Members more than ever are speaking out about him and his services as of late. I have yet to see any member claim they don't want to speak out over his threat.
Why don’t you ask @Tiredandhot who the threat was made against.

What’s your fucking agenda here man?
@Fenrir51 you want proof of members being afraid to speak up because they’re afraid, @Tiredandhot is only one of the people and he already came in this thread and said he does not feel comfortable speaking out further in fear that he will be doxed or sent a fuck you package to be intercepted by LE.

If your agenda is to try to make this ban permanent instead of a 2 week ban, well let me tell you you’re on the exact opposite path to doing that. so if that’s your agenda why dont you just fuck off
well let me tell you you’re on the exact opposite path to doing that.

Keep up the great work buddy.
@Fenrir51 you want proof of members being afraid to speak up because they’re afraid, @Tiredandhot is only one of the people and he already came in this thread and said he does not feel comfortable speaking out further in fear that he will be doxed or sent a fuck you package to be intercepted by LE.

If your agenda is to try to make this ban permanent instead of a 2 week ban, well let me tell you you’re on the exact opposite path to doing that. so if that’s your agenda why dont you just fuck off
I got a pm that I wont share from another member, a customer of QSC echoing the exact same thing.

@Millard we know he got a 2 week ban but there are other members here afraid to speak out for fear of doxing, etc. Maybe this ban needs to become permanent as it appeasr a threat to members that are customers security.
no I don't expect them to offer all of that, I get it. I don't even expect them to be perfect and without error.
But if they make a mistake, I definitely expect them to correct it without doxxing their customers. Maybe that's too much to ask these days.
Without a doubt posting customer details is completely fxcked up & should never be tolerated.
Where are your examples of this? I am seeing a trend of certain members saying things and not backing them up with facts.

Edit: several members have reached out to say this is in fact the case. So Btcowboy is correct.
Thanks for editing that I am glad others have reached out stating the same. As I have gotten similar.
was the rep the only one who handled orders for QSC on here?

I have a pending order for something and don’t know if I should proceed since the rep is banned but still answering emails and taking funds.
It's a Chinese operation, I am sure the "rep" is multiple people using the same email addresses.
@Fenrir51 you want proof of members being afraid to speak up because they’re afraid, @Tiredandhot is only one of the people and he already came in this thread and said he does not feel comfortable speaking out further in fear that he will be doxed or sent a fuck you package to be intercepted by LE.

If your agenda is to try to make this ban permanent instead of a 2 week ban, well let me tell you you’re on the exact opposite path to doing that. so if that’s your agenda why dont you just fuck off
I do have concern this source would dox anyone criticizing them for anything. I've already voiced my concern to Millard but truth is, they could easily make a new account and do it to anyone. I hope I'm wrong but it's pretty evident how ruthless this rep is.
He’s literally a bi polar child who one second says “no one order form this source” and then posts crap like he does above.

Then he just says that it’s critical thinking and we must be stupid

ya I just witnessed that, I'm out...
this is exactly the type of stupid fucking shit I can't stand to see.

@Fenrir51 and the rest of us had what, one known public instance of the QSC retard doxxing? Right?

Then - wait for it! Fenrir has further evidence and changes his POV to match yours, which is correct. The right thing to do for critical thinkers to do when they're presented with enough evidence. No, N=1 is not enough although in this case it's pretty much enough - but understand that he, I, and others like to go with more than N=1.

So then instead of seeing someone realize your POV is correct, you both call him a bipolar child for exhibiting rational and critical thinking.
I've been on the same receiving end of this shit myself, and you fucking Meso police can all go fuck yourselves. Holy christ I just fucking can't. You would rather shit talk someone further instead of growing half a brain cell to realize they ended up agreeing with you in every sense of the word.

Don't forget to cry about how bad Meso has become!
What evidence do you have to support this claim??

It’s in the testing section bud. Skankhut tested it. There’s was a 30% variance between 3 pills tested. With it being just 10mg it doesn’t look like much. Qingdao knew they they were specially making that for a source who test everything and they still did a poor job. If he had of tested more than 3 who knows if the variance would have gotten larger.
I think you're splitting hairs over that variance. Sigma's 10mg var was way worse and no one threw a big stink about that.

Some other sources too for reference.

I think you're splitting hairs over that variance. Sigma's 10mg var was way worse and no one threw a big stink about that.

Some other sources too for reference.

I think you need to quit trolling me.

Would I take that var? Absolutely. Key word is lady var and with 3 pills testing with that kind of variance I would not let my clients or my wife near that.

This was just mentioned to add to the list of things. Members should be testing