Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I think you need to quit trolling me.

You mean I need to quit refuting what you post because you don't like it.

Key word is lady var and with 3 pills testing with that kind of variance I would not let my clients or my wife near that.
Lmfao, oh no, a 3mg variance! A woman would definitely turn into a man due to that! /sarcasm. Get real buddy.

Why don't you do some research.
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You mean I need to quit refuting what you post because you don't like it.

No, I mean it’s weird man. You’ve typed my name, tagged me or quoted me probably a 100x in the last two days. I mean geez you’re wearing my avi. Get a life. You did this with MSG and others as well. Have a argument with someone without letting them live rent free in that head where your world has to revolve around their every word.

Lmfao, oh no, a 3mg variance! A woman would definitely turn into a man due to that! /sarcasm.

I have clients who use just 5mg with great success. You have any experience with many ladies taking var or any other aas?
So I just looked at the report.


So for example I would take 30mg a day and if I took those three pills my dose for the day would be 30.28

To and end user like me for that price I'd be pretty happy but I guess that makes me a shill...right?
So I just looked at the report.


So for example I would take 30mg a day and if I took those three pills my dose for the day would be 30.28

To and end user like me for that price I'd be pretty happy but I guess that makes me a shill...right?

No sir. Sure, there may be some that say that but I share your thoughts. I would take it as well. At that milligram it’s for the ladies tho. Would you let your wife/gf use that knowing with just 3 pills tested there was a 30% gap in variance?
this is exactly the type of stupid fucking shit I can't stand to see.

@Fenrir51 and the rest of us had what, one known public instance of the QSC retard doxxing? Right?

Then - wait for it! Fenrir has further evidence and changes his POV to match yours, which is correct. The right thing to do for critical thinkers to do when they're presented with enough evidence. No, N=1 is not enough although in this case it's pretty much enough - but understand that he, I, and others like to go with more than N=1.

So then instead of seeing someone realize your POV is correct, you both call him a bipolar child for exhibiting rational and critical thinking.
I've been on the same receiving end of this shit myself, and you fucking Meso police can all go fuck yourselves. Holy christ I just fucking can't. You would rather shit talk someone further instead of growing half a brain cell to realize they ended up agreeing with you in every sense of the word.

Don't forget to cry about how bad Meso has become!
Neal, buddy… don’t get your panties in a bunch… he edited his posts after we both made those comments.
It’s in the testing section bud. Skankhut tested it. There’s was a 30% variance between 3 pills tested. With it being just 10mg it doesn’t look like much. Qingdao knew they they were specially making that for a source who test everything and they still did a poor job. If he had of tested more than 3 who knows if the variance would have gotten large
The mean of the 3 tests is just a fraction over 10mg ( 10.1 ) and there's also always a margin of error in any testing. While not perfect it's no worse than seen in other fairly respected ugls over the years.
The mean of the 3 tests is just a fraction over 10mg ( 10.1 ) and there's also always a margin of error in any testing. While not perfect it's no worse than seen in other fairly respected ugls over the years.

I can get behind and agree with that. There is a margin of error with Janos testing and he’s stated so himself.

I’m also biased as I am a pharma snob.
I think you need to quit trolling me.

Would I take that var? Absolutely. Key word is lady var and with 3 pills testing with that kind of variance I would not let my clients or my wife near that.

This was just mentioned to add to the list of things. Members should be testing
That's actually one of the reasons why I'm testing some of my products. Because my woman wants to try primo and I figured I'd just grab some winstrol for her for later. Haha
Have a argument with someone without letting them live rent free in that head

Since I couldn't have said it better myself I will just quote you.

Oh lighten up butter cup. It was a joke, mostly.

You welcomed back a scammer with open arms, yet you say you're against scamming.

With that said, I am glad to see you around.

Although yes, Dyna ran off with members money again

I would advise everyone with pending orders to wait for it to be in route to you and dispute the charges with Alibaba

Here you are advising other members to scam QSC.

What do you think happens if you run him off before the members are made whole? You’ve got to think bigger and want more for our brothers and the community.

Here you are saying we shouldn't perma ban scammers/QSC because then members can't be made whole.

What is your fucking deal? You have reached peak clown world. It’s weird man
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Y'all might get on me about this, but I had her on 10mg a day of some liquid superdrol and in 3 weeks she lost fat, obtained some decent muscle definition, and got strong as fuck. Haha. But her clit got huge. Stopped taking it and in like 4 days, it was back to normal. No other side effects though.

She has taken 20mg of anavar like 2 other times and it don't seem like it did shit. Lol.
No sir. Sure, there may be some that say that but I share your thoughts. I would take it as well. At that milligram it’s for the ladies tho. Would you let your wife/gf use that knowing with just 3 pills tested there was a 30% gap in variance?

Question is why would you be ordering cheap lady anavar for your wife from a Chinese supplier when exact dosage is key to her well being?

If I didn’t care about my wife/gf I would do that. Pharma grade or bust in that situation man. Or be prepared for any consequences.

Where do you think other UGLs raws come from? That’s right....China. So it can happen with ANY source. Anavar is probably one of the most faked orals out there. But don’t get mad at a Chinese supplier for not having the quality control of a Pfizer lol, that’s splitting hairs at that point.
I had her on 10mg a day of some liquid superdrol
To be fair, we did start her on 5mg at first. Haha. Then she wanted to go up, so I made sure we paid attention to all potential side effects.
@Fenrir51 When you run around Meso posting the same thing over and over again it’s spamming. I warned you yesterday that around here that catches a ban.

You are also spinning things to meet your agenda whatever that may be. The reason you only post bits and pieces of that post of mine is because in that very post although I greeted him I told him he was done here.

Again, move on man. Don’t lose sleep over this internet shit
You mean I need to quit refuting what you post because you don't like it.

Lmfao, oh no, a 3mg variance! A woman would definitely turn into a man due to that! /sarcasm. Get real buddy.
I'm gonna be honest. I wouldn't give that to my wife. If she was on test for libido she was susceptible to sensitivity at 5mg. I prefer as accurate for my wife. I would not give her something that wasn't consistent
I think genetics plays a part. Could be wrong. But she was fine on 20mg of anavar for weeks. And this was tested by a few customers in the past, so it was legit. But superdrol, nope. Hahahaa.
Users: order from UGLs for cheaper price knowing there is variance in quality control measures of oils/orals in exchange for that cheaper price compare to pharma grade

Gear/orals come back with a statistical variance

Same users:

My wife has been on Anavar for over a year and a little Test as well. She takes 10mg of Anavar per day and 7mg of Test C per week and has had great results and INSANE libido. She has experienced some light virilization but nothing major. I would absolutely give her that anavar because per the Test results worse case scenario she would be getting either 11.72 mg on one day and 9.15 the next. A woman doesn't virilize over night so if the mean dose over 12 weeks is 10mg a day then great. Reality is she could probably get away with 20mg a day without too much trouble. So even if every single pill was 11.72mg then she would be fine!
My wife has been on Anavar for over a year and a little Test as well. She takes 10mg of Anavar per day and 7mg of Test C per week and has had great results and INSANE libido. She has experienced some light virilization but nothing major. I would absolutely give her that anavar because per the Test results worse case scenario she would be getting either 11.72 mg on one day and 9.15 the next. A woman doesn't virilize over night so if the mean dose over 12 weeks is 10mg a day then great. Reality is she could probably get away with 20mg a day without too much trouble. So even if every single pill was 11.72mg then she would be fine!
From my experience with MY girl, I feel the same. Comes down to genetics and what they can handle.

I have a few of my guy friends and they can't even take 250 test without getting gyno. I'm like wtf!!!! Hahahaha.
My wife has been on Anavar for over a year and a little Test as well. She takes 10mg of Anavar per day and 7mg of Test C per week and has had great results and INSANE libido. She has experienced some light virilization but nothing major. I would absolutely give her that anavar because per the Test results worse case scenario she would be getting either 11.72 mg on one day and 9.15 the next. A woman doesn't virilize over night so if the mean dose over 12 weeks is 10mg a day then great. Reality is she could probably get away with 20mg a day without too much trouble. So even if every single pill was 11.72mg then she would be fine!
I guess because of the half life of anavar I would split the dosing. I think this would create less of an "androgen spike". But I might be speaking out my ass. The half life is 8 hours and I wouldn't give it all in one dose to her.

But to each, their own.