Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Just the way they handled the response
You are correct in that sometimes when Chinese is directly translated to English it can come off as cunty. Same way when you try to directly convert English to Chinese. Very different grammar structures. Really comes down to how well the person knows the other language.

For anybody else asking about the Covid situation, its fucked. Entire cities locked down, not being able to leave your apartment, no food or supplies, people jumping out their windows (from 15 floors up), people dying because you cant get an ambulance or the hospital rejects your entry as you dont have a Covid test from within 48 hours or the hospital itself is closed down. People starving, etc.

A lot of freight and currier services where forced to shut down abruptly and new international package rules where implemented without notice so its very possible a package got turned around mid point on its way out of China.
You are correct in that sometimes when Chinese is directly translated to English it can come off as cunty. Same way when you try to directly convert English to Chinese. Very different grammar structures. Really comes down to how well the person knows the other language.

For anybody else asking about the Covid situation, its fucked. Entire cities locked down, not being able to leave your apartment, no food or supplies, people jumping out their windows (from 15 floors up), people dying because you cant get an ambulance or the hospital rejects your entry as you dont have a Covid test from within 48 hours or the hospital itself is closed down. People starving, etc.

A lot of freight and currier services where forced to shut down abruptly and new international package rules where implemented without notice so its very possible a package got turned around mid point on its way out of China.
Fuck now I'm worried if I'm going to get my domestic reship order anytime soon I ordered before all the shitstorm happened
Fuck now I'm worried if I'm going to get my domestic reship order anytime soon I ordered before all the shitstorm happened
Well, the good news is that its starting to get better...slowly, and some shipping services have been permitted to resume as of this week.
Yes everything else stayed the same. Other than the clit. It got pretty big. Too big for my liking. And she wanted to keep going with it!!! Haha.
I said fuck no.
But clit came back to normal size right?

Wait what , she wanted to keep going with steroids or she liked the big clit?
Would rad 140 be too strong? She took once winstrol,good gains but her voice went slightly deeper, luckily as soon she stopped it went back to normal. Thats my only concern as she is singer
Not defending this source at all, but what people have said about lockdowns is correct, so you will probably be looking at massive delays in shipping times.
Sorry i still yet to understand what's going on with this source. Could somebody do a TL;DR ? Thanks
Underdosed gear, shitty customer service. Currently claimed someone elses GH test as theirs, sent wrong raws, then refused refund, soft doxing people, threatening to dox others.

Never ending with this source
wow all the shills are coming out of the woodwork without QSC being here to defend her/himself. Losers.... Anyways got a email last night that the test cyp tren ace primo is instock in the Usa warehouse. fyi
wow all the shills are coming out of the woodwork without QSC being here to defend her/himself. Losers.... Anyways got a email last night that the test cyp tren ace primo is instock in the Usa warehouse. fyi
You do know shill means exactly what you are doing. Not what the rest of us are doing.

There is nothing for them to defend. They shit the bed big time this go round. The worst thing, a cardinal sin for that matter is soft doxing and threatening to dox others. Qingdao is a security risk wether you believe it or not.

Hoping @Millard recognizes the threat Qingdao represents to the members on this board, and Qingdao and this thread disappear