Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

what's soft doxxing?
The rep covered a small portion of multiple tracking numbers and didn't black out the destination.

The customer is another source. It probably wouldn't be too hard for law enforcement to put two and two together.

And seeing as this is a source, they may well choose to do some investigating on account of this.
Ive been here prob a lot longer then you bro. Anyways they will be back on the 24th. If you have no skin in the game here whats the point. I continue to order and have great experiences. I share them. Just received another order this week from the usa warehouse. Everything great. I have skin in the game. DO YOU? Nope Your continuing bashing is not helpful none of it it is. No point of you even in this thread anymore
So fucking what how have you contributed to this board in a positive way other than promoting a source that ships underdosed and wrong compounds, and when called on it refuses to refund if you read it has been proven. Also they have semi doxed and threatened to dox other customers.. You support this? So in your vast experience on this forum you are here for you and you alone and fuck everyone else is what I get from you
I’m waiting on an order of Tren A, tracking shows it will be here any day now. The quality of the Test I’ve received is great.

I’ve been reading through what’s been going on here the last few days and it’s a shame to hear about the overall exchange between the customer and rep.

My experience with the source has been great so far, and for anyone still planning to use them I was just informed about an update to their US warehouse.

Oils available US domestic
Tren A $130/kit
Primo E $170/kit
Test C $100/kit

Once I receive my Tren I’ll keep everyone updated on the quality. Really sucks to hear about the what’s been going on since this source has been one of my better experiences, as opposed to some more “reputable” labs that sent me complete garbage.
I'm just curious are you going to test it?
I'm just curious are you going to test it?
I’ve seen a lot of comments here about the gear being underdosed. If that’s the case I’d love to see someone else’s results so I have a better understanding of what I’m dealing with. I’m new to the forum and online ordering in general. Hate to admit it, but before finding out about this community I was a victim of naps. Never fucking again.
I’ve seen a lot of comments here about the gear being underdosed. If that’s the case I’d love to see someone else’s results so I have a better understanding of what I’m dealing with. I’m new to the forum and online ordering in general. Hate to admit it, but before finding out about this community I was a victim of naps. Never fucking again.
I think the batch of Deca came like 50mg underdosed. I think HCG for one batch also was half of what advertised. Source said the Deca was due to bad batch and lowered the price for said batch. I believe it's a new batch now.

HCG I think they said it had something to do with the shipping or preserving to Jano or something? That was their excuse for telling anyone who bought a batch to get theirs tested if they wanted a refund or reship of HCG from that batch because they thought it was a one off. They subsequently lowered the price for that batch regardless. I think they are at a new batch currently.

That being said, there tested HGH came overdosed. Same thing for Primo. I believe Test E and C were in line or +/- by 2mgs if I remembered correctly? Lady Anavar some people had problems with.

To be generous, whoever their brewer is, has lazy off days with dosing. From the tests that have been posted it's mostly, MOSTLY in line but there are random issues with some of their products.

If you want 100% accurate dosing you should send one of the vials to Jano since it's so cheap relative to everyone else anyway, or trust that it's mostly in line.

Also, I believe the source said they had a dosage variance tolerance of 5%(someone find the post and correct me if I'm wrong) so keep that in mind.
Compounding pharmacies and generic medications have a variance of ± 20%, meaning they can be 80% up to 120% of the labeled dose. I always think it’s important to remember that.

In order to get a stamp of approval from the FDA, a generic medication must be "bioequivalent" to its brand-name counterpart. This means that chemically the two must be pretty much the same, although makers are allowed 20% variation in the active ingredient from that original formula. "While the FDA does allow for up to 20% wiggle room, in reality the observed variation is much smaller, 4%," says Dr. Choudhry.

So many pages to go through! I've ordered very small personal quantities from them and it reached me without problem. I haven't tested so can't talk about it.
Once I receive my Tren I’ll keep everyone updated on the quality. Really sucks to hear about the what’s been going on since this source has been one of my better experiences, as opposed to some more “reputable” labs that sent me complete garbage.
Who is the reputable source?
Compounding pharmacies and generic medications have a variance of ± 20%, meaning they can be 80% up to 120% of the labeled dose. I always think it’s important to remember that.

Always thought/heard it was 10%. 20% is SUPER generous for variance.
Ive only had good results so far. Quick shipping, good communication. Ordered 3 hgh kits. Im having sides like water retention and lethargy so I know the chances are that its good. I dont know what to expect out of 3iu of hgh tho...first time using it
Well I hope QSC will do be better in the future. Some big red flags. For all bros who got shet, I'm really sorry for you.

Now, since so many people keep on with QSC its really important to give feedback on them. I'm not sure if I want to order with them actually.

But if QSC willing to improve their customer service, I still want to give a try. Maybe QSC will do better now.

So everyone who ordered, please keep us updated. If someone send to testing I'm ready to be part of this(i can't afford hundreds but here and there will be ok for me)
Here is a question to all those people still using or interested in using this source.

If there is a threat of being doxed, ripped off, or any of the other known issues, why?

Second question do actually condone what this source has done and are ok with it?

No source Qingdao or any other source on this board should ever be allowed to do this and continue to operate here.
I’m particularly glad I’ve read through all the drama this week. I had previously ordered HGH and primo because the price was too good to pass up. Things went smoothly for me thankfully and I was preparing to put together an order in the 3k range which I’m not going to do now until this source comes back and does massive damage control. If that doesn’t happen I’ll continue using my trusted domestic sources and eat the extra expense.

I for one found all this drama stimulating
If there was another source that was confident in shipping to Australia (granted there have been parcels picked up by customs recently) I’d gladly take my business elsewhere to avoid the headache… but every other business on here seems to avoid Australia like the plague.