Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

wow all the shills are coming out of the woodwork without QSC being here to defend her/himself. Losers.... Anyways got a email last night that the test cyp tren ace primo is instock in the Usa warehouse. fyi

You should educate yourself a bit on the words you use


acts as an enthusiastic customer to entice or encourage others
wow all the shills are coming out of the woodwork without QSC being here to defend her/himself. Losers.... Anyways got a email last night that the test cyp tren ace primo is instock in the Usa warehouse. fyi
QSC isn't here because of soft doxxing a customer they admitted to scamming... you think everyone who is upset about that is a shill??
Ya think you dimwit? I have been vocal here since day, as has everyone else. You have no clue what you are fucking talking about.
Ive been here prob a lot longer then you bro. Anyways they will be back on the 24th. If you have no skin in the game here whats the point. I continue to order and have great experiences. I share them. Just received another order this week from the usa warehouse. Everything great. I have skin in the game. DO YOU? Nope Your continuing bashing is not helpful none of it it is. No point of you even in this thread anymore
wow all the shills are coming out of the woodwork without QSC being here to defend her/himself. Losers.... Anyways got a email last night that the test cyp tren ace primo is instock in the Usa warehouse. fyi
Look, man. Nobody cares if you want to use these folks. Their price point is obviously the deciding factor for you as they don't have much else to offer.

The rep arrived here with a holier than though attitude and regularly shits on customers who have a problem.

He has chosen to intimidate, refuse to ship packs that were paid for and/or issue refunds, and generally displayed no respect for the way that this forum wants sources to operate.

He has realized that having low prices will cloud the better judgement of customers and in quite a few cases, has these retarded mother fuckers talking shit to the guys who are trying to force this source and others, to be held accountable and treat folks with some common decency.

The way this source has chosen to shit on every customer that has had an issue that was made public should make y'all think twice about giving him your information. We literally have a source that thinks it's fair game to dox people that aren't happy with his service.

That shit should be unacceptable to everyone, even the cheapest, dumb fucks in this thread should be able to comprehend this situation.

I get the allure of cheap prices, but having the boys in blue come by to pay you a visit isn't worth saving a little cash.

We all need to make our own decisions about who we are comfortable working with.

If you don't mind working with a guy who has no problem throwing you to the wolves if you piss them off, ripping off guys who paid etc, then by all means, go place an order with your CC and give them your address and phone number. What could possibly go wrong?

Also, that's really awesome that QDS held onto your email so they could keep you updated about their stock while they are on vacation for doxxing members who had problems.

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink.
Ive been here prob a lot longer then you bro. Anyways they will be back on the 24th. If you have no skin in the game here whats the point. I continue to order and have great experiences. I share them. Just received another order this week from the usa warehouse. Everything great. I have skin in the game. DO YOU? Nope Your continuing bashing is not helpful none of it it is. No point of you even in this thread anymore

Great! You support a source who is scamming others and doxing members who provide evidence of their wrong doings.

This is why you hear things like, this place isn’t what it used to be. Can you imagine a place where no one cared about sources scamming and doxing? That’s where we’re headed with this mentality.
You are correct in that sometimes when Chinese is directly translated to English it can come off as cunty. Same way when you try to directly convert English to Chinese. Very different grammar structures. Really comes down to how well the person knows the other language.

For anybody else asking about the Covid situation, its fucked. Entire cities locked down, not being able to leave your apartment, no food or supplies, people jumping out their windows (from 15 floors up), people dying because you cant get an ambulance or the hospital rejects your entry as you dont have a Covid test from within 48 hours or the hospital itself is closed down. People starving, etc.

A lot of freight and currier services where forced to shut down abruptly and new international package rules where implemented without notice so its very possible a package got turned around mid point on its way out of China.
I’d rather discuss PEDs on an open forum than this topic. You’re a brave man.
Great! You support a source who is scamming others and doxing members who provide evidence of their wrong doings.

This is why you hear things like, this place isn’t what it used to be. Can you imagine a place where no one cared about sources scamming and doxing? That’s where we’re headed with this mentality.
I cant go on hearsay. I can only go on my experiences. I have placed 4 orders from dom to int from raw to finished and all have been on par. I don't feed into gossip or hearsay. Seems like you like to stir it up. Good day sir
I cant go on hearsay. I can only go on my experiences. I have placed 4 orders from dom to int from raw to finished and all have been on par. I don't feed into gossip or hearsay. Seems like you like to stir it up. Good day sir

What hearsay would that be? Where testing was shown that a customer did not receive what he ordered and then we saw qingdao tell him he’s shit out of luck?

Good to see where your priorities lay. Hey, it hasn’t happened to me yet so y’all need to quit being so mean.

You should really sit this out. It’s getting tiresome educating you today.
What hearsay would that be? Where testing was shown that a customer did not receive what he ordered and then we saw qingdao tell him he’s shit out of luck?

Good to see where your priorities lay. Hey, it hasn’t happened to me yet so y’all need to quit being so mean.

You should really sit this out. It’s getting tiresome educating you today.
Do you not have a job or something? I swear all you do is post here and let this vendor live rent free in your head. It’s like you wake up only to come here and post. Nothing else to do? No job? No gym? Bro find a hobby, You are easily the most irritating person on this entire forum.
Do you not have a job or something? I swear all you do is post here and let this vendor live rent free in your head. It’s like you wake up only to come here and post. Nothing else to do? No job? No gym? Bro find a hobby, You are easily the most irritating person on this entire forum.

I’m a great multitasker! I’ll be here all day every day bud ;)
It's not. Why do you think he's saying shit like Soft doxxing instead of doxing?
Why did the rep catch a ban then, chief?

It's all here for anyone who cares to read it.

None of this shit is getting deleted besides the tracking information that the rep chose to share to retaliate against an unhappy customer.
Acting as a de facto representative of a banned source is prohibited.
I’m waiting on an order of Tren A, tracking shows it will be here any day now. The quality of the Test I’ve received is great.

I’ve been reading through what’s been going on here the last few days and it’s a shame to hear about the overall exchange between the customer and rep.

My experience with the source has been great so far, and for anyone still planning to use them I was just informed about an update to their US warehouse.

Oils available US domestic
Tren A $130/kit
Primo E $170/kit
Test C $100/kit

Once I receive my Tren I’ll keep everyone updated on the quality. Really sucks to hear about the what’s been going on since this source has been one of my better experiences, as opposed to some more “reputable” labs that sent me complete garbage.