Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

you can say whatever the hell you want in this section.
In that case it was pharmacom and their basicstero site. Their thread is massive with many raving reviews so I figured why not try them out. Gear arrived and the packaging/labeling was indeed professional so I immediately started using it in place of my old product.

Fast forward a week and my body is soft, extremely bloated, and overall strength diminished. Not to mention decreased sex drive. Upon inspecting the Tren, it’s taste, consistency, and smell is almost entirely that of fucking vegetable oil.

Hopped back on my old product and needless to say gains came back right away. So I’ll be sending those vials in for testing Monday no doubt.
By the way they dox people, it would appear many people have emails which are tied in to their handles here.

Rule # 1. NO source is your friend. It doesn’t matter how nice they are, they are not your friend or homie.

2. Use a different email completely separate from your handle, with nothing that ties them together. This is also the reason the hacker was able to hijack numerous handles on Meso a few years back.

3. Use a different handle to leave reviews on Meso.

4. Do dumb shit, like use a credit card and give all your personal info including your phone number at your own risk.

Anything else I’m forgetting? Feel free to chime in.
In that case it was pharmacom and their basicstero site. Their thread is massive with many raving reviews so I figured why not try them out. Gear arrived and the packaging/labeling was indeed professional so I immediately started using it in place of my old product.

Fast forward a week and my body is soft, extremely bloated, and overall strength diminished. Not to mention decreased sex drive. Upon inspecting the Tren, it’s taste, consistency, and smell is almost entirely that of fucking vegetable oil.

Hopped back on my old product and needless to say gains came back right away. So I’ll be sending those vials in for testing Monday no doubt.
So I feel like their stuff would be real but overall they fucking suck ass. I can't stand their customers service and some of their mixups on oils

I place my first order for stuff and it was intercepted by customs twice to 2 different addresses/names.
Here is a question to all those people still using or interested in using this source.

If there is a threat of being doxed, ripped off, or any of the other known issues, why?

Second question do actually condone what this source has done and are ok with it?

No source Qingdao or any other source on this board should ever be allowed to do this and continue to operate here.
Honestly, yes.

I just had my second HGH order come to Canada in about 5-6 weeks, same as the first. We pay like 4-5X for HGH up here and half the time it's bunk. If I have to wait 2 months for decent stuff, I'm super cool with that.

I ordered a low volume of some ancillaries from a legit pharmacy on this board, with a good reputation, and it was snagged by customs, as was the reship. Not naming them, they did what they could. Got the AI locally from a local source, turns out Q's their supplier anyways.

Shit is tight up here, Q is 4/4 with me, including when I used to use them directly on Alibaba.

I'll keep the orders to $ amounts that I don't mind losing and hope it keeps working out.
So I feel like their stuff would be real but overall they fucking suck ass. I can't stand their customers service and some of their mixups on oils

I place my first order for stuff and it was intercepted by customs twice to 2 different addresses/names.
I can tell you without a doubt my order was either bunk or severely underdosed. It’s like I was ordering from naps all over again.
In that case it was pharmacom and their basicstero site. Their thread is massive with many raving reviews so I figured why not try them out. Gear arrived and the packaging/labeling was indeed professional so I immediately started using it in place of my old product.

Fast forward a week and my body is soft, extremely bloated, and overall strength diminished. Not to mention decreased sex drive. Upon inspecting the Tren, it’s taste, consistency, and smell is almost entirely that of fucking vegetable oil.

Hopped back on my old product and needless to say gains came back right away. So I’ll be sending those vials in for testing Monday no doubt.
If you actually spend some time reading thru the pharmacom thread, they have a number of recent issues that continue to get swept under the rug by their sorry team. Which is Coincidently similiar to QSC.
If you actually spend some time reading thru the pharmacom thread, they have a number of recent issues that continue to get swept under the rug by their sorry team. Which is Coincidently similiar to QSC.
I read through quite a few pages before I placed my first and only order. Didn’t find anything about the quality but their thread is like 1400+ Pages so I’m sure it’s there.

The response by their rep after posting my review of their product was a red flag for me. It wasn’t hostile but hearing a source say something along the lines of, “send it in for testing and let us know, I think I may know what could have happened” set off alarm bells. They did maintain professionalism though and I won’t truly know what’s up until I get results from Jano.
Here is a question to all those people still using or interested in using this source.

If there is a threat of being doxed, ripped off, or any of the other known issues, why?

Second question do actually condone what this source has done and are ok with it?

No source Qingdao or any other source on this board should ever be allowed to do this and continue to operate here.
If you want my answer, I can only speak for myself but the answer is yes. All of my orders with them have been good experiences. There’s many reasons why I will continue to be a customer with caution since this whole debacle. The first reason is that no other raw sources on here offer the extensive amounts of products that Qingdao offers, the majority of raw providers on here don’t offer raws outside of the basic steroids. Second is that Qingdao has been around for a while, for years since the Alibaba days, they’re a real company that is located in China, unlike a lot of these UG labs that can disappear overnight *cough Dyna. Third, they cut out the middlemen so the costs is a fraction of what other raw provider costs. You can argue all day and night that Qingdao doesn’t actually make their own products which I will admit. A simple google search will reveal that they’re a licensing agency for multiple Chinese chemical factories and they export those products under the Qingdao Sigma name. Forth, their products consistently tests well, the raws that is, their oils have several discrepancies but the majority are dosed properly. All of their raws have tested well besides the 90% anadrol raws. This already puts them heads and shoulders above alot of providers on the underground market that doesn’t test at all. I will admit that it is sketchy that Deus was screwed over like that and threats of doxing is a huge concern. Notice that Qingdao is a huge company and the complaints on this board has to do with the Meso REP, not with the products of the company itself. If they can do enough damage control, the future is still bright for them, I do have hope
I keep seeing people comment saying QSC threatened to dox another customer, can someone point me to this incendent? I seen some ppl mention that one guy I can't remember his handle but if I recall right all QSC said was you need to watch out and stay out of business that doesn't concern you.

I took that as QSC would stop doing business with him not a dox threat. Is there another issue incident I missed? Not picking sides just trying to get everything straight.
Oh I'm sorry did QSC say he would dox that particular guy and I missed it??

Or are you making an assumption?
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

“Hey arshole, watch what you say about me in this thread or else….. you won’t be able to order my super underdosed and shitty products that you may or may not even get”

Yeah…. I’m sure it was that
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

“Hey arshole, watch what you say about me in this thread or else….. you won’t be able to order my super underdosed and shitty products that you may or may not even get”

Yeah…. I’m sure it was that
Again it's just assumptions. I was looking for the facts, clearly those are hard to come by around here.
Then read the thread and come to your own conclusion bud
Oh I have. I just thought I missed something because everyone kept saying he threatened to dox another customer. It's clear now that particular incendent was just ppl making assumptions. Believe me I've seen the shitty customer service and all the rest.
Oh I have. I just thought I missed something because everyone kept saying he threatened to dox another customer. It's clear now that particular incendent was just ppl making assumptions. Believe me I've seen the shitty customer service and all the rest.
You can interpret it however you like, and if you feel comfortable that it wasn’t a threat then that’s your business and you can order if you see fit, however I’m not willing to take that risk.

He also posted a lot of information that people wouldn’t want out in the public, however it wasn’t enough to make a full dox it was certainly enough to catch some bad attention.