Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I'm pretty sure it wasn't that "threat" my guy, for all wr know that could have been a threat to send tranny booty hole pictures. I would imagine the ban had to do with the shady shit he pulled with deus.
Think again, do you really think Millard bans for that? No he bans for breaking forum rules one of which is no doxing
I'm pretty sure it wasn't that "threat" my guy, for all wr know that could have been a threat to send tranny booty hole pictures. I would imagine the ban had to do with the shady shit he pulled with deus.
I doubt it was because of the deus issue. Admin doesn't really get involved in source vs member disputes unless they can cause some sort of safety issue like doxing or violence or things like that. I'm sure Ding Dong will explain it with his usual charm once the ban is up.
I’m particularly glad I’ve read through all the drama this week. I had previously ordered HGH and primo because the price was too good to pass up. Things went smoothly for me thankfully and I was preparing to put together an order in the 3k range which I’m not going to do now until this source comes back and does massive damage control. If that doesn’t happen I’ll continue using my trusted domestic sources and eat the extra expense.

I for one found all this drama stimulating
I was watching this thread for awhile waiting to order and as as I ordered there was a huge shit storm and it is an uneasy feeling with the source being banned and waiting for the tracking on my biggest order ever
Best thing to do if you got an order pending is prolly just to keep your mouth shut and hope you don’t get on the steroid nazi bad side…. Or no steroid for you!
Ordered test c and primo e from qsc, will send to jano and post results of raws here
Please tag me when you post results. Don't get me wrong, I hope you do because QSC needs more testing but I've lost track of the sheer number of members saying this very thing yet never following thru.
Oh I'm sorry did QSC say he would dox that particular guy and I missed it??

Or are you making an assumption?
That's what alot of these complaints are. Like a few pages a go when these people randomly talking about Chinese contaniments in the raws when there was no conplaint or proof before. Just random. Those people complain about non existent issues which hides the actual issues this vendor has. (bad reship policy, bad communication with delays, varience with dosages ths(which seems due to bad/inconsistent qc then anything on purpose)

The real problem with QSC is the guy has no bedside manner. He responds to shit flinging with his own shit flinging instead of sucking the customers dick like most vendors do, which most people from The west aren't use to.
I doubt it was because of the deus issue. Admin doesn't really get involved in source vs member disputes unless they can cause some sort of safety issue like doxing or violence or things like that. I'm sure Ding Dong will explain it with his usual charm once the ban is up.
This is exactly why I think its the deus issue and not the supposed dox threat everyone is claiming. Because if i recall correctly QSC actually posted deus' tracking numbers and other identifying information. Unless I'm remembering the issue incorrectly.
What's best way to order? Email the rep? I asked a few questions on the email and was ready to order but they answered one question then no replies in a long time. Not sure what his hours are or how it works. Thanks. Just wanna follow proper procedure.First time trying this source and they carry something I need nobody else has.
This is exactly why I think its the deus issue and not the supposed dox threat everyone is claiming. Because if i recall correctly QSC actually posted deus' tracking numbers and other identifying information. Unless I'm remembering the issue incorrectly.
No, you're correct. I was thinking about the product issue.
That's what alot of these complaints are. Like a few pages a go when these people randomly talking about Chinese contaniments in the raws when there was no conplaint or proof before. Just random. Those people complain about non existent issues which hides the actual issues this vendor has. (bad reship policy, bad communication with delays, varience with dosages ths(which seems due to bad/inconsistent qc then anything on purpose)

The real problem with QSC is the guy has no bedside manner. He responds to shit flinging with his own shit flinging instead of sucking the customers dick like most vendors do, which most people from The west aren't use to.
Reread you will see it too....

Also why do you believe he was banned then?
What's best way to order? Email the rep? I asked a few questions on the email and was ready to order but they answered one question then no replies in a long time. Not sure what his hours are or how it works. Thanks. Just wanna follow proper procedure.First time trying this source and they carry something I need nobody else has.
Just email them again.
This is exactly why I think its the deus issue and not the supposed dox threat everyone is claiming. Because if i recall correctly QSC actually posted deus' tracking numbers and other identifying information. Unless I'm remembering the issue incorrectly.
Bingo thats doxing you finally fucking got it
In that case it was pharmacom and their basicstero site. Their thread is massive with many raving reviews so I figured why not try them out. Gear arrived and the packaging/labeling was indeed professional so I immediately started using it in place of my old product.

Fast forward a week and my body is soft, extremely bloated, and overall strength diminished. Not to mention decreased sex drive. Upon inspecting the Tren, it’s taste, consistency, and smell is almost entirely that of fucking vegetable oil.

Hopped back on my old product and needless to say gains came back right away. So I’ll be sending those vials in for testing Monday no doubt.
They used to be solid. After covid everything went to crap. Lol
In that case it was pharmacom and their basicstero site. Their thread is massive with many raving reviews so I figured why not try them out. Gear arrived and the packaging/labeling was indeed professional so I immediately started using it in place of my old product.

Fast forward a week and my body is soft, extremely bloated, and overall strength diminished. Not to mention decreased sex drive. Upon inspecting the Tren, it’s taste, consistency, and smell is almost entirely that of fucking vegetable oil.

Hopped back on my old product and needless to say gains came back right away. So I’ll be sending those vials in for testing Monday no doubt.

Do you know what happens when you send pcom’s gear in for testing and it test poorly? I’ll tell ya. They say they don’t acknowledge test results from Jano. Take a gander.

In that case it was pharmacom and their basicstero site. Their thread is massive with many raving reviews so I figured why not try them out. Gear arrived and the packaging/labeling was indeed professional so I immediately started using it in place of my old product.

Fast forward a week and my body is soft, extremely bloated, and overall strength diminished. Not to mention decreased sex drive. Upon inspecting the Tren, it’s taste, consistency, and smell is almost entirely that of fucking vegetable oil.

Hopped back on my old product and needless to say gains came back right away. So I’ll be sending those vials in for testing Monday no doubt.
I am shocked to hear this as a long time Pharamcom customer. I have been through close to 10 bottles of their Tren E and had absolutely phenomenal results. I did however get Arimidex from them that turned out to be Letro and I am as certain as one can be without testing that the batch of Tbol I bought from them is Dbol or some other estrogenic compound. Just goes to show you that no one here is perfect and all the hate this source is getting so far is misplaced in my opinion!
I am shocked to hear this as a long time Pharamcom customer. I have been through close to 10 bottles of their Tren E and had absolutely phenomenal results. I did however get Arimidex from them that turned out to be Letro and I am as certain as one can be without testing that the batch of Tbol I bought from them is Dbol or some other estrogenic compound. Just goes to show you that no one here is perfect and all the hate this source is getting so far is misplaced in my opinion!
I know that this is obvious. Tren is tren. whether is whether 300mg or 400mg. That doesn't mean you wont grow on it or have results.

My issue is that their customer service is shit and I couldn't get a hold of my international shipped package. The fact the order was sent to 2 different addresses with 2 different names. They wouldn't work with me for me to even get any sort of product. I am not going to have my name flagged by customs over and over again. The price is also extremely high compared to other sources here.

Someone had an issue with floaters and their response was to use a smaller gauge needle. foreal?

All their reps do here is repeat for customers to click on "Contact us" on their fucking website.

What if you gave your wife 10mg of superdrol instead of 10mg of anavar because they mislabeled it?

They were my first AAS order I never received.

fuck Pharmacom

Do you know what happens when you send pcom’s gear in for testing and it test poorly? I’ll tell ya. They say they don’t acknowledge test results from Jano. Take a gander.
10/10. would buy!

Behold Pharmacom Athlete Zangeif!

I did. I guess it takes a while for them to reply. Maybe it's nighttime there.
So after reading everything about the ban, the dues raws and reship issue, posting tracking info in the open, broke vial pic, you still want to place an order? They have zero presence here now, do we even know if they're coming back until the ban is lifted. How do we know they aren't just taking people's money right now and not sending tracking? Has a single member here said they placed a brand new order and got tracking since the ban?