Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I’ve read it…….you gagged then and you’re gagging now. Must be some good shit he sent you because you’re pretty defensive of a person you’ve never met. Giving the guy a reach around and everything sheesh. QSC if/when they come back around should give you some discounted gear with the way you’re acting. Might as well be a rep at this point lol
You’re an idiot and you’re flat out wrong with your quote accusation lol. But instead of admitting your mistake you’re doubling down and looking like a bigger idiot. Just drop the tough guy act, humble yourself, and move the fuck on.
There was a vague threat of a dox. Thst member was very concerned and spoke about it. This is not acceptable here ot anywhere else. I am just baffled thst there are still people here defending, justifying, and still willing to do business with them.
Very very vague yes. So vague in fact that nothing about a dox was ever mentioned.
Stupidest thing anyone of us will read today. Yea buddy, they were banned because they almost doxed and so they could cool down. :rolleyes:
Yeah, you ban a source for 2 weeks for doxing but not for life.

Shut the fuck up you stupid retard. People with more than two braincells are speaking.
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Stupidest thing anyone of us will read today. Yea buddy, they were banned because they almost doxed and so they could cool down. :rolleyes:
Can you please shut the fuck up oh my lord. You’re like a bitter girlfriend that’s constantly bitching. We fucking get it. The last 30 pages have shown enough
Can you please shut the fuck up oh my lord. You’re like a bitter girlfriend that’s constantly bitching. We fucking get it. The last 30 pages have shown enough
This is @B Ware highlight of the week. He doesn’t get to voice his opinion anywhere else because his girlfriend wears the pants in the relationship, So he comes here to bitch about shit that has never personally affected him once. QSC should thank him for always keeping his thread bumped while he takes a 2 week paid vacation.
You guys are a dime a dozen. Let me tell y’all how this will play out. Your precious source will come back and get banned again. It will be permanent as it will be their 3rd strike. Then you guys will always be labeled as the guys who instead of wanting to run off the worst source this place has ever seen you actually supported them. Why, cause they were cheap.

Don’t worry, I’m not really the type to say I told ya so when it happens but take it from a guy that’s been here a minute, it will happen and you guys will always be the guys who supported a source that scammed, doxed and acted like this was their place to do as they wanted.
You guys are a dime a dozen. Let me tell y’all how this will play out. Your precious source will come back and get banned again. It will be permanent as it will be their 3rd strike. Then you guys will always be labeled as the guys who instead of wanting to run off the worst source this place has ever seen you actually supported them. Why, cause they were cheap.

Don’t worry, I’m not really the type to say I told ya so when it happens but take it from a guy that’s been here a minute, it will happen and you guys will always be the guys who supported a source that scammed, doxed and acted like this was their place to do as they wanted.
Aw, that’s so cute. You realize the world doesn’t revolve around Meso right? “I told you so!” Okay buddy, keep LARPing as the white knight in shining armor that you are, everyone around here appreciates you so much, hence the responses ;). By the way, shut the fuck up
You guys are a dime a dozen. Let me tell y’all how this will play out. Your precious source will come back and get banned again. It will be permanent as it will be their 3rd strike. Then you guys will always be labeled as the guys who instead of wanting to run off the worst source this place has ever seen you actually supported them. Why, cause they were cheap.

Don’t worry, I’m not really the type to say I told ya so when it happens but take it from a guy that’s been here a minute, it will happen and you guys will always be the guys who supported a source that scammed, doxed and acted like this was their place to do as they wanted.


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PSA to all of the “vets”, please stop living in the past. Your idols have all faded into obscurity in the UG bodybuilding boards. No one cares about them. Those “vets” have continued to do absolutely nothing over there either besides simply talking shit just to talk shit
PSA to all of the “vets”, please stop living in the past. Your idols have all faded into obscurity in the UG bodybuilding boards. No one cares about them. Those “vets” have continued to do absolutely nothing over there either besides simply talking shit just to talk shit
So mean...
You guys are a dime a dozen. Let me tell y’all how this will play out. Your precious source will come back and get banned again. It will be permanent as it will be their 3rd strike. Then you guys will always be labeled as the guys who instead of wanting to run off the worst source this place has ever seen you actually supported them. Why, cause they were cheap.

Don’t worry, I’m not really the type to say I told ya so when it happens but take it from a guy that’s been here a minute, it will happen and you guys will always be the guys who supported a source that scammed, doxed and acted like this was their place to do as they wanted.
I love how you take every opportunity to flex how long you’ve been here, Like your perceived seniority somehow makes your IQ higher. Do you brag to chicks at the bar that your meso account is X years old? Must get ‘‘em soaked huh? Dude you are so fucking annoying. You remind me of my little brother trying to sound cool in 5th grade by bragging about shit he has no clue about or anyone cares about.
I love how you take every opportunity to flex how long you’ve been here, Like your perceived seniority somehow makes your IQ higher. Do you brag to chicks at the bar that your meso account is X years old? Must get ‘‘em soaked huh? Dude you are so fucking annoying. You remind me of my little brother trying to sound cool in 5th grade by bragging about shit he has no clue about or anyone cares about.
He pulls up to chicks at the bar and shows them pictures of his boat, then proceeds to get shit faced and talk shit when those girls don’t want to go back home with him. He repeats this every weekend by the way
He pulls up to chicks at the bar and shows them pictures of his boat, then proceeds to get shit faced and talk shit when those girls don’t want to go back home with him. He repeats this every weekend by the way
“oh is my boat not turning you on? Here’s how many upvotes I got on meso yesterday. I believe that should make up for my abrasive child-like personality right?”
At the clowns in this thread choosing to shit on the guys who have chosen to highlight the problems this source has had, @B Ware is right.

What is the purpose of jumping on this shrimp dicked reps little nuts? If you want to order, then do it.

But you clown shoe wearing fucks don't have to shit on guys who are informing the rest of the community about the risks involved with using this source.

It's true, that you will probably not have a problem but if you do, you'd be happy that guys like @B Ware are here and would have your back.

It's as if y'all think we need to draw a line in sand over this shit when all that the naysayers want is for this source to do things the right way.

This rep has went against what meso demands to be acceptable from the jump.

The rep has doubled down with his shit attitude, fucked people out of reships for speaking out publicly on problems, changed their reship/refund policy from we will refund/reship to you can place another order and if we make enough profit off your second order, we will reship what you paid for in your first order? Wtf kind of shit is that? Unacceptable.

If anything, as someone else mentioned, they should make their reship policy that you have to pay half of what your order cost to receive a reship in case of a problem. That's still fucked, but better than their current model imo.

Ultimately, if the cheapest prices are what you are looking for, you've probably found them, but if you're going to use this source, I'd try to at least go in with both eyes open and realize what sort of person you are choosing to give you info to.

This shit always turns personal and members fight with other members when we all want the same thing in the end.

Good gear that is safe and hopefully 3rd party tested. There is no need to kiss the ass of the source. You don't have to be rude either but you don't have to act like a company rep and post prices and sing their praises either. This source doesn't care about us. They care about our money.

If you've had a good experience, that's great. But that's no reason to shit on the guys who haven't or the guys who choose to highlight and try to prevent these things from happening.

In closing, peace to all the clown reps that have picked up the torch while the official rep is on timeout.

Can't we all just get along?

Good luck and stay safe.
At the clowns in this thread choosing to shit on the guys who have chosen to highlight the problems this source has had, @B Ware is right.

What is the purpose of jumping on this shrimp dicked reps little nuts? If you want to order, then do it.

But you clown shoe wearing fucks don't have to shit on guys who are informing the rest of the community about the risks involved with using this source.

It's true, that you will probably not have a problem but if you do, you'd be happy that guys like @B Ware are here and would have your back.

It's as if y'all think we need to draw a line in sand over this shit when all that the naysayers want is for this source to do things the right way.

This rep has went against what meso demands to be acceptable from the jump.

The rep has doubled down with his shit attitude, fucked people out of reships for speaking out publicly on problems, changed their reship/refund policy from we will refund/reship to you can place another order and if we make enough profit off your second order, we will reship what you paid for in your first order? Wtf kind of shit is that? Unacceptable.

If anything, as someone else mentioned, they should make their reship policy that you have to pay half of what your order cost to receive a reship in case of a problem. That's still fucked, but better than their current model imo.

Ultimately, if the cheapest prices are what you are looking for, you've probably found them, but if you're going to use this source, I'd try to at least go in with both eyes open and realize what sort of person you are choosing to give you info to.

This shit always turns personal and members fight with other members when we all want the same thing in the end.

Good gear that is safe and hopefully 3rd party tested. There is no need to kiss the ass of the source. You don't have to be rude either but you don't have to act like a company rep and post prices and sing their praises either. This source doesn't care about us. They care about our money.

If you've had a good experience, that's great. But that's no reason to shit on the guys who haven't or the guys who choose to highlight and try to prevent these things from happening.

In closing, peace to all the clown reps that have picked up the torch while the official rep is on timeout.

Can't we all just get along?

Good luck and stay safe.
Congratulations, you’ve stated what everybody already wants: good customer service, good reship and cheap prices. What’s the point of @B Ware continuously BITCHING for 50 pages straight? Like holy shit, shut the fuck up. Nobody here is defending the actions of QSC but some retard vets want to keep moaning and repeating the same shit for days on end. What is that going to do?
Congratulations, you’ve stated what everybody already wants: good customer service, good reship and cheap prices. What’s the point of @B Ware continuously BITCHING for 50 pages straight? Like holy shit, shut the fuck up. Nobody here is defending the actions of QSC but some retard vets want to keep moaning and repeating the same shit for days on end. What is that going to do?
Maybe it's because guys like yourself continue to comment and bury the info that is relevant to the topic at hand?

You having a good experience is fine but is less important than the guys who have not.

When you continue to shit on the guy who is trying to bring light to the situation, it makes some of us ask ourselves why would y'all do this?

Meso is supposed to be a harm reduction board, not a source board. Obviously, we have sources here, but we try to hold them to a higher standard than the places that they pay rent at and get protected and the bad shit deleted and members banned for speaking out.

If you prefer that type of experience, there are quite a few boards that take that route. Just realize that you'll have a higher chance of getting fucked if you go to a place that protects the sources instead of the customers.

The choice is yours.
Congratulations, you’ve stated what everybody already wants: good customer service, good reship and cheap prices. What’s the point of @B Ware continuously BITCHING for 50 pages straight? Like holy shit, shut the fuck up. Nobody here is defending the actions of QSC but some retard vets want to keep moaning and repeating the same shit for days on end. What is that going to do?
Police Academy dropouts looking for purpose in their life. When the real world laughs at you and doesn’t respect your authority then flex on over to policing the internet. At the end of the day he’s just an anonymous person on some forum that holds zero sway over anything. Just like the rest of us.
Police Academy dropouts looking for purpose in their life. When the real world laughs at you and doesn’t respect your authority then flex on over to policing the internet. At the end of the day he’s just an anonymous person on some forum that holds zero sway over anything. Just like the rest of us.
Hey @QDS rep kill,
If my order gets seized, will I have to pay for another order to get it reshipped or will you just post my shipping info on an open board that is indexed by Google and is obviously frequented by law enforcement? Just wanting some clarification, please and thanks in advance, shimp dick.
Maybe it's because guys like yourself continue to comment and bury the info that is relevant to the topic at hand?

You having a good experience is fine but is less important than the guys who have not.

When you continue to shit on the guy who is trying to bring light to the situation, it makes some of us ask ourselves why would y'all do this?

Meso is supposed to be a harm reduction board, not a source board. Obviously, we have sources here, but we try to hold them to a higher standard than the places that they pay rent at and get protected and the bad shit deleted and members banned for speaking out.

If you prefer that type of experience, there are quite a few boards that take that route. Just realize that you'll have a higher chance of getting fucked if you go to a place that protects the sources instead of the customers.

The choice is yours.

Ignore @Ttran1485. Put it this way, out of his 40 post 38 of them are in this thread. He also appeared at the same time as Qingdao. To top it off this was his second post ever…
I got a lot a love for this company I really do they make some the best supplements out there" but it seems like you've never used them. You're a retard

He’s a fake account or one of the biggest shills we’ve seen. This is not me name calling like his MO but rather stating facts like guys on our side of the line have been doing. Anywho, now you know a bit more of who’s doing nothing but name calling. A guy who’s never left this thread and raves about them being the best but has no testing. Must be the best feelz.