Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

So I guess I will be testing masteron, primo, winstrol and accutane
I would still verify all labeling, I got anadrol that was labeled with an “F”. I’m sure there’s only so many codes because ox was oxandrolone and AN was anastrazole, so they have to come up with something I guess
I would still verify all labeling, I got anadrol that was labeled with an “F”. I’m sure there’s only so many codes because ox was oxandrolone and AN was anastrazole, so they have to come up with something I guess
Yeah the other ones are self-explanatory. Those two are the ones I have a question about. I already sent the rep an email and asked what they both meant.
Follistatin is one of the most expensive peptides and fakes in the market place. No major evidence of human use, just lab animals in a different delivery vehicle.

Did you have any vision problems?
All peptides come from China, so if these guys don't have real follistatin I don't know who can have it

I didn't have any vision problems, I was just curious to try it and as it's cheap I gave it a try
Besides HGH, what peptide would you say is 2nd best for muscle building/mass synergy effect with AAS.
I am not a big fan of peptides, I will try igf-1 lr3 soon with trt test dosage.
I like ghrp6 for appetite increase, I used it in some bulking cycles few years ago, and it was very usefull for high calories diet.
Hold on a second.. what's going on with this source? There's mixed reviews out of nowhere. I also do not see qingdao replying anymore.