Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Why bury it? Its not a review on the compound(s) just on his shipping...

First it was a joke, but now I will explain:

Whole cluster**** with QSC started with customer service (wrong raw sent) and shipping (reship policy).

I don’t think anyone here is saying QSC is underdosing goods.....I know a few people plan to send some stuff to Jano just to be sure.
@Nobeast some free advice for you, although probably too late for you.

Its better to keep your mouth shut and be thought of as a fool, then open your mouth and remove all doubt.
why didn't you ever answer though? What holds you back from just saying QSC scammed someone or they didn't?
He asked if your name is a scam or not. State your belt level, please?
Quick question, do you think you should be allowed to start sitting down in a grappling match?
It depends. If you make your issue public then they'll tell you to kick rocks and not help you at all. Best case if you kiss the sources ass like he has some trained to do then they'll make you place another order and send your reship with it. At least that's how they've been handled to this point.
Thank you. It’s quit a spendy order and I noticed there is a ton of activity here so I figured all is legit. How’s your experience so far?
All test E raws from China have had this issue for some time now. Pruple Pandas was also leaving knots. Everyone has switched to Cyp. problem solved.
MCT could be helpful.
Best of Luck~
I have been pinning Test E from Pharmacomlabs for 3 years and am half way into a QSC Test E bottle now and have never had a single knot.
Hey fellas,

I got my pack and everything is accounted for. Except Just a little unsure on the labels for anavar and arimidex..

AN = arimidex
Ox = anavar
Correct ?

Messaged QSC but I’m impatient
Hey fellas,

I got my pack and everything is accounted for. Except Just a little unsure on the labels for anavar and arimidex..

AN = arimidex
Ox = anavar
Correct ?

Messaged QSC but I’m impatient
Yes. Also anavar raws have a shiny puffy sand texture. Armidex raws are closer to a flower consistency with no shine.

Not sure if you got raws or pills though..
why didn't you ever answer though? What holds you back from just saying QSC scammed someone or they didn't?
Ok dude it was a scam? I got no skin in this game. So at this point I already said my peace. Everyone ordering doesn’t give a shit what someone tells them about what happened. Let people find out on their own. If they lose their money. So be it. If it goes well, then they can post a good review and get shit on.
Ok dude it was a scam? I got no skin in this game. So at this point I already said my peace. Everyone ordering doesn’t give a shit what someone tells them about what happened. Let people find out on their own. If they lose their money. So be it. If it goes well, then they can post a good review and get shit on.
Thank you for at least a single time just acknowledging that the source here has very recently scammed people. I disagree with the rest of your message. It definitely matters. There are sources who have never scammed anyone. They have made mistakes and had to right them, but they don't outright lie and take peoples' money. I think it's useful to know which sources will openly scam people without remorse. I don't want to buy from those sources, and I think it's dumb to dismiss it as "oh well these drugs are illegal so you can't expect not to be scammed".

Hell a huge part of why this forum even exists is specifically to inform people who scams and who doesn't. There will always be innate risk to placing orders but people deserve to know that QSC may openly scam you and there is no/limited recourse if they do. You can come on Meso and say "QSC scammed me, here's proof" and @Nobeast will tell you "Your one of those dudes who thinks life is fucking fair and shit even when dealing with illegal shit".