Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Ok dude it was a scam? I got no skin in this game. So at this point I already said my peace. Everyone ordering doesn’t give a shit what someone tells them about what happened. Let people find out on their own. If they lose their money. So be it. If it goes well, then they can post a good review and get shit on.
I don't have a problem with the guys who had a good experience. I have a problem with the fact that some people are getting fucked around.

I'm happy for you if you had a good experience. They have good prices. But this rep is a cunt that lies and rips people off at the drop of a hat.

My problem with QSC is they are doing their best to intimate customers who've had problems from voicing them publicly. People should know that A) there's likely been many more problems that members have been scared to communicate for fear of being doxxed or having a hot pack sent their way. QSC has doxxed people here already, so it's not like it's a stretch for others to feel worried. B) these sources are guests here and this mother fucker came in here like "I'm Rick James, bitch! Fuck yo couch, nigga!"

They need to humble themselves or get used to guys like me pointing out the bullshit they are pulling. Pretty simple concept.
didn't you serve in the military? so sorry to hear you have PTSD. Hope all is well mate.
Yes. I was in the Marine Corps, deployed twice to Iraq. Coming back to learn the war, like many others in our history, was based on lies, only exacerbated my condition.
Yes. I was in the Marine Corps, deployed twice to Iraq. Coming back to learn the war, like many others in our history, was based on lies, only exacerbated my condition.
would you say the Iraq war was an act of terrorism by bush or Clinton or whoever on the false premise of weapons of mass destruction with 1,000,000+ dead. it's so sad to see young American men dying because of the orders of some suit up in the white house.

reckon you've ever killed anyone?
So far I have received everything I paid for. I also Injected 0.5mg of semaglutide to see if I would feel anything today/tomorrow to confirm the efficacy. I also gave my wife 0.3mg
So far I have received everything I paid for. I also Injected 0.5mg of semaglutide to see if I would feel anything today/tomorrow to confirm the efficacy. I also gave my wife 0.3mg
I can’t afford Ozempic. I’ve been following that you’ve had success from ozempic so I’m hoping you can confirm if you get the same effects from QSC.
So far I have received everything I paid for. I also Injected 0.5mg of semaglutide to see if I would feel anything today/tomorrow to confirm the efficacy. I also gave my wife 0.3mg
Were you already on 0.5mg per week as basis or 0.5mg e3.5d?

Unfortunately due to my first shipment not being able to come in time as I expected, and hopefully it is not lost due to the huge transit time it is in, with some vials of Semaglutide to give a try, somehow I will be able to compare it to pharma grade Ozempic 1mg pen. By this time we should already have the fucking Ozempic 2mg pen on the market which was approved last year in EU and expected to be available on final of 1st half of 2022 as officially declared by Novo-Nordisk. But no way, I am sure price will be the same or even more costly-worth than the 1mg pen, which is already affordable if used for the first time in moderate doses.

I do not want the heavy appetite crush, just will run it the longest I can with the smallest dosage( pinning 2 times per week) to avoid a super huge rebound after a suicidal cut. Will continue with the equivalent dose of QSC semaglutide at the time I finish the Ozempic to check and compare, whatever dose it is, as I said I just want to enjoy food after the rebound and do not let the anxiety fucks my foods, but without being too heavy on satiety to start bulking slowly increasing kcals.
Were you already on 0.5mg per week as basis or 0.5mg e3.5d?

Unfortunately due to my first shipment not being able to come in time as I expected, and hopefully it is not lost due to the huge transit time it is in, with some vials of Semaglutide to give a try, somehow I will be able to compare it to pharma grade Ozempic 1mg pen. By this time we should already have the fucking Ozempic 2mg pen on the market which was approved last year in EU and expected to be available on final of 1st half of 2022 as officially declared by Novo-Nordisk. But no way, I am sure price will be the same or even more costly-worth than the 1mg pen, which is already affordable if used for the first time in moderate doses.

I do not want the heavy appetite crush, just will run it the longest I can with the smallest dosage( pinning 2 times per week) to avoid a super huge rebound after a suicidal cut. Will continue with the equivalent dose of QSC semaglutide at the time I finish the Ozempic to check and compare, whatever dose it is, as I said I just want to enjoy food after the rebound and do not let the anxiety fucks my foods, but without being too heavy on satiety to start bulking slowly increasing kcals.
I did a single dose of 0.5mg. I was at 1mg a couple months ago.

This is simply as a test dose. I considered doing a low dose during the cycle and increasing it when I get off
I can’t afford Ozempic. I’ve been following that you’ve had success from ozempic so I’m hoping you can confirm if you get the same effects from QSC.
If it is indeed as effective. It would be amazing.
Peptide science sells 3mg for 130. Let's say 40 dollars per mg.

Qsc would be about 4 dollars per mg...
So after reading some of the comments Ive noticed that they will attempt to solve your problem until you post about it....so whats the problem? If they fix your order thats good customer service. I have found its just better to talk to a source and get it figured before starting a useless shit fest. All the times Ive had a problem with a order the source fixes it. On the other side of things I believe if someone posts a bad experience and you fix it publicly thats good for business.
would you say the Iraq war was an act of terrorism by bush or Clinton or whoever on the false premise of weapons of mass destruction with 1,000,000+ dead. it's so sad to see young American men dying because of the orders of some suit up in the white house.

reckon you've ever killed anyone?
luckily I haven't, but this conversation is irrelevant to this thread.
So after reading some of the comments Ive noticed that they will attempt to solve your problem until you post about it....so whats the problem? If they fix your order thats good customer service. I have found its just better to talk to a source and get it figured before starting a useless shit fest. All the times Ive had a problem with a order the source fixes it. On the other side of things I believe if someone posts a bad experience and you fix it publicly thats good for business.
Here’s what people don’t seem to understand…

You go to Applebees and your steak is cooked wrong. You can ask the waitress politely to get you another and 99% of the time you’ll get what you ordered. If you choose to start a drama hissy fit there’s a good chance the manager will tell you to leave. In the US if a business simply doesn’t like you they can deny their business to you and trespass you from their property so if you return you’ll be arrested.

People seem to forget they are dealing with a black market UGL here…This isn’t Walmart and even if it was Walmart wouldn’t put up with your hissy fit. This vendor is well within their lane to make whatever policy they want. Don’t like it? Go somewhere else.

Yet there’s 20+ pages of seething because John smith didn’t get his way like he feels he’s entitled to. Even more people seething that have never even done business with this source.

The entitlement here is astounding
Here’s what people don’t seem to understand…

You go to Applebees and your steak is cooked wrong. You can ask the waitress politely to get you another and 99% of the time you’ll get what you ordered. If you choose to start a drama hissy fit there’s a good chance the manager will tell you to leave. In the US if a business simply doesn’t like you they can deny their business to you and trespass you from their property so if you return you’ll be arrested.

People seem to forget they are dealing with a black market UGL here…This isn’t Walmart and even if it was Walmart wouldn’t put up with your hissy fit. This vendor is well within their lane to make whatever policy they want. Don’t like it? Go somewhere else.

Yet there’s 20+ pages of seething because John smith didn’t get his way like he feels he’s entitled to. Even more people seething that have never even done business with this source.

The entitlement here is astounding
There was no steak served at all, you were given a vegan meat substitute. You ask the waitress politely at first to refund you or serve you a real steak and she says 'fuck off scammer this is a real steak' but a few minutes later she comes back 'my bad it's actually fake vegan trash and we cannot replace it with real steak because we are a vegan restaurant and never had real steak to serve in the first place, but should we ever get real steak we will serve you one. Don't ask if or when that might happen and don't complain or you'll get nothing, now fuck off. Oh and we've given your address to PETA'
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There was no steak served at all, you were given a vegan meat substitute. You ask the waitress politely at first to refund you or serve you a real steak and she says 'fuck off scammer this is a real steak' but a few minutes later she comes back 'my bad it's actually fake vegan trash and we cannot replace it with real steak because we are a vegan restaurant and never had real steak to serve in the first place, but should we ever get real steak we will serve you one. Don't ask if or when that might happen and don't complain or you'll get nothing, now fuck off. Oh and we've given your address to PETA'
I don’t even read any of your posts honey, All you do on these forums is cause drama. On literally every forum your on…

I’ll listen to the homeless woman washing peoples windows in traffic before I read one of your pointless shit-stirring posts. Don’t you have a litter box to clean or bingo night to go to?