Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I have never had so much trouble trying to give someone my money I wish this company was more like my wife she takes my money no problem cash, credit what ever I got no problem you guys want it creased and folded a certain way but a couple calls to credit card company and I got through now do you update me or just keep checking on alibaba for tracking
They will update you by email. At least they did update me
Oh guys, you have to try this...

Take 300mg+ yk11 1 hr preworkout and than after workout 10(12iu) hgh and 1mg igf1lr3, AND EAT

I have done it now two days in row and I can tell you I need new shirt for bouncing!

Now I must order more and dont know how to explain my gf that this is more important than her make up :(
You can order some hyaluronic acid for her, and some flibanserine ;)
I have never had so much trouble trying to give someone my money I wish this company was more like my wife she takes my money no problem cash, credit what ever I got no problem you guys want it creased and folded a certain way but a couple calls to credit card company and I got through now do you update me or just keep checking on alibaba for tracking
We always provide a tracking by email sir
Oh guys, you have to try this...

Take 300mg+ yk11 1 hr preworkout and than after workout 10(12iu) hgh and 1mg igf1lr3, AND EAT

I have done it now two days in row and I can tell you I need new shirt for bouncing!

Now I must order more and dont know how to explain my gf that this is more important than her make up :(
Any side effects from the yk-11 I have some on the way.
Def some water retention. Not to bad though. Pulling labs in a few weeks so will see what my igf is.
That’s why I steer clear of generics, I can’t deal with the water retention and sides. On geno’s right now and it’s night and day compared to generics for me
Any side effects from the yk-11 I have some on the way.
This is my third experiment with it.

First time I took 1 gram over 8 days..so 100-150mg day orally. I gained about 4kg..had no side effects except I was very irritated,horny and wanted to fight everyone. Joints were ok and strength was waay up.

Second time I decided to brew 1g and took same dosage over about 7-8days,but at first day i got so strong so I tore my chest...so be careful.

Now with 300mg day...fuck.. my second day of yk11 i couldn't do squats,i felt my knees...now it could be duenmy job coz I am standing sometimes 12 hours on feet..

Would be nice to do experiment with 500mg day for 4 weeks and take it with tb500 for joints.

I think small dosages like 20mg are stupid,but its just my opinion. Better to take large dose shorter time. There we no human studies with yk11 so i wonder who the hell decided that 10-20mg is dosage for humans?

Ill see to order 10grams of yk11 together with kit of igf1lr3. Ill make log and try to use high dose of igf1lr3 with hgh until kit is done 500-1000mcg daily on working days only in hope to get hyperplasia and as soon as o finish igf1 i would go with 500mg daily of yk11. Now its extremely hard to know what side effects and effects gonna be. But fuck it ill try it for bro science. And ofc i will need kit of tb500 to hopefully helps my joints
This is my third experiment with it.

First time I took 1 gram over 8 days..so 100-150mg day orally. I gained about 4kg..had no side effects except I was very irritated,horny and wanted to fight everyone. Joints were ok and strength was waay up.

Second time I decided to brew 1g and took same dosage over about 7-8days,but at first day i got so strong so I tore my chest...so be careful.

Now with 300mg day...fuck.. my second day of yk11 i couldn't do squats,i felt my knees...now it could be duenmy job coz I am standing sometimes 12 hours on feet..

Would be nice to do experiment with 500mg day for 4 weeks and take it with tb500 for joints.

I think small dosages like 20mg are stupid,but its just my opinion. Better to take large dose shorter time. There we no human studies with yk11 so i wonder who the hell decided that 10-20mg is dosage for humans?

Ill see to order 10grams of yk11 together with kit of igf1lr3. Ill make log and try to use high dose of igf1lr3 with hgh until kit is done 500-1000mcg daily on working days only in hope to get hyperplasia and as soon as o finish igf1 i would go with 500mg daily of yk11. Now its extremely hard to know what side effects and effects gonna be. But fuck it ill try it for bro science. And ofc i will need kit of tb500 to hopefully helps my joints
You would make Bostin Loyd proud brother
You would make Bostin Loyd proud brother

You would make Bostin Loyd proud brother
Lol. I like experimenting bro and to be honest the only thing that I felt awfull is 50mg anadrol. I really do believe that yk11 should be taken way higher. In my opinion 100mg yk11 makes less damage than 50mg anadrol,but this is my experience.
If anyone else going to try this with yk11 share it with rest of us.
Lol. I like experimenting bro and to be honest the only thing that I felt awfull is 50mg anadrol. I really do believe that yk11 should be taken way higher. In my opinion 100mg yk11 makes less damage than 50mg anadrol,but this is my experience.
If anyone else going to try this with yk11 share it with rest of us.
All sarms dosages that are advertised as adviced dosages are very weak, the 10-20mg is not efficient for most of oral sarms, except mk677 but its not a sarm
This is my third experiment with it.

First time I took 1 gram over 8 days..so 100-150mg day orally. I gained about 4kg..had no side effects except I was very irritated,horny and wanted to fight everyone. Joints were ok and strength was waay up.

Second time I decided to brew 1g and took same dosage over about 7-8days,but at first day i got so strong so I tore my chest...so be careful.
How long does the strength increase last?
And the 4kg was muscle, fat, water...what do you estimate.
Basic what was your ability to keep the muscle & strength gains?
How long does the strength increase last?
And the 4kg was muscle, fat, water...what do you estimate.
Basic what was your ability to keep the muscle & strength gains?
Hard to know how much its actual muscle tissue and how much glycogen,i wouldnt say there is any water weight. I think from all other compounds this is the most anabolic. Would be nice to try 4 weeks megadosing it to see actual result,hopefully I will.

I dont think any other compound can come close to mega dose of yk11 in terms on lean tissue.

Muscle tissue i kept all but not strength gains..the keepable strength gains are equal to that of new muscle tissue you made during blasting yk11