Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Anyone have experience with QSC tadalafil? I picked some up and it seems much weaker mg for mg than the Cenforce tada I'm running out of.

Also picked up some vardenafil but have never used it before. Tried 10mg and didn't seem to do much so I took another 10mg, but it didn't feel as strong as sildenafil. I had read it should be stronger mg for mg than sildenafil due to it being more selective.
500mcg daily, damn son. You’re going to be covered in moles.
From my research that’s the typical strating protocol. I did 250mcg 1st 4 days and 500 subsequent for the past week. Once you reach optimal color it’s says you can swap to every 3 days to once a week for maintenance. Prob should have said I just started almost 2 weeks ago.
Lol. I like experimenting bro and to be honest the only thing that I felt awfull is 50mg anadrol. I really do believe that yk11 should be taken way higher. In my opinion 100mg yk11 makes less damage than 50mg anadrol,but this is my experience.
If anyone else going to try this with yk11 share it with rest of us.
Its true brother, sometimes the only way to know the results is to experiment on ourselves so if that means being a guinea pig so be it. At least youre being honest about what youre doing.
Anyone have experience with QSC tadalafil? I picked some up and it seems much weaker mg for mg than the Cenforce tada I'm running out of.

Also picked up some vardenafil but have never used it before. Tried 10mg and didn't seem to do much so I took another 10mg, but it didn't feel as strong as sildenafil. I had read it should be stronger mg for mg than sildenafil due to it being more selective.
The Tadalafil felt weaker mg per mg, but still works fine
Also there Melanotan 2 works extremely well at 500mcg daily. From domestic ship.
I reconstitute with 2ml bac water and I do 15 units daily of the same stuff you have.
I'm getting dark as fuck. Lol.
I honestly don't know how many mcg it is though. Haha.

I got nauseous a couple times. I started off at 10 units.
From my research that’s the typical strating protocol. I did 250mcg 1st 4 days and 500 subsequent for the past week. Once you reach optimal color it’s says you can swap to every 3 days to once a week for maintenance. Prob should have said I just started almost 2 weeks ago.
I did not get any moles and I'm fair skinned. I just got a lot of darker freckles. Well, I wouldn't say a lot. But I do have quite a few lol
i did.
Ozempic is stronger by ~50% imo. Not sure if it is a dosing issue or has to do with the other stuff used in Ozempic compared to pure Semaglutide + BAC water

the rep here did mention they aren't sure if water is enough for semaglutide. some other sites do mention it might not be soluble in water and would need dmso. since Qingadao makes it maybe they can answer for sure.
are you guys treating your hgh as 10ui or 12ui ?
I'm treating it as 10 because I'd rather accidentally have more than less but they showed a test of 12iu idk if it was for that batch or every batch or if they always do 12iu or what so just dosing off what it says on the price list I ordered from