Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I never tried other HGH but for me at 1.2 IU it was alot. At 3 IU carpel tunnel was crippling and I stopped last week. I'm still seeing a daily change in body comp due to water decreasing now, though I've only lost 2 lb since I stopped. IDK how I would react to pharma HGH or other generics though.
I’m the same way. I keep reading about guys using 10iu in a day.
2am 2pm made my hands numb.
I’m at 2iu in the morning and I’m finally not getting numb hands.
Can I remove vacuum from hcg vial after mixing it with bac wat? Or would that cause hcg to go bad faster
Yes. I just pull plunger out syringe then reinsert it while needle is still in vile. Makes it easier to draw. Then I load the whole vial in syringe and use it throughout the week.