Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

From my research that’s the typical strating protocol. I did 250mcg 1st 4 days and 500 subsequent for the past week. Once you reach optimal color it’s says you can swap to every 3 days to once a week for maintenance. Prob should have said I just started almost 2 weeks ago.
Crazy, I seem to do fine on 100-200mcg a day and even then I developed some new moles. Some disappeared after discontinued usage, but some are still there. Maybe because I ran it so long on maintenance.
Crazy, I seem to do fine on 100-200mcg a day and even then I developed some new moles. Some disappeared after discontinued usage, but some are still there. Maybe because I ran it so long on maintenance.
I’ll keep that in mind and try not to over do it. Appreciate the insight man.
I reconstitute with 2ml bac water and I do 15 units daily of the same stuff you have.
I'm getting dark as fuck. Lol.
I honestly don't know how many mcg it is though. Haha.

I got nauseous a couple times. I started off at 10 units.
I reconstitute with 2ml bac water and I do 15 units daily of the same stuff you have.
I'm getting dark as fuck. Lol.
I honestly don't know how many mcg it is though. Haha.

I got nauseous a couple times. I started off at 10 units.
Your basically following my regimen but with about 1/3 more at 750mcg. I reconstitute at 2 ml bac water in a 10mg vial so every 10 units is 500mcg. Once I achieve desired color (getting close now) I’ll maintain at 2-3 times a week rest of the summer. Shit definitely works as intended. No moles of freckles as of yet.
Your basically following my regimen but with about 1/3 more at 750mcg. I reconstitute at 2 ml bac water in a 10mg vial so every 10 units is 500mcg. Once I achieve desired color (getting close now) I’ll maintain at 2-3 times a week rest of the summer. Shit definitely works as intended. No moles of freckles as of yet.
Yeah I am getting dark as fuck haha.
My legs don't ever get a good tan, but this helps out.
Anyone have experience with QSC tadalafil? I picked some up and it seems much weaker mg for mg than the Cenforce tada I'm running out of.

Also picked up some vardenafil but have never used it before. Tried 10mg and didn't seem to do much so I took another 10mg, but it didn't feel as strong as sildenafil. I had read it should be stronger mg for mg than sildenafil due to it being more selective.
Yeah, I agree. 10mg pharma works for me, 20mg of qsc’s cialis did nothing really. Everything else ordered has been decent thou.
Received my order today 29 days after placing. shipped UK special line.

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals The DHB arrived crashed. Is that expected? I know it's a hard one to keep in solution. Should come back with a reheat.

Wl get everything tested and post results. I would like to test the semaglutide too but a bit more expensive to test that so unless someone wants to contribute to the testing cost for that I'll just run with it.
Received my order today 29 days after placing. shipped UK special line.

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals The DHB arrived crashed. Is that expected? I know it's a hard one to keep in solution. Should come back with a reheat.

Wl get everything tested and post results. I would like to test the semaglutide too but a bit more expensive to test that so unless someone wants to contribute to the testing cost for that I'll just run with it.
Yes DHB crash all the time during transport.
You just need to put it in a water bath and will be fine.
All products that you have ordered have been Jano tested +98%, dbol isn't public so you can do it, and dhb and semaglutide hasn't been tested yet, so it might be interesting to do these 2 instead.

How’re you liking the generics ? How’s the water retention ?
I never tried other HGH but for me at 1.2 IU it was alot. At 3 IU carpel tunnel was crippling and I stopped last week. I'm still seeing a daily change in body comp due to water decreasing now, though I've only lost 2 lb since I stopped. IDK how I would react to pharma HGH or other generics though.
About guys who mention that sigma cialis doesnt work good. In my past experience every cialis,sildenafil etc from china dont work. I have 10g of useless cialis from another source. I managed to find out year ago why it doesn't work. Supposedly,something which is important in producing it is banned in china. So somehow they make sildenafil,tadalafil,some different way but it never works good. Now I dont know more about it,maybe sigma can clarify,all I know,only cialis that ever worked was pharmacy one or if you got raw from India
About guys who mention that sigma cialis doesnt work good. In my past experience every cialis,sildenafil etc from china dont work. I have 10g of useless cialis from another source. I managed to find out year ago why it doesn't work. Supposedly,something which is important in producing it is banned in china. So somehow they make sildenafil,tadalafil,some different way but it never works good. Now I dont know more about it,maybe sigma can clarify,all I know,only cialis that ever worked was pharmacy one or if you got raw from India
All cialis raw come from China.
Currently using pharmacoms primo 100mg/ml buzzing to inject half the oil with same results, love primo
Those dumb asses at PC discontinued their primo 200 and only make 100 now despite everyone always saying the only thing that sucks about primo is all the oil you have inject
I switched from Pharmacom 100/ml to QD's 200/ml primo and the PIP was ever so slightly worse, much better than I'd expected.
Does this source offer US domestic Primo 200? If so, anyone had it tested? I tried to look at the price list but my stupid phone wants me to download the file and I don’t want to do that.
Does this source offer US domestic Primo 200? If so, anyone had it tested? I tried to look at the price list but my stupid phone wants me to download the file and I don’t want to do that.
Only international for 200mg but domestic has 100mg
Does this source offer US domestic Primo 200? If so, anyone had it tested? I tried to look at the price list but my stupid phone wants me to download the file and I don’t want to do that.
In USA warehouse now we only have 100mg/ml primo.

1 kit = 10x10ml = 100 ml

1 kit primo 100mg/ml $140/kit International
1 kit primo 100mg/ml $170/kit US domestic

1 kit primo 200mg/ml $280 International only

We can forward it domestically using the reship service, and this available for all goods, we ship first from China to our USA warehouse, then to your address domestically.

Injectables price list:

Injectables international.PNG