Well-known Member
Stfu, Liska can go to any thread they want to.A lot more people would order from you if you stayed in your own thread / lane, it looks pretty unprofessional and desperate for a source to jump in another sources thread... qing stays out of your thread, so why not stay out of theirs? AFAIK you're the only source to do this. Leave it up to customers to give reviews on sources, you don't need to keep hopping in here and hating on your *competition*. QING i really need some ralox if you have anything us domestic... otherwise, can u please ship it faster than 3 weeks??? btw, is your tm / nolvadex at 20 mg??? I have the little bottle with pill version, not raw.
And you obviously are doing zero research because had you looked, qsc doesn't sell ralox domestic. Go find a research chemical site and get lost since obviously your only reason is ralox.