Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

A lot more people would order from you if you stayed in your own thread / lane, it looks pretty unprofessional and desperate for a source to jump in another sources thread... qing stays out of your thread, so why not stay out of theirs? AFAIK you're the only source to do this. Leave it up to customers to give reviews on sources, you don't need to keep hopping in here and hating on your *competition*. QING i really need some ralox if you have anything us domestic... otherwise, can u please ship it faster than 3 weeks??? btw, is your tm / nolvadex at 20 mg??? I have the little bottle with pill version, not raw.
Stfu, Liska can go to any thread they want to.

And you obviously are doing zero research because had you looked, qsc doesn't sell ralox domestic. Go find a research chemical site and get lost since obviously your only reason is ralox.
No, the rep lied about giving refunds and scammed customers for thousands of dollars, nothing was settled. Anyone who brings it up will get insulted by chinese alt accounts (if Amazon cannot stop fake accounts/reviews, Millard won't either) and then be ignored.

Meso rules allow for lying and scamming, so this will happen again and again and over time, more scammers will take notice that Meso has the perfect conditions for selective scamming and find a profitable new home here.
QSC didnt lie they just said they wont refund/reship cuz the buyer was toxic. I like you liska beacuse you test everything but I think you are just stressed that when QSC will have their EU Domestic warehouse noone will buy from you.
A lot more people would order from you if you stayed in your own thread / lane, it looks pretty unprofessional and desperate for a source to jump in another sources thread...
Meso is supposedly a harm prevention board, not for business. I would rather that Meso die than become a scammers haven.

QSC didnt lie they just said they wont refund/reship cuz the buyer was toxic. I like you liska beacuse you test everything but I think you are just stressed that when QSC will have their EU Domestic warehouse noone will buy from you.
If you want to talk about being toxic, the first response by the rep upon seeing Janoshik's test result was accusing the source of having switched out the raws, only admitting to it being their 'mistake' later on. You don't get to go back on your promise of a refund just because you got exposed. I don't consider scammers that 'accidentally' doxx their customers competition. If the rep makes good on their past promises, he can be a valuable asset for this community, but if Meso lets this get buried and starts tolerating selective scammers due to 'low prices', next time it might be you that loses hundreds or thousands with no recourse - will you be fine then as well?
There are a couple people who are not posting anymore negative reviews here publicly because of the threat he made on another person. Its a shame because your not getting honest reviews anymore.

I have been PMed privately about this,

If anyone else had an issue you could PM me.

I do like this sources products alot, and have had good results myself.
In fact, I never threatened anyone.
You got a bunch of bums while I was banned who kept spreading this rumor that I threatened that idiot T&H, when I didn't, it was just misinterpreted, and I already expressed my opinion on it on my return in page 502, as well as my opinion concerning bad reviews, customers are free to tell them within the limits of respect.
Whoever has grasped this, so much the better for him, whoever wants to continue to believe these lies and rumors, he can go and eat cat shit, I don't really care, I'm not going to waste time on such a stupid subject yet.
QING i really need some ralox if you have anything us domestic... otherwise, can u please ship it faster than 3 weeks??? btw, is your tm / nolvadex at 20 mg??? I have the little bottle with pill version, not raw.
Yes we can using express fedex, but we can ship raws and oils not tabs, we can ship to you nolvadex and raloxifene raws and you dose these by yourself
Meso is supposedly a harm prevention board, not for business. I would rather that Meso die than become a scammers haven.

If you want to talk about being toxic, the first response by the rep upon seeing Janoshik's test result was accusing the source of having switched out the raws, only admitting to it being their 'mistake' later on. You don't get to go back on your promise of a refund just because you got exposed. I don't consider scammers that 'accidentally' doxx their customers competition. If the rep makes good on their past promises, he can be a valuable asset for this community, but if Meso lets this get buried and starts tolerating selective scammers due to 'low prices', next time it might be you that loses hundreds or thousands with no recourse - will you be fine then as well?
Well my experience with QSC was really nice , they responded quick and they gave me more expensive tracking and they said i could pay it later. The only bad thing was that my test cyp came crashed but its not that big of a problem as i can reconstitute it easily and if something like this happened to me id try to resolve it with QSC.
The third order has been delivered. 31 days to Eastern Europe. This time I didn't have to pay any tax. 600 anavar pills, 600 custom made primo acetate pills and 10g Tren Hexa. The only downside is that the primo was packed in a plastic bag. Nevertheless, everything is perfect as always.IMG_20220531_185209.jpg
Stfu, Liska can go to any thread they want to.

And you obviously are doing zero research because had you looked, qsc doesn't sell ralox domestic. Go find a research chemical site and get lost since obviously your only reason is ralox.
No, you shut the fuck up bitch and no she can’t… i don’t give a fuck if it’s a harm reduction site, Qing didn’t hurt anyone so your point is invalid. I wouldn’t have refunded that little fucker either after he hopped in the thread talking shit, he should have went to Qing directly instead of causing a scene and hurting their business like a pussy little bitch with bitch made tendencies.

I’ve already done my research and saw they don’t list it US domestic, that doesn’t mean that can’t make an exception for a past paying customer!!! Never know if they have a little something in hidden stock. Yes I want Ralox, I’ve ordered from them before and trust the product or I wouldn’t stick up for them…

I just want faster shipping speeds. If I was that desperate I’d just order the kittens product but I can’t support a source who try’s to hurt another sources business like this. In the real world, would Applebees talk shit on social media to Olive Garden??? No they fucking wouldn’t, because it’s unprofessional as fuck! Also, nobody likes cats except for girls & faggots so idk why it all has to be about cats… they trigger a lot of people so it’s not the best marketing move tbh, and you even have to edit it and give it a stupid fucking flower hat to anger me even further!!

Like I said, If Qing was in the pussies thread then everybody would be saying wtf and sticking up for the cat, but that’s not the case g.

P.s. Qing I’ll msg you, I’ll order the raws and longer shipping time version of the Ralox I suppose. I just don’t know how to prepare the raws lol. I think this nolvadex was 20mg? The little pills in little bottle labeled tm?
The fast US China Post line can be used again: AG***CN and now it's faster than US reship service line, but it became more expensive:

Gross weight less than 500g $39
The gross weight of 500G-1 kg $58
1-2 kg gross weight $75

ETA 2 weeks average

Now I advice this line instead of the reship service line, because it's faster, 100% pass rate, and US line will be a bit slow.


China Post AG-CN 05.PNG
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US domestic BPC g2g? Anyone tested it? Have success with it for GI issues? Planning to take it orally as antibiotics have my stomach turnt.
No, you shut the fuck up bitch and no she can’t… i don’t give a fuck if it’s a harm reduction site, Qing didn’t hurt anyone so your point is invalid. I wouldn’t have refunded that little fucker either after he hopped in the thread talking shit, he should have went to Qing directly instead of causing a scene and hurting their business like a pussy little bitch with bitch made tendencies.

I’ve already done my research and saw they don’t list it US domestic, that doesn’t mean that can’t make an exception for a past paying customer!!! Never know if they have a little something in hidden stock. Yes I want Ralox, I’ve ordered from them before and trust the product or I wouldn’t stick up for them…

I just want faster shipping speeds. If I was that desperate I’d just order the kittens product but I can’t support a source who try’s to hurt another sources business like this. In the real world, would Applebees talk shit on social media to Olive Garden??? No they fucking wouldn’t, because it’s unprofessional as fuck! Also, nobody likes cats except for girls & faggots so idk why it all has to be about cats… they trigger a lot of people so it’s not the best marketing move tbh, and you even have to edit it and give it a stupid fucking flower hat to anger me even further!!

Like I said, If Qing was in the pussies thread then everybody would be saying wtf and sticking up for the cat, but that’s not the case g.

P.s. Qing I’ll msg you, I’ll order the raws and longer shipping time version of the Ralox I suppose. I just don’t know how to prepare the raws lol. I think this nolvadex was 20mg? The little pills in little bottle labeled tm?
LMFAO, you’ve done your research yet you couldn’t even read Skank’s thread to know he was closed?
Isnt it better just to post under your account? good or bad,ill post it with this acc
After reading the comment about how easily this rep will look up what was ordered and know who you are anyway, yeah, it’s quite worthless to make an alt account. Back in the day Millard even encouraged alt accounts since a lot of people use their own addresses and what not for deliveries.
@Tiredandhot were you really referring people to Ding Dong like he said you were?
Here is my response to them when they claimed I referred multiple people, I honestly only remember telling one guy about the hgh and adrol. Biggest mistake for me was overlooking the past issues and ordering a 2nd time after my first order early on.

I never hid the fact I made an order early on for hgh, and then semi recently as I posted about the 6 week TA. And I only recommended the two products I've ever used from you to one guy, not multiple as you claim.

I was initially on you and then slacked off, but after the crap yesterday with the hgh test and your response to Dues pharma you need to catch heat. You continue to not follow thru with your promises and continue to threaten members like myself.
Here is my response to them when they claimed I referred multiple people, I honestly only remember telling one guy about the hgh and adrol. Biggest mistake for me was overlooking the past issues and ordering a 2nd time after my first order early on.
You cheap fuck were very happy about your 2 orders and now it's a mistake? Pathetic
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