Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

This sources stuff is legit and so cheap, i dont understand why he can expect others to show respect and he is not really doing the same.
Maybe someone can help me out

Example: 20vials with brown tops but 10 vials from them with a different looking liquid.

The color of the tops doesnt matter i guess?
They never paid for a single lab test, they never order, and we don't even know if they lift, and the naive sources believed their BS, so they're looking to suck their dicks at all costs, thinking that these fucks will bring them customers if they have their blessings.

They won’t bring you customers if you have their blessings. In fact, they never give blessings. You only know if you pass their scrutiny when they stop posting in your thread. Successful sources at meso pass the shit show within 10 pages.

They do have the ability to cost you business though. Many have visited this thread and turned to run, like it or not. You’re benefiting off a new market of idiots who buy schedule 2 drugs using their credit cards. These are the same morons in Facebook groups posting pics of their stash. They haven’t lived through “The Raw Deal”, operation “Gym Candy” or any of the other large scale take downs. In other words , your customer base is very likely self-destructive.

The “vets” here are probably “faggots”, as you have them pegged. I’m a vet and Ive been calling out these fuck stains for years. But they are keeping consumers and sources safe, like it or not. This game needs these “faggots”.
They won’t bring you customers if you have their blessings. In fact, they never give blessings. You only know if you pass their scrutiny when they stop posting in your thread. Successful sources at meso pass the shit show within 10 pages.

They do have the ability to cost you business though. Many have visited this thread and turned to run, like it or not. You’re benefiting off a new market of idiots who buy schedule 2 drugs using their credit cards. These are the same morons in Facebook groups posting pics of their stash. They haven’t lived through “The Raw Deal”, operation “Gym Candy” or any of the other large scale take downs. In other words , your customer base is very likely self-destructive.

The “vets” here are probably “faggots”, as you have them pegged. I’m a vet and Ive been calling out these fuck stains for years. But they are keeping consumers and sources safe, like it or not. This game needs these “faggots”.
They won’t bring you customers if you have their blessings. In fact, they never give blessings. You only know if you pass their scrutiny when they stop posting in your thread. Successful sources at meso pass the shit show within 10 pages.

They do have the ability to cost you business though. Many have visited this thread and turned to run, like it or not. You’re benefiting off a new market of idiots who buy schedule 2 drugs using their credit cards. These are the same morons in Facebook groups posting pics of their stash. They haven’t lived through “The Raw Deal”, operation “Gym Candy” or any of the other large scale take downs. In other words , your customer base is very likely self-destructive.

The “vets” here are probably “faggots”, as you have them pegged. I’m a vet and Ive been calling out these fuck stains for years. But they are keeping consumers and sources safe, like it or not. This game needs these “faggots”.

Do you think really I care if some customers turned to run because of these faggots? their loss, it's them who gonna pay overpriced gear.

Those customers that you call "idiots" are mainly your suppliers, who brew / relabel / resell our gear with huges profits, and guess who's the moron/idiot in the story?

Most of you guys have some QSC gear in your veins, just deal with it and accept it, you really have no idea about this "customer base" ^^

We have all what a customer with average IQ need to see to make an order:

The quality (being the most tested sources in a such few time, mainly perfect results, best purity raws results that exists in Meso)
The prices almost unbeatable
The variety and customization, all what a customer needs to have you as exclusive source and supplier.
We deliver all coutries, many lines, safe lines, best international pass rates to all countries, domestic warehouses with 3-4 days speed delivery..

Bro, I can't keep in stock domestically a 100 kits of oil more than 2-3 weeks.. Do you really think I give a fuck if a stupid vet whatever is talking shit about us? ^^

I have the impression that sometimes you take the meso members for idiots, as if they are illiterate and cannot read and make their own opinions, they will wait for a no life vet to manipulate them like sheep and tell them QSC is g2g or not?

You don't need more than few minutes of reading to get an idea about us, you take a walk in lab testing forum, you read few pages in the thread and reviews, you open that beautiful price list, & BIM it's paid on alibaba ^^
Got my beautiful order today thanks to this amazing person and company like I said I’m not bothering posting here now to many negative trolls but my buddy got his stuff he ordered we are all happy and I’m going to be ordering even more goodies you trolls can kiss ass I’m thankful and will be grown huge on all of qins products searching for that pro card

Have a blessed day.
I think QSC could be more diplomatic, sure.

At the same time I suspect he blows off some steam calling people names and shitting all over this thread instead of saying “You know so-and-so premium domestic shop, here’s his reciept for 1L bottles of tren he repackages and resells you.”
April 28- June 1. Not too bad for international. Everything was accounted for and packaged really well. I’ve got a question about one of the labels for the source and The only real complaint I have is about the thin ass metal on the bottles tearing when you take the cap off.
Do you think really I care if some customers turned to run because of these faggots? their loss, it's them who gonna pay overpriced gear.

Those customers that you call "idiots" are mainly your suppliers, who brew / relabel / resell our gear with huges profits, and guess who's the moron/idiot in the story?

Most of you guys have some QSC gear in your veins, just deal with it and accept it, you really have no idea about this "customer base" ^^
I cant speak on gear, but i know for a fact that >90% or peptide and sarms vendors in the US use Qingdao or a similar Chinese manufacturer/supplier. I wouldnt be suprised if everyone is reselling their cheap repackaged raws too.

I also remember during one of my job training sessions being taught that a customer is statistically 10x more likely to report a bad incident than a positive incident. I wonder if that is what is happening here?
I’m on their tren a and test e, Loving the sesame oil. Never used sesame oil previously but it pins so much smoother than mct. The tren is giving me absolutely brutal strength at 420mg a week. Pressing 110s like its my fucking job.
I’m on their tren a and test e, Loving the sesame oil. Never used sesame oil previously but it pins so much smoother than mct. The tren is giving me absolutely brutal strength at 420mg a week. Pressing 110s like its my fucking job.
I miss tren so much. Just the feeling that tren gives…so incredible.

But the acne was beyond horrible and I had to stop it. Even with accutane the back of my head was a bloody puss filled mess. Nothing I did would clear it up so the tren had to go.
I’m on their tren a and test e, Loving the sesame oil. Never used sesame oil previously but it pins so much smoother than mct. The tren is giving me absolutely brutal strength at 420mg a week. Pressing 110s like its my fucking job.
Great to hear, I have some of their Tren A en route. It'll be my first time with that compound. Currently cutting on a cruise. Sadly, I'm a non-responder to Var (tried 3 different sources) with no effects even at 60/day. Figured Tren was the next step.
Do you think really I care if some customers turned to run because of these faggots? their loss, it's them who gonna pay overpriced gear.

Those customers that you call "idiots" are mainly your suppliers, who brew / relabel / resell our gear with huges profits, and guess who's the moron/idiot in the story?

Most of you guys have some QSC gear in your veins, just deal with it and accept it, you really have no idea about this "customer base" ^^
We have all what a customer with average IQ need to see to make an order:

The quality (being the most tested sources in a such few time, mainly perfect results, best purity raws results that exists in Meso)
The prices almost unbeatable
The variety and customization, all what a customer needs to have you as exclusive source and supplier.
We deliver all coutries, many lines, safe lines, best international pass rates to all countries, domestic warehouses with 3-4 days speed delivery..

Bro, I can't keep in stock domestically a 100 kits of oil more than 2-3 weeks.. Do you really think I give a fuck if a stupid vet whatever is talking shit about us? ^^

I have the impression that sometimes you take the meso members for idiots, as if they are illiterate and cannot read and make their own opinions, they will wait for a no life vet to manipulate them like sheep and tell them QSC is g2g or not?

You don't need more than few minutes of reading to get an idea about us, you take a walk in lab testing forum, you read few pages in the thread and reviews, you open that beautiful price list, & BIM it's paid on alibaba ^^
I don’t have any bones with you. From what I gather from visiting this thread intermittently is the gear is cheap, within 20% of label claim (little under market standard but good for the price), it’s made well in that nobody is getting infections and international is a shit show, just like ANY international source. Your OPSEC is a bit concerning in that you accept credit cards and Apple Pay which, by the way if you are in the US and pay that way, you are in fact an idiot. The DEA is currently preoccupied with fentanyl at the moment but if they ever get a hard on for AAS again, you ARE compromised right out of the gate (at least the US operation).

But my point about the vets here that love to give you (and everyone) a hard time that you might not get - they built this shit. They are the reason we understand OPSEC, the reason that a black market is regulated without ANY governing body (which is pretty fucking incredible) , the reason people know how to use these drugs safely and at what dosages, the reason YOU even have a customer base. I’ve been on the internet taking about steroids since the internet was invented. Understand that this was not built overnight! It was a long road of triumphs and tribulations. And it was the assholes among the community, the faggots with 5000 post history who pulled out all the stops! This fact is something that most sources here will respect. You’d be wise to follow suite but that’s my opinion.