Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I don’t have any bones with you. From what I gather from visiting this thread intermittently is the gear is cheap, within 20% of label claim (little under market standard but good for the price), it’s made well in that nobody is getting infections and international is a shit show, just like ANY international source. Your OPSEC is a bit concerning in that you accept credit cards and Apple Pay which, by the way if you are in the US and pay that way, you are in fact an idiot. The DEA is currently preoccupied with fentanyl at the moment but if they ever get a hard on for AAS again, you ARE compromised right out of the gate (at least the US operation).

But my point about the vets here that love to give you (and everyone) a hard time that you might not get - they built this shit. They are the reason we understand OPSEC, the reason that a black market is regulated without ANY governing body (which is pretty fucking incredible) , the reason people know how to use these drugs safely and at what dosages, the reason YOU even have a customer base. I’ve been on the internet taking about steroids since the internet was invented. Understand that this was not built overnight! It was a long road of triumphs and tribulations. And it was the assholes among the community, the faggots with 5000 post history who pulled out all the stops! This fact is something that most sources here will respect. You’d be wise to follow suite but that’s my opinion.
Bro its not to hard to buy a 500 visa gift card and register it to a name in the phone book on or on the net. I wish everyone would stop with the credit card bs here. That's the biggest known trick in the book. Trust me I did it for yearssss with shippings.
Bro its not to hard to buy a 500 visa gift card and register it to a name in the phone book on or on the net. I wish everyone would stop with the credit card bs here. That's the biggest known trick in the book. Trust me I did it for yearssss with shippings.
I already explained in the past how safe can be a CC payment, and BTC don't have anymore advantage on safety, and our method of creating fake orders with legal items can protect you much better than payment with BTC.
Meso is supposedly a harm prevention board, not for business. I would rather that Meso die than become a scammers haven.

If you want to talk about being toxic, the first response by the rep upon seeing Janoshik's test result was accusing the source of having switched out the raws, only admitting to it being their 'mistake' later on. You don't get to go back on your promise of a refund just because you got exposed. I don't consider scammers that 'accidentally' doxx their customers competition. If the rep makes good on their past promises, he can be a valuable asset for this community, but if Meso lets this get buried and starts tolerating selective scammers due to 'low prices', next time it might be you that loses hundreds or thousands with no recourse - will you be fine then as well?
Go back to your prison !
You are nr 1 rule breaker so stop spamming here.You clearly have interest and are competition to QSC
Go back to your prison !
You are nr 1 rule breaker so stop spamming here.You clearly have interest and are competition to QSC
I'm not into the scamming business so I cannot possibly compete. Go fetch the rules for me please, you seem to know them better than anyone else.
I'm not into the scamming business so I cannot possibly compete. Go fetch the rules for me please, you seem to know them better than anyone else.
Go lick on a kitty’s ass in your thread you lying pice of shit!
Also good luck selling your kilos of shitty primo raws
I don’t have any bones with you. From what I gather from visiting this thread intermittently is the gear is cheap, within 20% of label claim (little under market standard but good for the price), it’s made well in that nobody is getting infections and international is a shit show, just like ANY international source. Your OPSEC is a bit concerning in that you accept credit cards and Apple Pay which, by the way if you are in the US and pay that way, you are in fact an idiot. The DEA is currently preoccupied with fentanyl at the moment but if they ever get a hard on for AAS again, you ARE compromised right out of the gate (at least the US operation).

But my point about the vets here that love to give you (and everyone) a hard time that you might not get - they built this shit. They are the reason we understand OPSEC, the reason that a black market is regulated without ANY governing body (which is pretty fucking incredible) , the reason people know how to use these drugs safely and at what dosages, the reason YOU even have a customer base. I’ve been on the internet taking about steroids since the internet was invented. Understand that this was not built overnight! It was a long road of triumphs and tribulations. And it was the assholes among the community, the faggots with 5000 post history who pulled out all the stops! This fact is something that most sources here will respect. You’d be wise to follow suite but that’s my opinion.
Will you kindly shut the fuck up and go find a hobby? Jesus Christ you are annoying. You’re like a moth that flies into your house and annoys you all night. You haven’t bought anything from him so why do you care? No one cares about your opinions. You aren’t anyone of importance
Go lick on a kitty’s ass in your thread you lying pice of shit!
Also good luck selling your kilos of shitty primo raws
What am I lying about, please elaborate! May I interest you in some Toremifene raws instead? They're still available on your favourite source's updated price list but labtesting them is no longer allowed.
Well reason why I ask is because I havent heard of a guy yet from scandi who recieved a parcel succesfully from you yet?
we ship to scandinavia every week successfully

you have this guy for example in the thread who did a feedback, we don't have necessary public feedbacks in meso as most of customers don't even have a meso account:

Scandinavia trackings.PNG
Threatening, promoting and/or encouraging physical violence (implied or actual), including threats of sexual violence, against (but not limited to) forum members is prohibited.
What am I lying about, please elaborate! May I interest you in some Toremifene raws instead? They're still available on your favourite source's updated price list but labtesting them is no longer allowed.
Even when you ask a question you lie!
Don’t even get me started whit all the lies you told.
You are not taking profits of your drugs selling operation!
Let me guess you do it for orphan boys from Cambodia right?
You don't have much time left on earth and so on people are catching on to your bullshit so now you are getting ready to exit scam with you stable coin shit primo raws !
You talk about harm reduction but spam other vendors threads to promote your kitty cafe !
How dumb you think people are?
I thought you was cool in the beginning but you can only pretend for so long….
Also your major risk for your buyers because of the sender address missing from your packets witch is huge red flag !
Im not saying to put your mothers address there but make some shit up for fucks sake !
Also your products are now pip heaven and inflammation city no wonder you are ditching raws in bulk….
So continue with your lies and the hole you dig for your self just gets deeper .
You are talking fake accounts here when you do the same….
Lame just lame is all i can say
Even when you ask a question you lie!
Don’t even get me started whit all the lies you told.
You are not taking profits of your drugs selling operation!
Let me guess you do it for orphan boys from Cambodia right?
You don't have much time left on earth and so on people are catching on to your bullshit so no you are getting ready to exit scam with you stable coin shit primo raws !
You talk about harm reduction but spam other vendors threads to promote your kitty cafe !
How dumb you think people are?
I thought you was cool in the beginning but you can just pretend for so long….
Also your major risk for your buyers because of the sender address missing from your packets witch is huge red flag !
Im not saint to put your mothers address there but make some shit up for fucks sake !
Also your products are no pip heaven and inflammation city no wonder you are ditching raws in bulk….
So continue with your lies and the hole you dig for your self just gets deeper .
You are talking fake accounts here when you do the same….
Lame just lame is all i can say
Would you like to bet your Meso account on being able to prove even a couple of these accusations true? I'll put mine up against it of course.
Would you like to bet your Meso account on being able to prove even a couple of these accusations true? I'll put mine up against it of course.
Shut the fuck up and go back to your prison and stop spamming!
I have warned the community if they get fucked its on them.
It will be to late once they buy half kilo stable primo shit so…..
I dont give to fucks of your pippy ass as long as you stay in your lane
Even when you ask a question you lie!
Don’t even get me started whit all the lies you told.
You are not taking profits of your drugs selling operation!
Let me guess you do it for orphan boys from Cambodia right?
You don't have much time left on earth and so on people are catching on to your bullshit so now you are getting ready to exit scam with you stable coin shit primo raws !
You talk about harm reduction but spam other vendors threads to promote your kitty cafe !
How dumb you think people are?
I thought you was cool in the beginning but you can only pretend for so long….
Also your major risk for your buyers because of the sender address missing from your packets witch is huge red flag !
Im not saying to put your mothers address there but make some shit up for fucks sake !
Also your products are now pip heaven and inflammation city no wonder you are ditching raws in bulk….
So continue with your lies and the hole you dig for your self just gets deeper .
You are talking fake accounts here when you do the same….
Lame just lame is all i can say
Did home boy just threaten this dudes life or is the feline fucker dying