Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Votre compte vieux de dix ans prouve seulement que vous n'avez pas de vie sociale et que vous ne savez rien sur l'opsec lol putain de retard. Va chercher de la chatte et arrête d'écrire des murs de texte en parlant en rond comme un politicien échoué

Deus pharma n'est même pas une vraie source lol ! lui et la CAT BITCH achètent simplement des matières premières et d'autres produits de la VRAIE SOURCE qui est QING DAO.
vous devriez ARRÊTER d'essayer d'amener les gens à ne pas commander chez qing dao... qing est la vraie prise et plus haut, deus et le chat ne sont que des intermédiaires inutiles !
toutes ces sociétés de conneries ne seraient même pas en activité sans qing dao. tu n'arrêtes pas de commenter cette merde avec le stupide chat gay alors je n'arrête pas de me répéter... mais STFU avec tes mensonges tu es un pédé fatigué et moche.
qindao n'est pas le maître. pas d'entrepôt en Europe..
Anyone else having pip with the Test E?
First 2 shots are leaving me tender to the touch and painful to move or stretch/contract within 24hrs and so far lasting 2-3 days. I had a little PIP with the NPP but this is shockingly worse.

Going to try a different bottle and see if it’s the same. Planning on a big order soon and might have to go with the Test C. I want to avoid having to spend the time brewing my own even though my recipe has 0 pip
Anyone else having pip with the Test E?
First 2 shots are leaving me tender to the touch and painful to move or stretch/contract within 24hrs and so far lasting 2-3 days. I had a little PIP with the NPP but this is shockingly worse.

Going to try a different bottle and see if it’s the same. Planning on a big order soon and might have to go with the Test C. I want to avoid having to spend the time brewing my own even though my recipe has 0 pip
Where did you inject?
go with Test C. Test E raws often have some issues that lead to PIP.
Test C is completely smooth and Pipless
Yeah I guess I finally got unlucky. My TE raws have always been good but I finally see why people complain with a bad batch lol I have my good raws sealed up but I have no desire to spend the time brewing at the moment.

I’ll definitely do some TC on my next order here soon
Anyone else having pip with the Test E?
First 2 shots are leaving me tender to the touch and painful to move or stretch/contract within 24hrs and so far lasting 2-3 days. I had a little PIP with the NPP but this is shockingly worse.

Going to try a different bottle and see if it’s the same. Planning on a big order soon and might have to go with the Test C. I want to avoid having to spend the time brewing my own even though my recipe has 0 pip
That's very weird, I never had a feedback about pip from Test E ever, have you tried to pin another spot.
Anyone else having pip with the Test E?
First 2 shots are leaving me tender to the touch and painful to move or stretch/contract within 24hrs and so far lasting 2-3 days. I had a little PIP with the NPP but this is shockingly worse.

Going to try a different bottle and see if it’s the same. Planning on a big order soon and might have to go with the Test C. I want to avoid having to spend the time brewing my own even though my recipe has 0 pip
Pinned upper dealt a little less than 24 hours ago. With test c.. A little swollen and sore to the touch. But not horrible. We’ll see what happens in the next 48 to 72 hours
Give me a few minutes and I will post the results of all four. I did post them, but my email address is on there and I need to crop it out and repost
Give me a few minutes and I will post the results of all four. I did post them, but my email address is on there and I need to crop it out and repost
I already saw it and gave to fbi right away. Im gonna get all you dirty cheaters!! The devils juice! Natty forever!! Steroids make your dick small. I tried so hard in sports! Youve made fools out of all of us! Nuf said
So looks like everything is good other than the accutane. Accutane is way off.
I didn't see them yet, but I suggest you to post them in lab testing forum, create a thread for each lab test, if there is a problem with accutane it's gonne be fixed, if it's published only in the thread, it's gonna be buried and won't be easy to find.
Here you go. I'm working, so I'll post in the lab testing section whenever I have a few more minutes


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Thank you for these lab tests, all good except accutane, which is a mystery, I don't know why is it that low, so we will do the necessary to correct it and compensate you for the accutane

Sounds good to me. And as I said, I will post in the testing section when I get a spare few minutes also. And yeah, everything else looks good