Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

You've literally had a guy in the past several days using your test e say they had pip from it.

I'm not saying that your raws are shit, but you should be honest. It's too fucking easy to prove otherwise when you are being deceptive or lying when it's right here on meso and easy enough to find.

Feel free to speak up if you know of any EQ tests done by @janoshik in the past year or two that are 98% or better.

And Jano, since I've already tagged you, maybe you could chime in also?
He probably has pip because he’s using shitty needles or not injecting right. There’s many factors that can cause pip.
I highly doubt you’re planning on ordering… you’re just bored and trying to cause trouble, so go hit the gym or something
Anybody using Q's Telmisartan? Thinking about going a cycle. Last cycle my Blood pressure was up to 150-160. I already take 50mg of Losartan.
How much Telmisartan would be good to take on cycle? Considering I'm already on Losartan 50mg.
Is it okay to mix ARBs?
He probably has pip because he’s using shitty needles or not injecting right. There’s many factors that can cause pip.
I highly doubt you’re planning on ordering… you’re just bored and trying to cause trouble, so go hit the gym or something
Why do you feel the need to strap on your cape and spitball all this would have, could have, should have shit?

Like it isn't common knowledge that test e raws have caused pip in the last few years. It wouldn't be an issue if qds didn't continue to state that theirs had no pip when their own customers have literally reported otherwise in the past week. Test e doesn't bother some guys but many more who didn't use to have a problem, have reported one, in the not too distant past and present.

It is what it is. It's also the reason many guys choose to use test c, instead.

And do me a favor, junior. Stay out of my inbox, you fucking twink.
Some guys got pip. Others didn't. How can you claim zero pip when you have customers reporting otherwise?

100% success rate to Australia, too?

You see what I did there? LOL
yes it's zero pip, 1 only customer reported that, and it's different.

99% pass rate to Australia, I said that I had 2 seizures there if you look in the thread and before yes it was 100%
Why do you feel the need to strap on your cape and spitball all this would have, could have, should have shit?

Like it isn't common knowledge that test e raws have caused pip in the last few years. It wouldn't be an issue if qds didn't continue to state that theirs had no pip when their own customers have literally reported otherwise in the past week. Test e doesn't bother some guys but many more who didn't use to have a problem, have reported one, in the not too distant past and present.

It is what it is. It's also the reason many guys choose to use test c, instead.

And do me a favor, junior. Stay out of my inbox, you fucking twink.
Why do you feel the need to strap on your cape and spitball all this would have, could have, should have shit?

Like it isn't common knowledge that test e raws have caused pip in the last few years. It wouldn't be an issue if qds didn't continue to state that theirs had no pip when their own customers have literally reported otherwise in the past week. Test e doesn't bother some guys but many more who didn't use to have a problem, have reported one, in the not too distant past and present.

It is what it is. It's also the reason many guys choose to use test c, instead.

And do me a favor, junior. Stay out of my inbox, you fucking twink.
He probably has pip because he’s using shitty needles or not injecting right. There’s many factors that can cause pip.
I’m done replying to you on this posting… you can reply to me in private messages like the good little bitch you are. Now, hurry back to me so I can keep abusing you LOL
I’m not shilling anything lol. I’ve bought from qing multiple times and I never ask for free product, nor do I receive free product… I have plenty of $$$ and don’t need to shill for anything. I’m happy to cuss you little faggot cocksuckers out so qing doesn’t have to though. Lol.
You're so immature you send an aggressive pm and even go so far to post on my timeline here? I hope you get banned, you got some serious issues.
Just got done with my first bottle of domestic tren a and never had any pip. Sweating at night and twice had tren cough lol once was even a really good one pulled the needle out super fast and got a nice little blood spray on top of the cough lmao gotta love it
That's what I was thinking I know the one he is taking already is the stronger one. Figured maybe someone knew something that I didn't I was under the impression you shouldn't.
Well the way it works is if one doesn't work, jump to the other one. Typically they would start with losartan cause it's cheaper
Placed a domestic order. Communication was good. Had a minor hiccup but it was my fault. Next order will go a lot smoother. Packaging was very nice. Primo looks clean. The whole process took 5 days. Don't really know what else to say.
Just got done with my first bottle of domestic tren a and never had any pip. Sweating at night and twice had tren cough lol once was even a really good one pulled the needle out super fast and got a nice little blood spray on top of the cough lmao gotta love it
My domestic Tren A arrived today. I'm going to start it tomorrow.
3rd order with QSC without issues.
I have been a lurking member for a long time not active on this forum. This thread and its chaos, and their insane prices was what actually brought me back to meso. I have good repour on other forums like canadian brawn and NL, canadian forums for those that may doubt me as being a shill. I have no affiliation with quingdao and took a gamble on their product.

I will say this short and sweet to the point. 1 kit primo 200 and 1 kit of hgh took 18 days to touch down to canada successfully. First shot (half cc) of primo 3 days ago, 0 pip. Oils are clear and viscous. Have no idea on quality, not going to be testing. Just judging products by the sides and my life long experience with both compounds. So far im pleased, lets just hope they are what I ordered and ill be even happier :)
You're so immature you send an aggressive pm and even go so far to post on my timeline here? I hope you get banned, you got some serious issues.
He's on your nuts too, huh? LMAO It's the first time I've had a shill (rep?) get shitty with me via pm.
Damn you're clogging up this thread with useless crap.
What's more useless? You feeling the need to say this or me pointing out when the rep is lying or telling half truths to would be customers?

And I suppose I should take the high road when I have degenerate fucktards in my pm and in this thread calling me out for trying to force some fucking integrity into this dumpster fire of a thread but that isn't going to happen any sooner than Deus gets a refund.

It's honestly shocking how many of y'all don't see the error in your thinking here. A lot of the dumb mother fuckers in this thread are fine with being lied to as long as they get something in the mail.

I'm all for good deals on good products but you don't have to give the rep a virtual rim job if you want to order. If you're happy with the transaction, that's fine but shut the fuck up when the rep is being called out for lying and misrepresenting the facts. Let the mother fucker speak for himself instead of attacking the guy that's trying to force some fucking integrity upon this asshole rep.

And for the record, I can talk shit and if I felt like ordering, the rep would still take my money, whether he likes it or not, because I'm not a fucking moron and wouldn't be stupid enough to allow a vindictive bitch like this to know if they received an order from me.

Have a nice day, cupcake.