Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

He's on your nuts too, huh? LMAO It's the first time I've had a shill (rep?) get shitty with me via pm.

What's more useless? You feeling the need to say this or me pointing out when the rep is lying or telling half truths to would be customers?

And I suppose I should take the high road when I have degenerate fucktards in my pm and in this thread calling me out for trying to force some fucking integrity into this dumpster fire of a thread but that isn't going to happen any sooner than Deus gets a refund.

It's honestly shocking how many of y'all don't see the error in your thinking here. A lot of the dumb mother fuckers in this thread are fine with being lied to as long as they get something in the mail.

I'm all for good deals on good products but you don't have to give the rep a virtual rim job if you want to order. If you're happy with the transaction, that's fine but shut the fuck up when the rep is being called out for lying and misrepresenting the facts. Let the mother fucker speak for himself instead of attacking the guy that's trying to force some fucking integrity upon this asshole rep.

And for the record, I can talk shit and if I felt like ordering, the rep would still take my money, whether he likes it or not, because I'm not a fucking moron and wouldn't be stupid enough to allow a vindictive bitch like this to know if they received an order from me.

Have a nice day, cupcake.
honestly it seems this simple. Ego is getting in the way of forward progress. It has been said many times in this thread but perhaps not simply enough.

If the rep corrects their outstanding issues, the entire tune of onlookers will change. Their pricing is A+. Their quality, most of the time, seems quite average (not a bad thing). But the customer service and integrity sits at an failing grade.

Today it was found their Accutane was shit, and they immediately offer to resolve the issue. Everyone pretty much moves on. But they still owe a customer $3000+ and if they just resolved that (and any other outstanding issues), they'd have a fairly trustworthy reputation.

Imagine a source with QSC pricing and a flawless reputation. That would put a lot of competitors out of business. But QSC pricing with its current reputation of "might scam you for thousands of dollars" still seems like a gamble to many.
honestly it seems this simple. Ego is getting in the way of forward progress. It has been said many times in this thread but perhaps not simply enough.

If the rep corrects their outstanding issues, the entire tune of onlookers will change. Their pricing is A+. Their quality, most of the time, seems quite average (not a bad thing). But the customer service and integrity sits at an failing grade.

Today it was found their Accutane was shit, and they immediately offer to resolve the issue. Everyone pretty much moves on. But they still owe a customer $3000+ and if they just resolved that (and any other outstanding issues), they'd have a fairly trustworthy reputation.

Imagine a source with QSC pricing and a flawless reputation. That would put a lot of competitors out of business. But QSC pricing with its current reputation of "might scam you for thousands of dollars" still seems like a gamble to many.
He shouldn’t get shit imo. He’s a competitor who threw a hissy fit because he couldn’t wait any longer and he cost qing a 2 week ban and countless thousands in lost potential revenue… he still got product either way, just not exactly what he wanted. He made a choice to be a little bitch and cost qing tons of $$$ because he couldn’t wait any longer, he should have kept his mouth shut and waited. After costing qing all those thousands of dollars in lost sales, a 2 week ban, and all of the emotional stress, you think he should still get something??? Fuck no, just my opinion though.
Just got done with my first bottle of domestic tren a and never had any pip. Sweating at night and twice had tren cough lol once was even a really good one pulled the needle out super fast and got a nice little blood spray on top of the cough lmao gotta love it
Nice I’m trying tren next
Placed a domestic order. Communication was good. Had a minor hiccup but it was my fault. Next order will go a lot smoother. Packaging was very nice. Primo looks clean. The whole process took 5 days. Don't really know what else to say.
What was the hiccup on your end, jw?
This source is a diamond in the rough.

That said, with business, it is sometimes necessary to swallow some pride. This rep has too much pride and isn't seeing the forest for the trees. Or he is, but he just doesn't give a fuck because he knows a sucker is born everyday.

Either way, the customers shouldn't see this as an attack on them. I'm doing my best to make qds be better. Whether it's encouraging them to upgrade their caps or telling them to stop bullshitting and humble themselves a bit or give the guys refunds if or when a fuck up occurs, it's all to try and convince them to be better.

If guys got pissed off and all stood together when a source pulls bs, the source is forced to act right or pack their shit.

I want what is best for this community. I don't want sources coming in here and thinking that they are above reprieve and can circumvent what we as a community have deemed to be important.

The adage about rights being easy to lose and hard to get back, stands true here. If we let these sources know that they can walk all over us and there will always be guys that will still give them money, then we give away our power as a community.

Too many people here only caring about right now and not caring about others or the future. Instant gratification is what matters and oh well if some other guy gets fucked, so long as it isn't them.

That's great that the rep is going to make the guy whole that bought the underdosed accutane.

But what guys are failing to understand is we should expect this sort of thing to be handled this way, not just be pleasantly surprised that it was.

If you give a source an inch, they will take a mile...or something like that. Now back to my devil's lettuce.
You've literally had a guy in the past several days using your test e say they had pip from it.

I'm not saying that your raws are shit, but you should be honest. It's too fucking easy to prove otherwise when you are being deceptive or lying when it's right here on meso and easy enough to find.

Feel free to speak up if you know of any EQ tests done by @janoshik in the past year or two that are 98% or better.

And Jano, since I've already tagged you, maybe you could chime in also?
2 96%+ results less than a month ago
He shouldn’t get shit imo. He’s a competitor who threw a hissy fit because he couldn’t wait any longer and he cost qing a 2 week ban and countless thousands in lost potential revenue… he still got product either way, just not exactly what he wanted. He made a choice to be a little bitch and cost qing tons of $$$ because he couldn’t wait any longer, he should have kept his mouth shut and waited. After costing qing all those thousands of dollars in lost sales, a 2 week ban, and all of the emotional stress, you think he should still get something??? Fuck no, just my opinion though.
No, QSC did all of that to themselves because they didn’t handle the situation correctly. They let their ego get in the way when they should have just processed the refund they promised months earlier. Had they simply apologized for the “error” and refunded the customer, nobody would be talking about this anymore.
No, QSC did all of that to themselves because they didn’t handle the situation correctly. They let their ego get in the way when they should have just processed the refund they promised months earlier. Had they simply apologized for the “error” and refunded the customer, nobody would be talking about this anymore.
No regrets