Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

What is story than with raws? I am using 200mg accutane a day lol...only side effect is dry lips and dry face. Now, if its raw it means it cant be underdosed, or can it?
Bro that's to much. Lower that dosage. The side effects come very late. And than they hit you like a truck. I almost passed out in a moderate summer day bc of this shet.
Bro that's to much. Lower that dosage. The side effects come very late. And than they hit you like a truck. I almost passed out in a moderate summer day bc of this shet.
Well if the raws purity compare the QSC’s finished Accutane than 200mg raw is really ~35mg actual API
I’m a newbie here… What is PIP
PLEASE do a TON of research before you ever start your "newbie" journey. I read about and studied AAS for over a year before i took "the plunge" <<<<pun intended;) Your health is nothing to play with. AAS can be very beneficial but also very harmful to your health of youre ignorant to the topic. DONT BE A DUMBASS:)
PLEASE do a TON of research before you ever start your "newbie" journey. I read about and studied AAS for over a year before i took "the plunge" <<<<pun intended;) Your health is nothing to play with. AAS can be very beneficial but also very harmful to your health of youre ignorant to the topic. DONT BE A DUMBASS:)
Going to have to agree don't be the my bro told me this is what to do so I'll just do that or the what do you take I'll just take that too. Do some research. There is a book I bought in the beginning called anabolics by William Llewellyn gives you the just on mosy compounds and don't be too scared of estrogen and go AI crazy. Lol . I researched for 3 years before starting and I am still surrounding myself daily to topics in paid memberships and stuff online.
Yeah, shit posting really gets things done around here! It's working bro! Lmao.

Some posters here really think shit posting is some kind of superpower.
Well something is definitely wrong with my TE. Tried the 3rd shot from a different vial last night and within hours it felt sore and today it’s swollen like crazy.

NPP from the same order didn’t cause problems so shouldn’t be an allergic reaction to sesame oil.
And no like someone pointed out I’m not using bad needles or injection techniques. I’ve been running gear for 4+ years and only use new needles and have never had an issue like this outside of a bad brew of TE 400. 4+ years of blasting and cruising I inject myself IM at least 2x week since 2018. I’m very versed with needles.

My guess is the TE might be one of the tainted raws we’ve always heard of. Can’t imagine I just happen to have unsterile vials considering the big batches that are made.
I’ll just plan on switching to Cyp on my next order because this stuff is unusable. Everything else has been good from my order from QSC so not a big deal to be out a $65 kit
Yeah, shit posting really gets things done around here! It's working bro! Lmao.

Some posters here really think shit posting is some kind of superpower.
You consider what I wrote to be shit posting?

I've honestly tried to remain fairly chill and not go over the top and just present what I think is the approach that sources and members should take here.

Sure, I'm generally game to talk some shit to guys that want to stir shit with me. But that's just part of the fun of being on meso.
And I don't believe this to be a super power. I just don't agree when problems are swept under the rug and new guys get all caught up and think they need to stick up for their golden goose.

Trying to hold sources accountable isn't shit posting. Shills taking up for them and defending the source when they are guilty of fucking over other members is shit posting, if you ask me.
This forum isn't about trying to hold anyone accountable, you have no recourse or ability to do so by it's very design, pretending otherwise is laughable.

Anabolic steroid underground. Source reviews. Black market prices. Underground labs. Scammers. Uncensored.
Yeah, shit posting really gets things done around here! It's working bro! Lmao.

Some posters here really think shit posting is some kind of superpower.
Aren't you the guy who got a temp ban for stalking another member, and then proceeded to turn it around and blame him? Your opinion and reputation are worthless, as are the majority of your posts.
Aren't you the guy who got a temp ban for stalking another member, and then proceeded to turn it around and blame him? Your opinion and reputation is worthless, as are the majority of your posts.
Aren't you the idiot who makes things up to fit your bullshit narritive? Yes, yes you are.
You have been banned for the following reason: impersonation/trolling using another member's avatar.

Weird, nothing you accuse me of is in that ban message. Almost like you don't know what you're talking about.

Could someone please explain outliers?
Or is it common sense self explanatory?
It means that those results are not the norm. The majority of the EQ that he analyzes is of lower purity.

I would sure love for one of the QDS customers who has bought raw EQ to have it blind tested by Jano.

It would shut me up on that issue if they proved me wrong but idk if the Wal-Mart of the steroid world is going to offer those Lambo raws.

I've been wrong plenty of times before but if I was a betting man, I would put money on them coming back in the low 90% range at best but more likely somewhere in the 80% purity range.

Hell, plenty of examples in the last couple of years have tested lower than that.
Aren't you the idiot who makes things up to fit your bullshit narritive? Yes, yes you are.

Weird, nothing you accuse me of is in that ban message. Almost like you don't know what you're talking about.

So because it doesn't specifically say stocking and having the same avatar etc that you weren't guilty of those things?

You're a clown, bro. I used to know annoying fuckers like you when I was in 7th grade.

