Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

This insulin pinning thing is such a pain in the ass imo (no pun intended). I prefer quicker and don't mind the bigger pins. To each their own.
Same here. When I first started I was given 23g, 1.5 inchers. I had nothing to compare it to and have been using them ever since. Needless to say it doesn't take me long to pin lol.
Recieved my international package of test e and tormephine today. Order was made May 13th. Ive been using the US domestic cypionate for the past two weeks twice a week. Havent had any PIP.
One out of two ain't bad. At least it was cheap.
Uh, okay, sure didn't. Keep up the great work.

I pointed out that when questioned I do not have to repeat my stance or view, when it was unchanged from what you quoted. You're so upset that I am not typing it out again, that you accused me of flip flopping. Now here you are accusing me of being a paid shill because I won't play your little word game.

Yet here we are, where there are ZERO consequences for doing so. Sources are welcomed back with open arms by other members(who claim to be against scammers). So if QSC paid back Dues two years from now would that make it okay? Apparently if your name is Dyna/extremepip you're GTG.
Imo, Dyna hasn't been a reliable source since the first time he disappeared. He has, however, always been respectful throughout, other than running off with guys money. LOL

But everyone has to make their own decision, ultimately. It's nice that he paid off the guys that he fucked off but I wouldn't recommend for guys to use him because of his past indiscretions.

I'd say the big difference between these two situations is QDS is still here and has no intentions of ever making whole Deus or other guys that were fucked over. He tells guys to get fucked in his thread when they come out in public to speak the truth of their fucked up situations. Literally, has said he has no regrets for scamming yet some guys still think this source is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

And it's pretty damn funny/ridiculous to have the rep liking the post that I quoted above yours when he knows that the guy received clomid instead of toremifine.
So today I noticed I had some alcohol pad fibers on my vial top, the slightly rough aluminum cap im sure shredded the alcohol swab a bit. I was like, do I even need this aluminum casing around my vial? I proceeded to take it off, I then set the vial down to prep my syringe as I was about to backload 7 slin pins. Next thing I know, the entire stopper is laying on my desk and the vial is open. I wiped down the stopper with several new alcohol pads and then re-inserted into vial. I injected oil from that vial. I don't think I did anything too risky...

Anyhow, how do you guys handle this? just be carful when your swabbin the top? any particular way you remove the crimped cap to leave a smooth top? call me a moron if you want.
Fenrir surprisingly gave you good advice. I also brought up the fact that these caps are shit to the rep. Hopefully, they will choose to improve this aspect of their operation because not everyone that buys from them will realize the risk of injecting a piece of fiber from a swab or read that it's a good idea to bend the sharp edges into the stopper.
will you faggots take your stupid arguing back and forth to reddit/pursefights or gayslapfights.com
If I recall, you and I were talking shit to each other in this very thread. You're were saying you were going to buy from Q no matter what I had to say. You seem really intelligent to blindly trust this source when you've seen multiple problems and red flags. Good luck, bud. Hopefully, you don't have any problems because if you do, you're on your own, chump.
Check post:
Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd.

We strongly believe it's the degradation as accutane can be very sensitive and nothing related to underdosing or raw purity, we gonna verify that point, by testing the raw freshly sent from China to Jano.
If it shows a high purity, we will have the choice either to stop selling accutane as finished tabs, since it degrades easily or keep it in the store and warning customers about it, since they get the results from it as it removes acnee and it's what matters at the end, let's see..
at least you're fixing the mistake
Also, this rep has a lot of balls to go and like the post from the member who recently received an order of "toremifine".
Just want to add it’s common practice in Korea that people are prescribed accutane 10/20mg a week split in two dosages to maintain clear skin for long term purposes.

A lot less common practice here in the US where we see more prescriptions of high dosages for 6 months.
I get it, you watch their videos.
So many fucking naive zoomers base everything they know off shit they see on YouTube or tic toc. There’s a good million people who unironically believe you can look like Jay Cutler on 125mg test only. Anyone who says the name of some z list YouTube shill I automatically assume that person is both retarded and dyel
Most of the people who watch those videos are teenagers who are forever cutting while being natural. They're in it for the memes and bullshit of that nature
Pubmed hardly ever has studies on enhanced athletes too. We don't really count as the average population when you take hormones it changes a hell of a lot. I love when people say for example....welll I saw it caused muscle loss or something on pubmed and and so it's not good .....
Meanwhile it was an 86 year old man single person study and he had diabetes lol
Jesus Christ dude
Jesus Christ dude
It's true a lot of genpop studies don't apply to drug using athletes/ bodybuilders

Like the study that eating carbs with the meal before bed will mess up your hgh production...... but the person is taking hgh lol so it doesn't apply
It's true a lot of genpop studies don't apply to drug using athletes/ bodybuilders

Like the study that eating carbs with the meal before bed will mess up your hgh production...... but the person is taking hgh lol so it doesn't apply
Good point. I think a lot of the fitness information in general doesn't apply. Like eating low carb. If natural yeah, but on gear I've found a big benefit to high carbs.
I agree. There are two other people I would check out too teamevilgsp Broderick Chavez and Alex kikel. If you are into brain enhancement check out Andy Triana and go super brain. All super smart people. Good to have a wide range of information and you can figure out if multiple smart people are saying the same things probably have something there.
A lot of people like Victor black. I think he has said a lot of false info in the past I quit following along with his stuff after that.
"Go super brain" is the Instagram account lol I'm not saying you'll go super brain lmfao
Does reship dhl to another courier usually update slow? Tracking hasn't changed in three days. Guess DHL is slow?
It did take awhile for me it should be just about to update. It moved to like a state away from me and sat there for like 4 or 5 days or something and then updated to on the way to my house and was there same day it updated