Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

How do you know you're on a customs watch list???
That'd be scary as hell.... but knowing it is great
I ordered some tbol from expresspeds that got caught by customs, and all my subsequent overseas orders were scrutinized heavily/clearly opened and carefully inspected and poorly repackaged. Fortunately it was all pct stuff.

From what I understand customs puts a flag on your name and address for at least a few years after that...
I ordered some tbol from expresspeds that got caught by customs, and all my subsequent overseas orders were scrutinized heavily/clearly opened and carefully inspected and poorly repackaged. Fortunately it was all pct stuff.

From what I understand customs puts a flag on your name and address for at least a few years after that...
I met an old bodybuilder who showed me a stack of seizure letters he's gotten over the years.
I met an old bodybuilder who showed me a stack of seizure letters he's gotten over the years.
I got one a long time ago ordering from Euroking if any of the old heads remember him. Had a reship sent to a buddy. Different name, address and city. That got seized, too. Fuck ordering international.
I love it when people use Steve or Derek as examples. "Ohh well MPMD says..." I like Steve and value his information but don't let that be your only source of information. Your go to guy for anything steroid related. Those guys use pubmed like the rest of us.
No doctor will prescribe you a dose below 10mg/day for acne so I had to give anecdotal data. I know a 20mg is very likely to be effective because dosages as low as 30mg/week have been studied for anti-aging. I referred to Steve because people here know him not because I only refer to these guys. Wayne Goss also experimented with a very low dose and as one of the top makeup artists, he is a much more reliable source compared to a random steroid user.

A lot of people here on this forum couldn't figure out how to dose their oils. I'm not sure if these people really use PubMed.
I got one a long time ago ordering from Euroking if any of the old heads remember him. Had a reship sent to a buddy. Different name, address and city. That got seized, too. Fuck ordering international.
Probably because it's not only the receiver that gets red flagged. Sender info too
I ordered some tbol from expresspeds that got caught by customs, and all my subsequent overseas orders were scrutinized heavily/clearly opened and carefully inspected and poorly repackaged. Fortunately it was all pct stuff.

From what I understand customs puts a flag on your name and address for at least a few years after that...
There is no proof of that being a real thing, It’s simply brolure. Not just drugs are prohibited from entering the US, There is a longggg list of items. To put everyone on a “list” to heavily scrutinize their international mail would be completely impractical. Customs takes 3mo as it is, Now imagine opening every parcel from probably 1/4 of the US population. That is not practical or logical. 90% of the time thet don’t even bother with controlled deliveries. I remember before expresspct got busted their brand deus was in the news for 9000 some pills being seized. All PEDs, No controlled delivery just a dumb news article
Go fuck yourself, welcome to the ignore list no life bitch
You are by far the most immature source I've ever seen, and it's a disgrace members are continuing to support you. The best thing qsc could have done after your second ban, was to can you and get someone who knows how to handle their screw-ups right. The fact you come back, screwed dues, and still have buyers drooling over your cheap prices is pathetic.

Your answer to being criticized is to block the member, but dont fear. We'll still be in your thread calling your scamming out. I believe you'll eventually screw too many members, and meso will turn on you. Because it's obvious you don't care one bit about doing the right thing, when YOU fuck up.
One out of two ain't bad. At least it was cheap.

Imo, Dyna hasn't been a reliable source since the first time he disappeared. He has, however, always been respectful throughout, other than running off with guys money. LOL

But everyone has to make their own decision, ultimately. It's nice that he paid off the guys that he fucked off but I wouldn't recommend for guys to use him because of his past indiscretions.

I'd say the big difference between these two situations is QDS is still here and has no intentions of ever making whole Deus or other guys that were fucked over. He tells guys to get fucked in his thread when they come out in public to speak the truth of their fucked up situations. Literally, has said he has no regrets for scamming yet some guys still think this source is the greatest thing since sliced bread.

And it's pretty damn funny/ridiculous to have the rep liking the post that I quoted above yours when he knows that the guy received clomid instead of toremifine.

Fenrir surprisingly gave you good advice. I also brought up the fact that these caps are shit to the rep. Hopefully, they will choose to improve this aspect of their operation because not everyone that buys from them will realize the risk of injecting a piece of fiber from a swab or read that it's a good idea to bend the sharp edges into the stopper.

If I recall, you and I were talking shit to each other in this very thread. You're were saying you were going to buy from Q no matter what I had to say. You seem really intelligent to blindly trust this source when you've seen multiple problems and red flags. Good luck, bud. Hopefully, you don't have any problems because if you do, you're on your own, chump.
Hey, if you gonna keep spamming this "message" you spreading, can you do it N a more concise manner? Man, you writing so much, and very frequently.