Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

You are by far the most immature source I've ever seen, and it's a disgrace members are continuing to support you. The best thing qsc could have done after your second ban, was to can you and get someone who knows how to handle their screw-ups right. The fact you come back, screwed dues, and still have buyers drooling over your cheap prices is pathetic.

Your answer to being criticized is to block the member, but dont fear. We'll still be in your thread calling your scamming out. I believe you'll eventually screw too many members, and meso will turn on you. Because it's obvious you don't care one bit about doing the right thing, when YOU fuck up.
The only one who is able to deal with cheap fucks like you who are used to be cocksucked by sources to shut you up, is me, and you will have to deal with me for the rest of your miserable lives
When did this change? Didn’t you just put In here reship was best?
The AG***CN was the most used in the past by members as it's safe and fast, but it was temporary suspended that's why I adviced reship line for members, now the fast china post line is back, and it's fast, so it's the best to be used now instead of reship.
Same here. When I first started I was given 23g, 1.5 inchers. I had nothing to compare it to and have been using them ever since. Needless to say it doesn't take me long to pin lol.

Same but 1 inch, mainly quads. Rotate to glutes if volume or PIP deems it necessary.
Qingdao I emailed you about possibly expediting the returned/insufficient address shipment once your domestic warehouse receives it. Is it possible for them to overnight the package?
Hey, if you gonna keep spamming this "message" you spreading, can you do it N a more concise manner? Man, you writing so much, and very frequently.
This rep scammed a member, Bret is trying to get members to see this, and all you get out of his posts is for him to be concise? It's interesting that your account is less than 2 months old, and 99% of your posts are in this very thread. Just when I think the people supporting this source can't be anymore ignorant, I come across your post which flat out ignores everything brought up.
This rep has told us what a piece of shit he is from the beginning and most members have shown they don't give a shit unless it happens to them. Anyone who gets burnt by this clown deserves it at this point.
This rep scammed a member, Bret is trying to get members to see this, and all you get out of his posts is for him to be concise? It's interesting that your account is less than 2 months old, and 99% of your posts are in this very thread. Just when I think the people supporting this source can't be anymore ignorant, I come across your post which flat out ignores everything brought up.
Get a tissue, you big sook!
Madbret (really lives up to his name) was literally spamming the same message over and over again.
Man, I'm suspicious of you! Lurking around these forums like some white knight, looking for vulnerable people to "save". You literally have been hitting up my DM's and sending me dic pics. Doubt it was even yours! Back off guy. Not interested. No offence.
Get a tissue, you big sook!
Madbret (really lives up to his name) was literally spamming the same message over and over again.
Man, I'm suspicious of you! Lurking around these forums like some white knight, looking for vulnerable people to "save". You literally have been hitting up my DM's and sending me dic pics. Doubt it was even yours! Back off guy. Not interested. No offence.
Anyone who's been around here knows I wouldn't do what you claiming, dick pics, hahaha. A 2 month old shill account for qsc has zero credibility here. Take your lies and shove them up the reps ass.
Anyone who's been around here knows I wouldn't do what you claiming, dick pics, hahaha. A 2 month old shill account for qsc has zero credibility here. Take your lies and shove them up the reps ass.
I'll shove them up your arse!
I'm pretty much saying, it's annoying AF reading every other post by one of the white knights repeating the same shit, like you ain't bring anything new to the table. Maybe just everytime you think about writing compulsively, take a few deep breaths or engage in a meaningful activity of some kind. Maybe keep these posts to every other page? They still here for a reason. People like there cheap products and realise it all comes from China. All these other sources are just middlemen who assist us by proofing products and stealth shipping. That's it. Going to QSC is going straight to the cow for the milk.
I'll shove them up your arse!
I'm pretty much saying, it's annoying AF reading every other post by one of the white knights repeating the same shit, like you ain't bring anything new to the table. Maybe just everytime you think about writing compulsively, take a few deep breaths or engage in a meaningful activity of some kind. Maybe keep these posts to every other page? They still here for a reason. People like there cheap products and realise it all comes from China. All these other sources are just middlemen who assist us by proofing products and stealth shipping. That's it. Going to QSC is going straight to the cow for the milk.
I like chocolate milk
I'll shove them up your arse!
I'm pretty much saying, it's annoying AF reading every other post by one of the white knights repeating the same shit, like you ain't bring anything new to the table. Maybe just everytime you think about writing compulsively, take a few deep breaths or engage in a meaningful activity of some kind. Maybe keep these posts to every other page? They still here for a reason. People like there cheap products and realise it all comes from China. All these other sources are just middlemen who assist us by proofing products and stealth shipping. That's it. Going to QSC is going straight to the cow for the milk.
Go fuck yourself with one of your clown shoes. Is that concise enough for you to comprehend, junior?