Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Has there been any finished oils blind testing done on this source? Please point me in the right direction. Dont give me all that "fucking do your research bro" because i do research. I researched stuff that could actually benefit/hurt my health....stuff that holds signifigance. I work hard physical labor 60+ hours a week, have a 12 year younger wife thats constantly begging for dick, two 4 year old boys, a 6 week old daughter. Im a super busy exhausted dude. All that aint counting gym time. So please, bros to bros alike, point me in the right direction. Thank you
Quite a bit in the steroid lab testing forum everything has tested good as far as AAS goes
Has there been any finished oils blind testing done on this source? Please point me in the right direction. Dont give me all that "fucking do your research bro" because i do research. I researched stuff that could actually benefit/hurt my health....stuff that holds signifigance. I work hard physical labor 60+ hours a week, have a 12 year younger wife thats constantly begging for dick, two 4 year old boys, a 6 week old daughter. Im a super busy exhausted dude. All that aint counting gym time. So please, bros to bros alike, point me in the right direction. Thank you
Recent Blind lab tests of finished oils done by members

1) Qingdao Sigma - Trestolone acetate 50mg/ml

2) Qingdao Sigma - Test E/Primo E blend 300mg/ml

3) Qingdao Sigma - Tren E 100mg/ml

4) Qingdao Sigma - Mast E 200mg/ml and Primo E 100mg/ml
TREN is my best friend,and ladyboys of Dr. Huge from now on

No, you shut the fuck up bitch and no she can’t… i don’t give a fuck if it’s a harm reduction site, Qing didn’t hurt anyone so your point is invalid. I wouldn’t have refunded that little fucker either after he hopped in the thread talking shit, he should have went to Qing directly instead of causing a scene and hurting their business like a pussy little bitch with bitch made tendencies.

I’ve already done my research and saw they don’t list it US domestic, that doesn’t mean that can’t make an exception for a past paying customer!!! Never know if they have a little something in hidden stock. Yes I want Ralox, I’ve ordered from them before and trust the product or I wouldn’t stick up for them…

I just want faster shipping speeds. If I was that desperate I’d just order the kittens product but I can’t support a source who try’s to hurt another sources business like this. In the real world, would Applebees talk shit on social media to Olive Garden??? No they fucking wouldn’t, because it’s unprofessional as fuck! Also, nobody likes cats except for girls & faggots so idk why it all has to be about cats… they trigger a lot of people so it’s not the best marketing move tbh, and you even have to edit it and give it a stupid fucking flower hat to anger me even further!!

Like I said, If Qing was in the pussies thread then everybody would be saying wtf and sticking up for the cat, but that’s not the case g.

P.s. Qing I’ll msg you, I’ll order the raws and longer shipping time version of the Ralox I suppose. I just don’t know how to prepare the raws lol. I think this nolvadex was 20mg? The little pills in little bottle labeled tm?
Let me get this straight, you are triggered by cats and say no one likes them but girls and fags. Only a pussy little bitch would be triggered by cat. Get the hell out of here loser. I hope a Lion eats your sorry ass.
Accutane is exceptionally photosensitive and degrades very quickly once exposed to light within an hour. I can find the study if you like, but it's the reason why buying Accutane raws is kind of a bad idea if you don't have extra care to ensure it stays safe.
Check post:
Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd.

We strongly believe it's the degradation as accutane can be very sensitive and nothing related to underdosing or raw purity, we gonna verify that point, by testing the raw freshly sent from China to Jano.
If it shows a high purity, we will have the choice either to stop selling accutane as finished tabs, since it degrades easily or keep it in the store and warning customers about it, since they get the results from it as it removes acnee and it's what matters at the end, let's see..
Maybe you can prepare Accutane as pharmaceutical companies do by encapsulating it in a protective barrier?
Let me get this straight, you are triggered by cats and say no one likes them but girls and fags. Only a pussy little bitch would be triggered by cat. Get the hell out of here loser. I hope a Lion eats your sorry ass.
That guy was banned, probably for harassing private messages to 2 people speaking against qsc. And then you have a guy last night, who flat out made up lies about me sending him pms. The depths some of these qsc supporters go thru to antagonize members against the rep is pretty sad.

Members should be looking out for each other, not attacking other members in support of a source.

