Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I’ve read that tianeptine can act on the same receptors as opiods, similar to kratom. I remember your past posts about this subject, just be sure to do extensive research as I don't want you to fall back into any relapse brother.
Exactly my addiction is thinking about trying to get high somehow, and then i stop and soem weird chemical pops up like kratom or tiaptine or gabapentin, and i get fucked. So i will just not even try. I honestly think it should be taken off the list
I did once 20iu hgh,250mcg igf1f together with morning lantus 40iu.. and pre and after workout humalog. I done it only for week. Made mistake,done it at time when my body was already toxic from abuse androgens and couldnt eat enough. However i did see results.

So far,I still think that HGH protocol with 3 weeks of extreme dose of igf1lr3 daily and than 10grams yk11 over 20 days will yield in waay more hyperplasia and hyperthrophy than hgh insulin.

Now you can add insulin if you want,but than i advise mk677 ask well to make sure you can eat.

So far,least sides and max growth is igf1 and after yk11.

I will try as soon as get some.money buy 1kit igf1 lr3 and 10g yk11 and will make full log of it.

330 usd with shipping and all together is 6 weeks i believe its worth it.
That sounds great! I think I'll try that down the track actually. Been watching too much Tony Huge and his mass blasts recently lol. Been ruminating bout doing this the past few weeks.
I want semaglutide but I have a feeling people will want hgh. Hgh seems more practical for the community and your business imo
Just from a personal note, I’ve been on QSC’s semaglutide for my 10th week now. The first 6 weeks were on 0.25mg/wk. Dropped 8lbs in that time and killed my appetite. It started coming back on that 6th week and even upping the dose to 0.5mg split twice that week didn’t do much. I suspected the last of that first vial lost its potency like has been rumored. So on week 7 when I reconstituted a new vial my appetite was shot again. Week 8 I did 0.5mg for the week and week 9 I skipped to go on vacay and enjoy some food while traveling. Week 10 I’m planning 0.75mg/wk and so far the appetite is very suppressed. Weight is fluctuating as I’m ramping my Test dosage back up for a blast, but my deficit is consistently 700-1k/day without trying hard.

I’m extremely happy with the semaglutide. I did the 5mg vials but I’d probably go for the smaller vials to keep them fresh and potent.
Just from a personal note, I’ve been on QSC’s semaglutide for my 10th week now. The first 6 weeks were on 0.25mg/wk. Dropped 8lbs in that time and killed my appetite. It started coming back on that 6th week and even upping the dose to 0.5mg split twice that week didn’t do much. I suspected the last of that first vial lost its potency like has been rumored. So on week 7 when I reconstituted a new vial my appetite was shot again. Week 8 I did 0.5mg for the week and week 9 I skipped to go on vacay and enjoy some food while traveling. Week 10 I’m planning 0.75mg/wk and so far the appetite is very suppressed. Weight is fluctuating as I’m ramping my Test dosage back up for a blast, but my deficit is consistently 700-1k/day without trying hard.

I’m extremely happy with the semaglutide. I did the 5mg vials but I’d probably go for the smaller vials to keep them fresh and potent.
I just blasted 2mg and it hit me fast. Couldn't finish my Salmon and sweet potatoes.
I just blasted 2mg and it hit me fast. Couldn't finish my Salmon and sweet potatoes.
Hell yeah! It’s some good stuff. I saw you said you were already on script stuff. This was my first exposure to it and I love it. I’ve always had an insatiable hunger and this is the first time I’ve ever been able to get full on the smallest amounts of foods.