Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Testing on @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals semaglutide would be awesome. Does @janoshik do this? I'll pay.
yes he does. Ive wanted to test mine when ive bought but it is the same price as HGH without dimer (360$ if i remember right). Back then ive tried to get some guys to pay for the test together but unfortunately, there was not enough interest.
I still have some semaglutide left since the 2 kits ive bought last for very long. So if some people would be up for testing i could arrange it (or someone else from EU.. makes it easier to send to jano)
yes he does. Ive wanted to test mine when ive bought but it is the same price as HGH without dimer (360$ if i remember right). Back then ive tried to get some guys to pay for the test together but unfortunately, there was not enough interest.
I still have some semaglutide left since the 2 kits ive bought last for very long. So if some people would be up for testing i could arrange it (or someone else from EU.. makes it easier to send to jano)
I'll BTC you 130 to get it done.
BTC it to me and will cover the balance and will be shipped freshly from China by express with minimal transportation time, rather than shipping a vial from 2021 ^^
december 21 ;-)
shouldnt really degrade after such a short time since it is in my fridge
But better for me if i have less hassle and cost, hehe.
And i am sure the factory wouldnt make 1 fake vial to get a good test (they probably create batches of several 100s)
And i am sure the factory wouldnt make 1 fake vial to get a good test (they probably create batches of several 100s)
They don't know who is Janoshik ^^
I pay these from my own money, just telling them to pick random vials and ship to this address:...
Oils results were a proof of our 100% transparency about lab test results, I post everything, good or bad.
What products you guys wanna see Jano-tested in future?

Leave a comment with 1 product of your choice, and I might test 3 or 4 or maybe more, depending on the total cost, or simply refund some customers lab tests to keep them blind and more fun :p

The comments that will get the biggest number of likes will be choosen.

Max price per lab should be $180 so members can pick either oils, tabs, raws or classic peptides in stock.

1,2,3 let's go !

Results on 09/06

At least something good is coming from that $2k you scammed a member out of. :rolleyes:
Lab tests choosen and possible to do, sharing the costs:

- HGH vial with dimer test $420
- Semaglutide vial $380
- Telmisartan raw $380
- Telmisartan tabs $380
- BPC157 vial $180
- Primo 200mg/ml oil $120
- Toremifene citrate raw $380 (cannot be done now as stills out of stock)

As you can notice guys most of them are so expensive, but all of them are very interesting to lab test, so I will try to cover a maximum cost, but still will need some help.

The HGH available now is a very interesting batch as we arranged the same one to EU and US warehouses, a very big one, so I will cover the 100% cost even that exceeds the $180, because most of you want it very bad.

BPC157 will be tested too.

Primo 200mg/ml I will cover it as a blind test, so customers who ordered it in past 1-3 months are invited to DM so we can choose one, who is able to send a sealed vial, I will refund him the lab test once published + compensate the vial on his next order.

For Semaglutide and telmisartan raws/tabs we can get a small discount from Jano, but I will still need some help for these, so members who are interested in doing those experiences are invited to DM, if they wanna donate.

If the funds aren't enough I will just test 4-5 items.

If I see that there is enough reactivity with regard to participation in these lab tests, we will make contests like this regularly.

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