Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I believe that 3-6 weeks of igf1 and than yk11 at these extreme doses will eventually give more muscles than 2g of test for 6 months. You make new cells with igf which will grow even after u finish aas or this blast. With yk11 the goal is to knockout myostatin so you can grow and the sky is limit.

The reason I say short yk11 cycles is becouse of joint,if you would go lower dose for 6 months you would probably break a joint or smtng and 6 months is still long time to tax your body.

Fullness and nutrition partitioning for me is way better on yk11 200mg+ than 2g of test and deca. And fat loss is great..more muscle.more.fat u burn.

If you are advanced try it
Start hgh few weeks before,higher the better
Week 1-3 500mcg to 1mg igf1lr3 5 times a week after training

Week 3-6 keep hgh and blast 500mg yk11 1hr before training,all at once.

I order to do that kind of cycle you need to know how you feel on 50mg yk11..how you feel on 100 and so on. If eating is issue add mk677 morning while on yk11
Great reply thanks this is what we need more off trials and find what works blocking myostatin is key

But one thing I can’t make mine so next order will add too the list but with other stuff gh igf1 Trestolone test superdrol

But you think 40mg is a waste even 60mg ? have you seen nothing with these doses as it will block myostatin still and many report joint pain on 20mg
Great reply thanks this is what we need more off trials and find what works blocking myostatin is key

But one thing I can’t make mine so next order will add too the list but with other stuff gh igf1 Trestolone test superdrol

But you think 40mg is a waste even 60mg ? have you seen nothing with these doses as it will block myostatin still and many report joint pain on 20mg
I dont think its a waste,it will lower to some point myostatin,what we want is to kill it completely so you just grow like mushroom. To be honest on such short cycles I didnt feel any join issues,but you can alway add tb500 to counter it lol
This is what people with a single digit IQ don't understand in industry and in mass production, what we call production defects linked to machine performance indexes because it's automated.

It has nothing to do with the price, you have it in your bottle of coke, water, shampoo, milk and any product crimped automatically because of a machine.
You're less likely to have vials like this if you make a dozen in a bathtub, but when you produce thousands it's normal for such defective products to occur in production.

This type of product is simply thrown away, and is never sent to customers, as evidenced by more than 500 pages of feedback, all customers received their vials with the tops and there is no vial where the cap was missing.

Now that you're done making a fool of yourself, you can go back to eat cat shit in the ignore list that you're desperately trying to leave, spamming this thread, and no one is paying attention to your comments.

View: https://vimeo.com/689563684

View: https://vimeo.com/689563330

View: https://vimeo.com/689563082

Smoke and mirrors. You also claim to be able to do in-house hplc testing but yet you sent out underdosed products such as hcg and sent another member something that he had to test for himself to find out it wasn’t what he ordered. Your equipment literally means nothing here. That picture of the missing cap proves this. Pretty though.

Pcom also has shiny equipment but yet test poorly often.
Smoke and mirrors. You also claim to be able to do in-house hplc testing but yet you sent out underdosed products such as hcg and sent another member something that he had to test for himself to find out it wasn’t what he ordered. Your equipment literally means nothing here. That picture of the missing cap proves this. Pretty though.

Pcom also has shiny equipment but yet test poorly often.
Do some reading and you will understand the hcg issue about what inhouse testing we were using for it
Welp, it’s of no surprise that I caught you lying, again. You said I made the ignore list. Oops

Ya know, you fuck up a lot. You admitted that scamming Deus was an error on YOUR part but decided to keep the guys $2k. Now you post a picture as advertisement and it shows why some complain about your tops. Hell, looks like they are lucky to get them at all.

Now that there’s no denying I have your attention. Why you asking for money for testing when you have $2k to spend that you scammed from a member? That $2k is more than enough to cover the cost of all the items you listed to test but you’re still trying to start a go fund. The least you could do is spend that free money you got and cover your own damn testing. Geez greedy
I'm a bit tempted by the Sustanon 400. How bad would it be in terms of PIP? For reference, I've previously used TestE 350. Would this be much worse?
Can someone explain to me why anyone takes tony huge seriously? I watched 2 of his YouTube videos and maybe 15 minutes of him convinced me he’s retarded. His solution to everything is more gear more gear. Yet the guy looks fucking terrible for the dosages he runs. I’ve legit seen guys who have run 3 test only cycles that look better than tony. He should try eating food instead of doing those fucking stupid mass blasts he suggests. Didn’t dude have like two heart attacks already? He will probably be the next famous “bodybuilder” to die. I wish I could understand why all of you are so obsessed with nobodies on YouTube
He straight up tells it like it is. He uses high dosages of gear so he doesn’t have to train hard or eat right. That’s why he only looks decent for all the growth and gear
Great reply thanks this is what we need more off trials and find what works blocking myostatin is key

But one thing I can’t make mine so next order will add too the list but with other stuff gh igf1 Trestolone test superdrol

But you think 40mg is a waste even 60mg ? have you seen nothing with these doses as it will block myostatin still and many report joint pain on 20mg
Blocking myostatin is also the key to aging. Be careful what you wish for.
Good point! I am not sold on the standard mass blast, especially the one currently occuring. It's insane. I like the logic though with getting in and out before myostatin kicks in. Not 100% sure if that works in the real world though. I'd be lying to say I wasn't really curious or at least imagining the results it might give me. Especially the IGF lr3 , HGH and insulin combo.
Good point! I am not sold on the standard mass blast, especially the one currently occuring. It's insane. I like the logic though with getting in and out before myostatin kicks in. Not 100% sure if that works in the real world though. I'd be lying to say I wasn't really curious or at least imagining the results it might give me. Especially the IGF lr3 , HGH and insulin combo.
It does give results,but from these 20 pounds you get,I guess 12 is water and glycogen,6 is hypertrophy and maybe 2 pounds are actual new muscle cells,baby ones. So all this blast is only because of these two pounds of new cells. In mi opinion its worth it coz these new cells are permanent so next time you are on aas there are more muscle cells to grow than the last time
I don’t understand why there are so many people in here solely for the purpose of bashing the vendor? Are they perfect? No, but are any other merchants? No. Those who’ve had positive experiences will continue to buy and support, and those that haven’t, whilst unfortunate, are not obligated to part of the discussion. Plenty of fish in the sea. Just go and fucking fish elsewhere.
I don’t understand why there are so many people in here solely for the purpose of bashing the vendor? Are they perfect? No, but are any other merchants? No. Those who’ve had positive experiences will continue to buy and support, and those that haven’t, whilst unfortunate, are not obligated to part of the discussion. Plenty of fish in the sea. Just go and fucking fish elsewhere.
Ive yet to receive my order,but as far as ive read lots of people had good experiences with the vendor,his stuff is dirt cheap,so in a way complaints are somewhat invalid,if u dont like it,get domestic at 3-5 times the price from reputable sources.I hope everything is good with my order as the stuff he sells are quite expensive to source and run 24/7 from other places,and i plan on placing another order,as lots of stuff caught my eye that i havent seen anywhere else
Ive yet to receive my order,but as far as ive read lots of people had good experiences with the vendor,his stuff is dirt cheap,so in a way complaints are somewhat invalid,if u dont like it,get domestic at 3-5 times the price from reputable sources.I hope everything is good with my order as the stuff he sells are quite expensive to source and run 24/7 from other places,and i plan on placing another order,as lots of stuff caught my eye that i havent seen anywhere else

Haha...well, you'll get some shit for this post. Sometimes cheap is not the best, although some of these recent finished oil tests from QSC are promising.

In the interest of full disclosure, I'm about to make an order with QSC, so I'm going to give their finished oils a fair shot. I get bloods every 3 months, so I know where my levels should be with the mgs I'm injecting.
I don’t understand why there are so many people in here solely for the purpose of bashing the vendor? Are they perfect? No, but are any other merchants? No. Those who’ve had positive experiences will continue to buy and support, and those that haven’t, whilst unfortunate, are not obligated to part of the discussion. Plenty of fish in the sea. Just go and fucking fish elsewhere.
Its not like adding exogenous hormones makes you more aggresive and aggitated or anything.

Update after 2 days of bpc157. gi distubances from antibiotics are gone. General inflammation is down. Feel good. Love this stufd and glad i can get it cheap now.
I don’t understand why there are so many people in here solely for the purpose of bashing the vendor? Are they perfect? No, but are any other merchants? No. Those who’ve had positive experiences will continue to buy and support, and those that haven’t, whilst unfortunate, are not obligated to part of the discussion. Plenty of fish in the sea. Just go and fucking fish elsewhere.
You don't understand why people are explicitly bashing someone who has admitted to stealing more than $2000 from a customer?