Can someone explain to me why anyone takes tony huge seriously? I watched 2 of his YouTube videos and maybe 15 minutes of him convinced me he’s retarded. His solution to everything is more gear more gear. Yet the guy looks fucking terrible for the dosages he runs. I’ve legit seen guys who have run 3 test only cycles that look better than tony. He should try eating food instead of doing those fucking stupid mass blasts he suggests. Didn’t dude have like two heart attacks already? He will probably be the next famous “bodybuilder” to die. I wish I could understand why all of you are so obsessed with nobodies on YouTube
What Tony is doing is making money,but many things he says are right. If you watch his videos,but all of them you would see he is not taking much steroids,he is mostly on trt and then he would blast sometimes huge doses for a week or two just to maintain size or make new cells so he can get away with less training even. He barely train once a week and he party every single night. Its basically a lifestyle many guys want. Who doesn't want it? Girls,money,car and decent look with minimum training?
I dont say its healthy,but not many things we do is healthy anyway.
But the thing Tony is about hyperplasia is correct and I agree with it. Its simple,more cells it means you will be able to train less and take less drugs after. Now the way he do hyperplasia , good or not its up to you to decide,to each individual.
For me its way easier to megadose igf1lr with insulin for 3 weeks and than do yk11 mega for 3 weeks than abuse insulin like he does.
I tried both,and least sides and most growth i got is from my protocol
I done stupid, ridiculous doses of test,tren,eq..up to 6grams a week..i did grow in 6months 32kg with some fat loss but I felt awfull,i done 3g test,m1t,eq 3 g a week all at once but most growth was when i stopped eq,lowered test a lot and done high blast with igf1lr and yk11,its game chaning.
Ill never again experiment with high aas for long time. My cycles gonna be 4-8weeks max with classic steroids max 4 weeks
Like this : test base,tren base,hgh with mega igf1lr3 for 3 weeks and than yk11 3 weeks or even i just gonna stay trt and do igf and yk11. I will gain more and feel better doing it.
But this is my approach,smart or not. I dont drink,dont smoke and dont take recreational drugs. However I will go abroad before igf and yk11 to check all bloods and organs to see where i stand,so far after lowering dosages a lot and after igf1lr3 i feel like I am growing again,anyway I cant fit the shirt I could 3 weeks ago and I lost fat at same time.
Ofc this is not for begginers.