Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Is this your reading comprehension failing again, or are you just plain lying? The test report was April 24th, the communications with the source about the fake product took place in days to follow, but the thread wasn't posted until May 9th. That's not "waiting a day or two".

The fuck are you talking about "handle it in a respectful manner". Dude was promised a refund and then the source said "actually no refund". That's a scam. That's disrespect. Also this joke about "getting banned" by the source screams "you didn't break up with me, I broke up with you!".

But don't worry, rest assured that every time your misinformation is posted, there will be someone with the receipts to correct you.
Your wasting your breath with this winner. Not a single post anywhere outside of this thread, so he is here for himself and no one else, no help to the community at all.

People on the fence with this source. QSC could be good here if he wasnt selectively scamming and has a shitty attitude. Look at the history of those calling him out, and then the history of those defending him. Then make your decision. Any of us bashing QSC just want him to do the right thing and make things right with those scammed. We all 100% think if he did he may a topnsource here.
You're not including the part where he flew off the handle though. He broke the rules and had his order cancelled.

Again this happened from another source ordering from QSC. So I imagine the whole online trashing that occurred was at least somewhat motivated by money.
I think you have to be the stupidest mother fucker on this board or atleast the one with the deepest throat. Gonna laugh my ass off when you get played one day soon. Most give two fucks about the whole situation but damn you all up in it slurping his shit down. Never felt the need to smoke a pole for a $6 bottle of prop before.
I think you have to be the stupidest mother fucker on this board or atleast the one with the deepest throat. Gonna laugh my ass off when you get played one day soon. Most give two fucks about the whole situation but damn you all up in it slurping his shit down. Never felt the need to smoke a pole for a $6 bottle of prop before.
That is a whole lot of descriptive gay talk.... Kinda gross. Not interested, ya flamer! It's 2022 though, so you do you I ain't gonna judge.
Ok, tell me a better source?
Jesus... the back and forth bickering in this thread is ridiculous. Anyone that does their homework can see both the good and bad this source has done and make their own decisions. The constant repetition of the same shit(from both sides)is annoying as hell.
Even Amazon **** ups orders. Let’s be honest the Chinese aren’t exactly known for “amazing customer service”. If you ever do business in China you would know this. The way they talk is unintentional, but some take it as purposely being rude.

So far from what I see several batches of gear have been tested and came back spot on including obscure gear like MENT. I think the only thing I saw was a slight discrepancy in lady anavar and a big miss on their Accutane. If I missed anything let me know.

I am happy with the source so far.

Like The movie batman once said: “you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain”. Same applies to steroid sources.
Please explain what you meant then, trust me not a leap by any means.
If you read what I quoted you can see Gracie saying it was a fake product, that was not true. Nothing more nothing less and then you come running in with more dumb comments.
If you read what I quoted you can see Gracie saying it was a fake product, that was not true. Nothing more nothing less and then you come running in with more dumb comments.
You make it so easy for us.... we dont have to say how much a retard you are, everytime you start typing it shows, almost in big neon lights..... thanks for being here
Even Amazon **** ups orders. Let’s be honest the Chinese aren’t exactly known for “amazing customer service”. If you ever do business in China you would know this. The way they talk is unintentional, but some take it as purposely being rude.

So far from what I see several batches of gear have been tested and came back spot on including obscure gear like MENT. I think the only thing I saw was a slight discrepancy in lady anavar and a big miss on their Accutane. If I missed anything let me know.

I am happy with the source so far.

Like The movie batman once said: “you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain”. Same applies to steroid sources.
Wasn't the var like 1 or 2 mgs in both directions off tho I mean that's pretty good imo.
From the begining I always happy with this source so I don’t understand why people hate him ?

But okay some of vials are underdaring, but look at the prices for 2 vials from an another lab here you have 10 vials
So it’s still a better options for us…

I use only gh hcg and raw because I homebrew
And i have no pb with those raw.
From the begining I always happy with this source so I don’t understand why people hate him ?

But okay some of vials are underdaring, but look at the prices for 2 vials from an another lab here you have 10 vials
So it’s still a better options for us…

I use only gh hcg and raw because I homebrew
And i have no pb with those raw.
People mostly only hate that he stole thousands of dollars from a customer and brags about it
That is a whole lot of descriptive gay talk.... Kinda gross. Not interested, ya flamer! It's 2022 though, so you do you I ain't gonna judge.
Ok, tell me a better source?
Buy from him. No one cares. For the most part you will probably be good. But sticking up for him when he obviously fucked someone over because he got his feelings hurt definitely makes you his bitch. He's a grown man, he can defend himself.. I don't suck dick bro. It's obvious that's your job.
Buy from him. No one cares. For the most part you will probably be good. But sticking up for him when he obviously fucked someone over because he got his feelings hurt definitely makes you his bitch. He's a grown man, he can defend himself.. I don't suck dick bro. It's obvious that's your job.
Man, I don't know you, but you have mentioned dick sucking related stuff like 5 times now. Not my thing, guy.
Also, I don't appreciate you hitting up my dm's to "talk things out" and share "progress pics". Fuck outta here, guy.