Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

And here we go again.

I guess you guys never get tired.
Sex drive is wonky, ED that is not responding well to treatment. But I don’t know if it’s the estrogen or the accutane.

I didn’t know if lowering estradiol to 40-50 would help achieve better gains and remove fat and get my sex drive back. Currently doing 5IU (roughly on average) HGH a day alongside my cycle.
My libido started to decline, still had desire but couldn't maintain erections, no morning wood. Took a 25 mg aromasin and next morning was good to go.
Sex drive is wonky, ED that is not responding well to treatment. But I don’t know if it’s the estrogen or the accutane.

I didn’t know if lowering estradiol to 40-50 would help achieve better gains and remove fat and get my sex drive back. Currently doing 5IU (roughly on average) HGH a day alongside my cycle.
Also check prolactin if using generic hgh.
You really think I was insinuating he broke a vial first, then shipped it to the customer. And you're calling me retarded with an IQ of 7.

I guess it never registered improper packaging could be part of the reason for the breakage?
Besides shoving a vial into your soft feminine ass and flying back to the US, What else can you do to prevent glass breaking when it’s thrown? The vials are wrapped in padded mylar and bubble wrap. Besides hand delivering it, wtf do you expect the vendor to do when it’s shipped thousands of miles with thousands of other packages falling into it? For 2-3 broken vials in months time I think that’s pretty good odds. You are one miserable mother fucker. I’ve yet to see one post of yours just being positive about any situation at all. You must get zero pussy or something to be as miserable as you are every day. Just looking for shit to complain about
Right. QDS didn't dox anyone and you're not a flaming faggot. Thanks for clearing that up, RuPaul.
Nice one twinkle toes. Dancing around the question. What is a better source?

Wasn't a fully blatant dox.
Your arms literally look like overcooked linguine. No offence. But I bet ya Mrs helps open jars for you.
Dude what is it with women and a man’s ass? My wife grabs my ass and smacks it constantly. I thought that was probably the least favorite muscle for women but she can’t keep her hands off my ass
Because the bigger ass means you can thrust harder. Strong fuck muscles are appreciated by women even just to look at. And frankly nobody likes the typical male pancake ass
Hey Ding Dong how many fake accounts do you have in this thread to defend yourself?

He literally has the same brand new accounts defending him over and over. None of those accounts post outside of this thread. It's so obvious lol
Tell me a better one?

Literally any source that:

- Doesn't dox their own customers
- Doesn't refuse to refund because the customers weren't "nice enough" when they asked
- Doesn't have shit hcg, of which we still don't know what the impurity is
- Doesn't use a fake profile picture pretending to be a woman
- Doesn't use a fake office picture in his very first post
- Hasn't been banned several times
- Doesn't have a shill army of fake accounts to defend himself
- Doesn't have terrible customer service
- Doesn't have shit accutane
- Doesn't force customers to buy more to make up for mistakes (lol "reship")
- Doesn't send clomid when someone orders toremefine

Man you made this really easy for me, I can go on and on