Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

What is his high e2 sides is he growing tips? Is he bawling during a romantic movie? I've seen some of the fastest growing people with estrogen in 200- 300 feeling great crazy sex drive also they tend to have better lipids with the higher estrogen but there are those people that can't handle it crying on their way to work from a sad song on the radio lol
He said he's having ED.

It may not be high E2 but I know lots of people (myself included) who's only side from high E2 is ED. I feel great in every other way but dick just stops working.

Again, at that number working in a DHT into his cycle may make a world of diff, and there's only one way to know.
I bet they're gonna send him another 10 instead of one vial
So you really think qsc is going to send the guy a $65 kit to replace a $6 vial? They're only giving a 10% of total cost freebie for those that pay out of pocket for testing. I assure you they're only shipping exactly what broke, one vial.

And this is the 2nd or 3rd broken vial recently, I don't know if it's the PO fault in all cases.
So you really think qsc is going to send the guy a $65 kit to replace a $6 vial? They're only giving a 10% of total cost freebie for those that pay out of pocket for testing. I assure you they're only shipping exactly what broke, one vial.

And this is the 2nd or 3rd broken vial recently, I don't know if it's the PO fault in all cases.
Yeah why not
He said he's having ED.

It may not be high E2 but I know lots of people (myself included) who's only side from high E2 is ED. I feel great in every other way but dick just stops working.

Again, at that number working in a DHT into his cycle may make a world of diff, and there's only one way to know.
Fair enough that makes sense if mine gets too high I get gyno symptoms and eventually extreme high sex drive with mild ED. different situations for different estrogens too
So vial breaks, and rep will only replace it if you place a new order. Again, this source’s standard is lower all because of their cheap prices. Smdh, they should be sending you a replacement now.
Out of the 24 vials, 1 vial of RU58841 broke. It comes from China to west EU. I really cant be mad that one vial broke during transport, seeing as how some mailmen use the packages as bowling balls. I also dont expect a free reship for 1 vial. If it was a full kit of something that broke, then yes i would. Right now i'm happy with the free vial on the next order.
Out of the 24 vials, 1 vial of RU58841 broke. It comes from China to west EU. I really cant be mad that one vial broke during transport, seeing as how some mailmen use the packages as bowling balls. I also dont expect a free reship for 1 vial. If it was a full kit of something that broke, then yes i would. Right now i'm happy with the free vial on the next order.
I worked for ups in a parcel center of Germany's biggest city. I can tell you, we thrown around and kicked around almost every package there was. Its a normal thing.
Out of the 24 vials, 1 vial of RU58841 broke. It comes from China to west EU. I really cant be mad that one vial broke during transport, seeing as how some mailmen use the packages as bowling balls. I also dont expect a free reship for 1 vial. If it was a full kit of something that broke, then yes i would. Right now i'm happy with the free vial on the next order.
the rep usually offers to send the broken vial(s) for free with the next shipment.
He still owes me 1 vial of test c and 1 vial of igf-lr 1mg so i know, hehe :D
the worst thing is cleaning all the other stuff in the package if 1 vial of oil based stuff breaks imo. its a mess
I wanna do leg day though. I actually like leg day.

My wife used to make fun of me for not having an ass and now she likes how it has grown.
Dude what is it with women and a man’s ass? My wife grabs my ass and smacks it constantly. I thought that was probably the least favorite muscle for women but she can’t keep her hands off my ass
So you really think qsc is going to send the guy a $65 kit to replace a $6 vial? They're only giving a 10% of total cost freebie for those that pay out of pocket for testing. I assure you they're only shipping exactly what broke, one vial.

And this is the 2nd or 3rd broken vial recently, I don't know if it's the PO fault in all cases.
God you’re fucking retarded. Of course it’s the PO fault, You think this rep has anything to gain by breaking a vial then putting it in a packs before mailing it? Why else would a vial break if the post office doesn’t constantly throw packages? 2-3 broken vials out of what…thousands this guy has sent in a months time? Who knew glass was fragile?

Dude I swear your IQ must be like 7. Your post history for the most part proves my theory.
God you’re fucking retarded. Of course it’s the PO fault, You think this rep has anything to gain by breaking a vial then putting it in a packs before mailing it? Why else would a vial break if the post office doesn’t constantly throw packages? 2-3 broken vials out of what…thousands this guy has sent in a months time? Who knew glass was fragile?

Dude I swear your IQ must be like 7. Your post history for the most part proves my theory.
You really think I was insinuating he broke a vial first, then shipped it to the customer. And you're calling me retarded with an IQ of 7.

I guess it never registered improper packaging could be part of the reason for the breakage?
My estradiol just came back at 125.

I never take AIs on cycle unless I feel just bad estrogen effects. Which usually I handle high estrogen well.

Would there be any positive results lowering the estradiol down from this level? For guys that do take AI’s what dosage would you recommend? I already Have AI’s on hand for emergencies.
I think aromasin is the best for this but everyone reacts somewhat differently to different compounds.