Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Yes everything is prepared in China, and shipped to warehouses and stocked, it's only forwarded by agents, everything is already packed from China, with labels on each boxes. When customer order domestic, the agents just received instructions: ship parcel number **** to the following address: ****
Hey sry can I get updated USA list please. Thanks
You just implied this.

So which is it?

Feel free to take a minute in your safe space before responding.
I try and stay out but what aren't you being able to keep up with? Tell me I'll explain in simple 3 syllable words or less! Like I said idc bout shit but this is simple to follow!! Sry u can't keep up
My buddy did that with his wife in South America. He said he tripped his balls off.
Bro I did it. I used to love acid and shrooms. More of a Xanax and maybe coke weekend myself now. But fuk me man dmt is it's own thing. I can't even compare it to shit. 2 hits in and shit was pixelating and my life changed for a short about of time. Glad I did it but will never do it again!! Lol
Bro I did it. I used to love acid and shrooms. More of a Xanax and maybe coke weekend myself now. But fuk me man dmt is it's own thing. I can't even compare it to shit. 2 hits in and shit was pixelating and my life changed for a short about of time. Glad I did it but will never do it again!! Lol
Xanax and coke?? You like playing tug of war with your heart?? That's the stupidest thing you can do. R.I.P
Xanax and coke?? You like playing tug of war with your heart?? That's the stupidest thing you can do. R.I.P
Fuk that's just the start. But yes sir baking is my fav. Or was. I been clean over a yr. But coke and heroin!! Fuk loved it. But yes we will all die. I wanna do some things I consider fun first. Who wants to be 100 and never lived on the edge? I don't wanna argue just stating my beliefs
If you actually go to the link you sent, and look at the context from the earlier and later posts, you can see how he was disrespectful, went for the throat before allowing QSC to rectify the issue. It is stated right there. Handle it in a respectful manner or you get banned. Also to be patient. You can't fly off the handle after waiting a day or two!
Frame it however you want, buddy.
People will keep getting really cheap products and shouldn't be have to deal with "middlemen" and pay 2-3x more for their products. That's a scam!
Day or 2?? Lol. U guys have fun. I'm back to reading