Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

The problem isnt that you buy his shit, its how all of you dickriders defend him like we just dishonored your wives. Fucking sad and disgusting, he can defend himself
I don’t defend him I just simply do not give a fuck that he is a scammer and nor does most of this website.
Damn I joined this forum like a day ago and the last like 10 pages of this thread are just flame wars or some dude posting about his recreational drug habit? tf. Wish this thread was more on topic to the seller in regards to pricing and availability of products and just sharing experiences both good and bad... no need to get all offended either way.
Never thought I'd place an order from outside of the EU. Sweden has very strict customs so it probably would've been better to wait for the new warehouse to open, but I got impatient. I'll make an update about how it went later.
any update, friend?
Hey QSC. Hope all is well!

Real quick, do you have any new products in the pipeline that will go out in the near future?

I remember reading a few dozen pages back that you were thinking of making I think a 200mg/ml or 250mg/ml NPP? Is there any update on that?

If that becomes a thing, then I have no reason to ever shop anywhere else lol. So definitely keep me updated!
I've ordered from Sigma about 6 times or so. 4 times pleased, good comms and T/A (especially with USA domestic warehouse as I'm in USA). 1 order still processing. 1 order resent to shipper (no reasons given, it's just the update I got from usps), but this one is a loss because they don't reship in this context. So 4/6 and potentially 5/6 if the next one comes through... ime, fwiw.
I agree with that, but I also feel that people expecting Amazon treatment and customer service when ordering less than legal items online are out to lunch, asling as they’re happy to throw it in the next order I’m satisfied or store credit etc
Expecting the rep to keep his word that he gave prior to an order being placed isn't expecting Amazon treatment. It's basic, common fucking decency.

QDS sending clomid instead of toremifine to Deus wasn't a mistake. It was a scam. Sending deca instead of toremifine might have been believable as a mistake.

But sending a substance that was interchangable, to the point that it wouldn't have been discovered without Janoshik being paid to analyze it, is obviously intentional. If it walks like a duck. And quacks like a duck. It's a fucking duck.

And the icing on the cake was him getting caught and telling the customer too bad, so sad.

Well, that and the army of shills and cheapskates that also seem to think that it's perfectly acceptable for the rep to treat a paying customer this way.

But I digress.
Expecting the rep to keep his word that he gave prior to an order being placed isn't expecting Amazon treatment. It's basic, common fucking decency.

QDS sending clomid instead of toremifine to Deus wasn't a mistake. It was a scam. Sending deca instead of toremifine might have been believable as a mistake.

But sending a substance that was interchangable, to the point that it wouldn't have been discovered without Janoshik being paid to analyze it, is obviously intentional. If it walks like a duck. And quacks like a duck. It's a fucking duck.

And the icing on the cake was him getting caught and telling the customer too bad, so sad.

Well, that and the army of shills and cheapskates that also seem to think that it's perfectly acceptable for the rep to treat a paying customer this way.

But I digress.
Did this really happen? This is the first I'm hearing of this. Lol
Did this really happen? This is the first I'm hearing of this. Lol

That was the start of it & then discussion carried on in this thread. The rep was then temp-banned for “accidentally” part-doxxing one customer & hinting he’d dox another customer who had the audacity to criticise him.

That was the start of it & then discussion carried on in this thread. The rep was then temp-banned for “accidentally” part-doxxing one customer & hinting he’d dox another customer who had the audacity to criticise him.
Was being sarcastic because it's been on here like 2000 posts.Haha
sending a substance that was interchangable, to the point that it wouldn't have been discovered without Janoshik being paid to analyze it, is obviously intentional. If it walks like a duck. And quacks like a duck. It's a fucking duck.
You would be a fucking awful lawyer
Expecting the rep to keep his word that he gave prior to an order being placed isn't expecting Amazon treatment. It's basic, common fucking decency.

QDS sending clomid instead of toremifine to Deus wasn't a mistake. It was a scam. Sending deca instead of toremifine might have been believable as a mistake.

But sending a substance that was interchangable, to the point that it wouldn't have been discovered without Janoshik being paid to analyze it, is obviously intentional. If it walks like a duck. And quacks like a duck. It's a fucking duck.

And the icing on the cake was him getting caught and telling the customer too bad, so sad.

Well, that and the army of shills and cheapskates that also seem to think that it's perfectly acceptable for the rep to treat a paying customer this way.

But I digress.

Well tbh a unbiased 3rd party who doesn’t give a fuck either way doesn’t count as a shill in my books.

Shit happens and that’s what I’ve derived from the whole situation. In 600+ pages of comments there is one instance of dispute…
I read the email between them in the other thread and their response was on par with what I would of expected

I’m going to give you a hypothetical similar situation

Go into a bar, buy a stella but they give bud
It’s draft so it all looks the same …
Waitress brings it to u and u taste it and u know it’s not Stella..
U call the waitress back and tell her the problem, She says ok no problem keep the bud no charge but we have to get a new keg of Stella and il get it as soon as I can

So instead of accepting the compromise you chose to throw it in her face and start making a huge Scene in the bar calling them scammers etc ,,,,

Now what do u think is going to happen at that point?
Think she’s gonna honour the deal?
Nah she’s gonna have you thrown out and banned.

605 pages and one bad experience
Give it a break, cause if anyones a shill it’s you guys who keep preaching about this like ur so far down dues dick that it’s all you can think of

Now this is my last post on this topic cz I’m here for the forum not some petty bs vendetta that you guys are about

And just a piece of advice, this constant bashing is having a negative effect on your guys case, as like I said 600+ pages and the only bad thing is one instance and it’s based on biased parrots , why isn’t deus ranting daily about it yet you guys feel the need to?
Where as when it comes to the product it tests proper damn near every time…
Just my 2cents
Well tbh a unbiased 3rd party who doesn’t give a fuck either way doesn’t count as a shill in my books.

Shit happens and that’s what I’ve derived from the whole situation. In 600+ pages of comments there is one instance of dispute…
I read the email between them in the other thread and their response was on par with what I would of expected

I’m going to give you a hypothetical similar situation

Go into a bar, buy a stella but they give bud
It’s draft so it all looks the same …
Waitress brings it to u and u taste it and u know it’s not Stella..
U call the waitress back and tell her the problem, She says ok no problem keep the bud no charge but we have to get a new keg of Stella and il get it as soon as I can

So instead of accepting the compromise you chose to throw it in her face and start making a huge Scene in the bar calling them scammers etc ,,,,

Now what do u think is going to happen at that point?
Think she’s gonna honour the deal?
Nah she’s gonna have you thrown out and banned.

605 pages and one bad experience
Give it a break, cause if anyones a shill it’s you guys who keep preaching about this like ur so far down dues dick that it’s all you can think of

Now this is my last post on this topic cz I’m here for the forum not some petty bs vendetta that you guys are about

And just a piece of advice, this constant bashing is having a negative effect on your guys case, as like I said 600+ pages and the only bad thing is one instance and it’s based on biased parrots , why isn’t deus ranting daily about it yet you guys feel the need to?
Where as when it comes to the product it tests proper damn near every time…
Just my 2cents
A Stella doesn't cost you over $2000, for starters, chief.

And there has been other problems with this source. This is a big one, though.

How can you rationalize what the rep did? He gave his word that if it wasn't toremifine, that he would refund or replace.

Then he refused to make it right once he had the customers funds.

Y'all can ride this reps dick off into the sunset but I'm still going to be here to remind any other members that may not know the history here.

The compromise that was eventually accepted was after the rep went back on his word of sending a refund. And even then, the rep didn't have toremifine to ship a replacement or follow through with his compromise.

Would you be happy if you were charged 2 or 3 grand for whatever you ordered, but all the rep sent you was injectable estrogen?

Would you be a happy camper and just drink that $3000 bud light? No refund either. "We don't do that even though we gave our word that we would."

Honestly man. Go fuck yourself. You're obviously a slimy POS. Whoever kept going on about labs slapping labels on qds vials. It seems like we found one. Y'all got me, I guess.
A Stella doesn't cost you over $2000, for starters, chief.

And there has been other problems with this source. This is a big one, though.

How can you rationalize what the rep did? He gave his word that if it wasn't toremifine, that he would refund or replace.

Then he refused to make it right once he had the customers funds.

Y'all can ride this reps dick off into the sunset but I'm still going to be here to remind any other members that may not know the history here.

The compromise that was eventually accepted was after the rep went back on his word of sending a refund. And even then, the rep didn't have toremifine to ship a replacement or follow through with his compromise.

Would you be happy if you were charged 2 or 3 grand for whatever you ordered, but all the rep sent you was injectable estrogen?

Would you be a happy camper and just drink that $3000 bud light? No refund either. "We don't do that even though we gave our word that we would."

Honestly man. Go fuck yourself. You're obviously a slimy POS. Whoever kept going on about labs slapping labels on qds vials. It seems like we found one. Y'all got me, I guess.
Keep sucking that deus dick , maybe hel give ya a reach around if you pout enough

But as stated in done with this as I have no skin in the game with this unlike the skin of dues’ dick straight up ur ass hahaha
And deus has already given up on this scumbag. He has told the rep that he doesn't have time to bicker in here. But if the rep wanted to make it right, to refund him his $3000 and Deus would donate the refund to a charity of meso members choice.

Deus is a Canadian domestic source. I'm American, you faggot bitch. I've never had any dealings with him nor will I. I am here to call a spade a spade, mother fucker.

From what I can gather from your posts, birds of feather flock together. You and qds are a couple peas in a pod.

You should head over to the naps gear thread after this and show him your support.
And deus has already given up on this scumbag. He has told the rep that he doesn't have time to bicker in here. But if the rep wanted to make it right, to refund him his $3000 and Deus would donate the refund to a charity of meso members choice.

Deus is a Canadian domestic source. I'm American, you faggot bitch. I've never had any dealings with him nor will I. I am here to call a spade a spade, mother fucker.

From what I can gather from your posts, birds of feather flock together. You and qds are a couple peas in a pod.

You should head over to the naps gear thread after this and show him your support.


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