Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I know they Chinese always made "Okayish" Quality Products for a really cheap price but...

Handsdown.. Has anyone actually tried this? 110€ for 100ml of Test seems dirt cheap, so im just curious
It's still give them a huge profit selling at that price. Probably under 10$ to make 100 ml of test is their cost.

It's showing you how much the local dealer add on their part. For local dealer the cost will be a bit more than that as they pay different prices for everything. (Raws 10$,solvents 1$, filtre 2$, oil 2$, vial 0,25c= 15$ for local dealer to make 100 ml and I'm being generous with the costs)
Nope, not defending anyone
On either side as I personally don’t care
Simple observation though

If you take time to read the original correspondence between him and deuce you would see that they addressed the situation right away accepting the mistake, offered the Clomid free of charge and the replacement would be sent at no charge when stock was available.

Sorry everyone thinks ordering drugs online deserves Amazon treatment but that’s not the case.
I’ve been on the seller side for long enough in a different but similar biz to be able to say the customer is not always right.

There terms are clear, and ordering is a risk with any vendor. I totally understand those that would never order again due to this BUT
This instance goes both ways and after reviewing all the details I find more positive for Q than this isolated negative experience and I will most definitely be ordering from them personally as all this hate is parroted bias

As stated in a dude and ain’t getting caught up in this Karen nonsence lol
No. The original correspondence included a promise from QSC to refund Deus if the product ordered tested fake (mislabeled) or low purity. When Deus requested the refund they were entitled to after testing the product and confirming that QSC sent a much cheaper substitute (clearly deliberate), QSC reneged on that promise. A scam is a scam. Don’t be stupid
In case you forgot, this is law. Shaming those for speaking out on their experiences shows your piss poor character.

Thread 'Steroid Underground RULES'
Steroid Underground RULES

Here I’ll even have it typed out for you, considering the fact you may not have read them.

The "Steroid Underground" subforum is intended for members to share good and bad experiences ordering anabolic steroids on the internet black market, to provide steroid source reviews, to share links and ask questions about third party websites selling steroids, to talk about underground labs (UGLs) and to report steroid scammers.
Have you ever ordered you POS?
Have you read the rules about spam and spam like.
All of you who are spreading rumors and liés here never ordered, cheap fucks with hurt feeling, hating for free, keep doing the good job
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Have you ever ordered you POS?
I’m a POS for pointing out how you selectively scam and try to silence those that speak out?

No way in hell would I ever order from you. I’ve seen how much of a shitty human being you are and you have no morals whatsoever. There are a lot more reliable sources that don’t treat their clients like scum. They take constructive criticism and get better, they don’t threaten to not reship/ refund for someone posting about their negative experience to the community.

I’ve seen people like you come and go and when you eventually leave, you’ll have ripped off a lot of people.

You’re the definition of a piece of shit. I’ll continue to speak out on all of your bullshit and warn future members.
Have you ever ordered you POS?
Have you read the rules about spam and spam like.
All of you who are spreading rumors and liés here never ordered, cheap fucks with hurt feeling, hating for free, keep doing the good job
What rumors? Everything I’ve said has been 100% factual and can be found on this thread and the lab testing forum. You’re full of lies and deceit.
Lab tests have already spoken and you have more than 30 one in the lab testing forum, no one gives a flying fuck about your stupid comments, they can make a decision easily, you just prouve that you are some no life loosers who spend hours a day spamming and bumping a thread for free, most of members told you you've been annoying and no one cares about your BS, but never mind, keep what you're doing I really don't care ^^
Lab tests have already spoken and you have more than 30 one in the lab testing forum, no one gives a flying fuck about your stupid comments, they can make a decision easily, you just prouve that you are some no life loosers who spend hours a day spamming and bumping a thread for free, most of members told you you've been annoying and no one cares about your BS, but never mind, keep what you're doing I really don't care ^^
The bad ones have spoken as well.
Lab tests have already spoken and you have more than 30 one in the lab testing forum, no one gives a flying fuck about your stupid comments, they can make a decision easily, you just prouve that you are some no life loosers who spend hours a day spamming and bumping a thread for free, most of members told you you've been annoying and no one cares about your BS, but never mind, keep what you're doing I really don't care ^^
Me speaking out against what you’ve done is not spamming. See how you’re lashing out and get your panties in a bunch? That’s because you know you’ve wronged people. It’ll all catch up to you. Until then, I’ll always be here warning against your bullshit.

You can choose to carry on like a scumbag or turn it around and make it right with those you’ve fucked over.
Merit and error on both sides of the dues situation...damn idiot. You're yet another brand new account trying to minimize that situation, just like @peedamn. How you can't see how he was wronged is beyond me.

The majority of the morons defending this POS rep are accounts less than 4 months old. Coincidence? Nah.
Yes dude I’m totally a Chinese shill and not just a happy customer who also happens to be new. God you are such a faggot.
You must have never received a love letter from customs before. Not only will they tell you it's been seized but they will let you know what they found in it and why it's illegal.
Customs and USPS are not the same. Once it’s domestic, they cannot inspect the package.
This is literally QSC’s dialogue to a tee…

This is the same bullshit that @BWCguy says every time he posts… Oh but he uses the word “flog” so it must be a different person…
Nobody is going to have such a visceral reaction to defending a shit source right off the bat as a brand new member! We keep seeing the exact same thing happen over and over with QSC’s obvious shill accounts… Use your fucking brains people
I asked you for a source and you wrote a Bible. Now, can you answer me like a big boy? I am more than open to suggestions on better sources, seeing that you find QSC to be so awful.
Brand new to the forum, rediscovered QSC just yesterday after ordering from them through Alibaba directly 2 or 3 years ago. for what it's worth the quality of the hgh and hcg i got from them was great and I am looking to order a bunch more this time around along with other things.

I sent an email for pricing and availability yesterday for the items i'm interested in. does anyone know how fast they usually get back to emails? They seem super active on this forum so i'm hoping I get a response by early next week. Happy to see others vouching for this source, super excited to get my order in, things are gonna get spicy this next year!
Brand new to the forum, rediscovered QSC just yesterday after ordering from them through Alibaba directly 2 or 3 years ago. for what it's worth the quality of the hgh and hcg i got from them was great and I am looking to order a bunch more this time around along with other things.

I sent an email for pricing and availability yesterday for the items i'm interested in. does anyone know how fast they usually get back to emails? They seem super active on this forum so i'm hoping I get a response by early next week. Happy to see others vouching for this source, super excited to get my order in, things are gonna get spicy this next year!
If you couldn't reach me using meso-rx@sigmachemical.com.cn
Try to send a new email to qingdao.rep@protonmail.com
I reply on both