Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Is there a difference between Semaglutide and Tirzepatide? It seems like they do the same thing essentially. What is the benefit of going with one or the other besides the price difference?
Its, unlike all the other GLP-1 agonists, a dual agonists for not only GLP-1 but also for GIP. It's like a new drug class, because of its dual agonists mechanism.

According to the studies, at 15mg weekly, half of the study participiants (50,9%) reached normal non diabetic hba1c levels of 5,7 or lower. Imagine living with diabetes and not suffering the drastic risks that mostly come from the permanently elevated blood glucose levels.

To me this is an outstanding drug invention.
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Is there a difference between Semaglutide and Tirzepatide? It seems like they do the same thing essentially. What is the benefit of going with one or the other besides the price difference?

They're both good. Some studies:

Tirzepatide versus Semaglutide Once Weekly in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes - PubMed

Effects of subcutaneous tirzepatide versus placebo or semaglutide on pancreatic islet function and insulin sensitivity in adults with type 2 diabetes: a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, parallel-arm, phase 1 clinical trial - PubMed

Do a cost benefit analysis and decide what works for you Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US & EU domestic)
Its, unlike all the other GLP-1 agonists, a dual agonists for not only GLP-1 but also for GIP. It's like a new drug class, because of its dual agonists mechanism.

According to the studies, at 15mg weekly, half of the study participiants (50,9%) reached normal non diabetic hba1c levels of 5,7 or lower. Imagine living with diabetes and not suffering the drastic risks that mostly come from the permanently elevated blood glucose levels.

To me this is an outstanding drug invention.

Not sure how this will pan out in the context of bodybuilding cutting cycles, but that's an understatement for semaglutide and tirzepatide in the contexts of diabetes and obesity, according to some studies. No other compounds come close.

I look forward to see feedback in otherwise healthy gym-goers trying to lean out a bit. Maybe they won't work, but I doubt it.
Update on semaglutide. Idk if it's dose reduced by 50 percent or if it's just the NPP hunger overpowers everything else. I consider the 5mg of semaglutide from QSC to be 2.5mg can of ozempic.

That being said the price point is still phenomenal.
I am doing 3mg of their semaglutide(as I said it feels like 1.5mg).

I placed my 2nd order of the semaglutide and I have a feeling I am gonna do a 3rd order of it. My friends are buying it off of me and still losing weight.

I still haven't seen a test on it but this completely off of feels. Some other users have reported the same speculation and I am more than happy to continue these orders.

I am also Injecting 6-8 iu of hgh and my fasting BG is 88. This stuff is synergistic with hgh for BG control.and weight loss

It's still about 10 dollars an mg which is great pricing.
Only taking 2mg so feels like 1mg. Hit 199lbs for the first time in two years. Was 226 before trying 1 ozempic pen and then the qsc semiglutide. I'm short so 185-199 is my feel good weight. Will order again as well. Would like to see testing just to be 100% on dosages but it works. I do get different sides on the qsc vs ozsmpic. Maybe body just adapting.Qsc brand causes burping and some diarrhea but ozempic had nasty skin sides and weird arm sides. Nothing I cant live with and sides go away it seems the longer you use it.
This is the old method jano. Those tested 95% test at 90-92% with the new testing method where GoldenTop test 96-97%

It was just a question
maybe you should do some research first before speaking out of your ass :)
his new testing method is used since january 2021.
Attached test by QSD is from April 2021.
I've never used QSD HGH so i cant speak from personal experience, but from the test results it is not worse than your loved golden tops
Not sure how this will pan out in the context of bodybuilding cutting cycles, but that's an understatement for semaglutide and tirzepatide in the contexts of diabetes and obesity, according to some studies. No other compounds come close.
Right. It will be fascinating to see what the near future holds for these GLP-1 and GIP agonists.