Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Thats good question,dont know. Guess as much as will be possible
Well I'm fucking intrigued. I ran oral no more than 30mg. Same with injectable. Didn't see much difference after that although 250mg a day could be gainz of epic proportions. I already have a bottle and could snag 2 more to do 3 weeks out of it. Decisions decisions.
If anyone has tips to add, I am more than happy to add it to a repost of this in the future.

This is my dosing protocol.
Each "5mg" vial is actually 4mg(Now relabeled from QSC). There is also something about the semaglutide which may have decrease effectiveness because of the reconstitution/delivery system. We do not know.

I place 1ml each into 2 x 4mg vials. I will reconstitute them and combine them into 1 vial. so we have 8mg of generic semaglutide in 2ml of BAC

I say start at a higher dose than normal ozempic, there is something about the delivery of this that makes it weaker than the other ozempic but it appears to be the same overall effect. Me and 3 women have been losing weight on this product or controlling my hunger from NPP

I guess we can compare
Ozempic: Generic Semaglutide comparison?
0.25mg: 0.6mg
0.5mg ozempic:1.0-1.2mg?
1mg: 2.2-2.4mg?
1.5mg: 3.3-3.6 mg?
2mg: 4.4-4.8mg?
2.4mg: 5.2-5.8mg?

This is my dosing protocol. Dose escalations are not always necessary. you can escalate at your own rate if you choose(increase 10 units every week until sides are not tolerable, etc)

Starting dose. Ozempic Route

2 options to start this
1. 0.10ml (10 units) the first day, if you appetite doesnt suppress. take another 10 units 2 days later. then continue on 0.15mg weekly. this is a good option to air on the side of caution if you havent done this before.
2. 0.15ml(15 units) or 0.6mg x 2-3 weeks.

(0.5mg ozempic)
0.3ml (30 units) or 1.2 mg x 2-3 weeks my wife is choosing not to progress past here. she has tried 40 units and she feels it is too much for her.
(1mg ozempic)0.6ml (60 units) or 2.4 mg x could be onging

IF you want to go the Wegovy route
(1.5mg ozempic)0.9ml(90 units) or 3.6mg x 4 weeks or ongoing
(2.0mg ozempic)1.35ml(135 units) or 4.8 mg x 4 weeks or ongoing
(2.4mg ozempic) 1.6 ml(160 units) or 5.8mg x 4 weeks or ongoing

Some little tips:
This is great to combine for BG control for HGH.
take Pepcid: Famotidine if you get heart burn
Simethicone for gas clearance/pain

if you get sulfur(egg tasting) burps or diarrhea. I have had this for 3 days out of 10+ weeks I have ran this medication in total. Pepto bismol seems to be the best fix for it.
nice info buddy.
i would add two things:
i wouldnt dissolve 8mg at once. The chance if degration is higher the longer the reconstituted solution sits in your fridge.
use 4mg and finish it, then reconstitute the next vial.
second, i would always recommend to inject more than one weekly. Once weekly is suggested by pharma because most people have issues with injections. The half life is not even 7 days, so inj once a week gives pretty unstable levels (same with roids, injecting more frequently is always prefered to keep sides lower)
eod is pretty good and in my experience negates most of the sides
nice info buddy.
i would add two things:
i wouldnt dissolve 8mg at once. The chance if degration is higher the longer the reconstituted solution sits in your fridge.
use 4mg and finish it, then reconstitute the next vial.
second, i would always recommend to inject more than one weekly. Once weekly is suggested by pharma because most people have issues with injections. The half life is not even 7 days, so inj once a week gives pretty unstable levels (same with roids, injecting more frequently is always prefered to keep sides lower)
eod is pretty good and in my experience negates most of the sides
I did received the packaging and I don't know what is the code for my order it is number 1 to 7
Can you help me and what is the concentration of the tren enanthate?
Well I'm fucking intrigued. I ran oral no more than 30mg. Same with injectable. Didn't see much difference after that although 250mg a day could be gainz of epic proportions. I already have a bottle and could snag 2 more to do 3 weeks out of it. Decisions decisions.
Id do it but im not a fan of the idea of jabbing 10 ccs a day
Is there a labtest for the hgh in the eu warehouse?
There is a lab test for hgh if u want to scroll all the pages or wait for someone to post it but its almost 1 week since i started and i look little more fuller already and when i pin at evening i do get sleepy. First couple days i had light numbness on hands but thats gone. Also many others have posted that their gh is def good to go
nice info buddy.
i would add two things:
i wouldnt dissolve 8mg at once. The chance if degration is higher the longer the reconstituted solution sits in your fridge.
use 4mg and finish it, then reconstitute the next vial.
second, i would always recommend to inject more than one weekly. Once weekly is suggested by pharma because most people have issues with injections. The half life is not even 7 days, so inj once a week gives pretty unstable levels (same with roids, injecting more frequently is always prefered to keep sides lower)
eod is pretty good and in my experience negates most of the sides
Thanks. The main reason why I do 2 is cause my wife uses it as well. My dosing is higher now so i go through a vial every 2 weeks. But you are right.

It isn't necessary, but I think it would be good in the fridge for 2 months.

Maybe I will start every 3 days soon. Who knows..
I did received the packaging and I don't know what is the code for my order it is number 1 to 7
Can you help me and what is the concentration of the tren enanthate?
Well that was a very fast line, I didn't expect that speed.

Will get you codes by email tomorrow.

Tren E now is 200mg/ml.
We have 100mg/ml too, but I don't put it in the list.
There is a lab test for hgh if u want to scroll all the pages or wait for someone to post it but its almost 1 week since i started and i look little more fuller already and when i pin at evening i do get sleepy. First couple days i had light numbness on hands but thats gone. Also many others have posted that their gh is def good to go
Thank you for your response! How many IUs are you running?
Do I have to mix the finished RU58814 solution with some alcohol and pg before applying it? Did anyone try the finished RU product?