Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

What's more ridiculous is that HKOX contacted multiple representatives,And he is A two-faced man.

He said" You are best" "Great company" on whatsapp (in private)
And Here Fabricating rumors and Making nonsense without evidence in public.

It's a shame!
Yes, I said that over a month ago before these issues happened. I never contacted the rep here for the record, but your rep keeps posting prices and info in this thread. So it's you making shit up.
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@John86 you need to relax and let it go. The issues was resolved and was a misunderstanding with the result in QSC's favor. Your follow up now is just hurting the companies image here and bringing out more negative replies from others vs. the positive feedback you should be looking for.
Idk if the tren got to people's heads or what but it's like a fucking group of 5 year olds in here. Grow up, seriously..

On another note, placed a small test order of raws which I will send to janoshik for testing once they arrive. Will report back here with results. For me, the raws are the real point of interest here. If they're good - $110 for a 10g primo? Hell yes.
Idk if the tren got to people's heads or what but it's like a fucking group of 5 year olds in here. Grow up, seriously..

On another note, placed a small test order of raws which I will send to janoshik for testing once they arrive. Will report back here with results. For me, the raws are the real point of interest here. If they're good - $110 for a 10g primo? Hell yes.
Do you mind if ask if your order is US DOMESTIC, and what was total cost with shipping included. Ty bro
