Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Idk man, i tried it. It worked for sure, but i was weak AF, it might be just my experience, but i would rather watch what i eat then be that tired.
It’s for my wife. She is having trouble getting rid of some belly fat she picked up when she was pregnant. Just that stubborn fat, and as a stay at home mom she has a pretty decent diet, but wants some help.

How bad is the lethargy?
Just curious about the brewing philosophy for this brand. Why are oils like test-u dosed lower than e/c when they are easier to brew at high doses? Especially since you lose 60% of the product weight for the ester. A 300-400 mg/ml concentration should be a very comfortable and easy brew allowing for smaller ml injections which cuts down on scarring and opens up injection sites like deltoids. Deca is a similar case. Easy to brew into the 300-450mg range which cuts down on injection size and opens up more sites to rotate into. Is it just for people sensitive to PIP? I want to order but I don’t want to shove 3ml in my ventroglutes and glutes just to hit my weekly dose. A 600mg test-u dose is only about 250mg pure test by weight.
It’s for my wife. She is having trouble getting rid of some belly fat she picked up when she was pregnant. Just that stubborn fat, and as a stay at home mom she has a pretty decent diet, but wants some help.

How bad is the lethargy?
Think lethargy is person dependent. My wife and I have no issues with lethargy outside of normal low calories. But the Sema isn’t adding anything to that and we are still able to get good gym sessions even after several months on and 20lbs down each
It’s for my wife. She is having trouble getting rid of some belly fat she picked up when she was pregnant. Just that stubborn fat, and as a stay at home mom she has a pretty decent diet, but wants some help.

How bad is the lethargy?
I get zero lethargy from the semaglutide...i was surprised when the original poster said that. It works great.
5 / 5 orders to Canada successful, just saying. Rep has been great communication. So long as quality stands true to the lab tests I am a happy camper

And no im not a shill, check me out on other forums especially canadian brawn. This thread alone brought me to meso lol. Simply just stating my experience for others to go off
Ive been scrolling through the thread over the last couple days, looking for feedback on people who have ordered from/shipped to US.
Well, you should have found several. Takes about 3 to 4 weeks to get to US, unless you order from the US warehouse, then it's a matter of days.
Just curious about the brewing philosophy for this brand. Why are oils like test-u dosed lower than e/c when they are easier to brew at high doses? Especially since you lose 60% of the product weight for the ester. A 300-400 mg/ml concentration should be a very comfortable and easy brew allowing for smaller ml injections which cuts down on scarring and opens up injection sites like deltoids. Deca is a similar case. Easy to brew into the 300-450mg range which cuts down on injection size and opens up more sites to rotate into. Is it just for people sensitive to PIP? I want to order but I don’t want to shove 3ml in my ventroglutes and glutes just to hit my weekly dose. A 600mg test-u dose is only about 250mg pure test by weight.
Test U can be brewed at these dosages; but the Test U is often usued for TRT, so customers using small amounts of oil compared to TE and TC
It is better. Seeds oils are unstable and go rancid very quickly. MCT oil won't go rancid ever. It's very healthy.
While that's good for oil you eat or cook with, MCT poses a problem because something like 10% of people are allergic to injecting it (myself included) -- meaning we get extreme PIP. This especially happens in derivatives of MCT like Mig840 (Deus Medical uses this).
I generally agree with the rest of your post, but this piece right here is factually incorrect. 100mg of testosterone undecanoate is equivalent to 63.2mg of pure testosterone[1]

So in actuality, 600mg of test u is equivalent to 379.2mg of pure testosterone

[1] Nebido 1000mg/4ml, solution for injection - Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) - (emc)
Oops yes, I got it backwards. 40% lost to the ester, 60% remaining. But for an ester that is the easiest to brew in higher concentrations it still feels criminal to brew it at 200mg/ml. 250mg/ml is standard for pharma. I brewed 450 in pumpkin seed oil. Just can’t grasp how someone looks at test-u and doesn’t at least go for 350-400mg/ml so you can do a 1.25ml delt injection.
Test U can be brewed at these dosages; but the Test U is often usued for TRT, so customers using small amounts of oil compared to TE and TC
Definitely true. But there is merit to increasing concentration to lower injection size. PIP shouldn’t be a problem under 400mg/ml. Maybe that’s just my preference though. I feel like halving the injection size is a very tangible benefit in the long run. Less tissue damage over time.
It’s for my wife. She is having trouble getting rid of some belly fat she picked up when she was pregnant. Just that stubborn fat, and as a stay at home mom she has a pretty decent diet, but wants some help.

How bad is the lethargy?
My wife is down 20.lbs

I need to update it. manu advised to cut dose in half and dose every 3 days to keep the suppression up.

My wife can't go higher than 1.2mg(of qsc 4mg)

Post in thread 'Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US & EU domestic)' Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US & EU domestic)
Hey, I really could use some help with how much bac water to reconstitute the tb-500 and bpc-157?
Have a bad shoulder strain I’m trying to heal fast.
I was going to add 1cc. How much would .1 cc equal?

Or any advice on a good dose when combining them.
Hey, I really could use some help with how much bac water to reconstitute the tb-500 and bpc-157?
Have a bad shoulder strain I’m trying to heal fast.
I was going to add 1cc. How much would .1 cc equal?

Or any advice on a good dose when combining them.
1 cc in 1 vial BPC 5mg
1 cc = 5mg
so 0.1 cc = 0.5mg ; 0.2cc = 1mg

You can start using 0.5mg of each every day and you can up the BPC157 to 1-2mg if needed.