Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I don't think it's a good idea since we saw how they reacted in a rude way and since we know all of the dissatisfied customers in this topic are alisa's customers who came to ask this rep to solve their previous problems with her or with john
Alisa is the sales manager if she doesn’t solve problem you really think the poor rep who doesn’t even work with them have the power to do something..
He’s just here for 4% commission.
order 2 times through Alisa never got any problem.
But they started to change attitude since with alibaba ban their sales dropped.
And meso is a new market
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Alisa is the sales manager if she doesn’t solve problem you really think the poor rep who doesn’t even work with them have the power to do something..
order 2 times through Alisa never got any problem.
But they started to change attitude since with alibaba ban their sales dropped.
And meso is a new market

In the past I made a little order in alibaba through alisa, and hopefully didn't had a problem too, but when you see how alisa didn't solve the underdosed primo issue and how she dealed with hkox, I am not sure if my lab test came underdosed she gonna solve my problem
I ordered now more than 900 $ from the rep, so at least if my lab test came underdosed more than 15% I have proof from his thread since the rep promised a refund and send new batch if it came underdosed, with alisa I have no garantee..
As you know i am banned from french meso, but still reading sometimes the feedbacks.. so trying to have my own opinion
I would love to help with a little donation once test your primo and post it in public
I will send my parabolan to jano once my order received and post results here
Testing test c is a bit useless its cheap and can be verified with blood test if u wanna have an idea
I appreciate it, but don't worry about donating to me! I am in fact choosing either or because testing is relatively expensive and I'm not really incentivized to do it by Qingdao (via a direct refund anyway, some amount of free product is offered for tests). I know that the product being cheaper makes up for that somewhat, but I'd imagine that having a good blind third party test result would bring them more clients to make up for that.

The primo is twice as expensive, but again, its all relatively inexpensive. I doubt they'd straight up fake either compound, I'm mostly interested in seeing how on point they are with preparing the oils currently. It seems that more people are interested in seeing the Primo tested again though which I am fine with anyway.
In the past I made a little order in alibaba through alisa, and hopefully didn't had a problem too, but when you see how alisa didn't solve the underdosed primo issue and how she dealed with hkox, I am not sure if my lab test came underdosed she gonna solve my problem
I ordered now more than 900 $ from the rep, so at least if my lab test came underdosed more than 15% I have proof from his thread since the rep promised a refund and send new batch if it came underdosed, with alisa I have no garantee..
As you know i am banned from french meso, but still reading sometimes the feedbacks.. so trying to have my own opinion
People keep talking about oils being underdosed but fail to provide any proof. Primo is expensive and commonly faked anyway, so if even if one vial of Primo was underdosed out of the 10 I received, I personally wouldn't even care. Plus, as long as you provide proof the vial is underdosed 15% or more you can get a reship/refund, but of course, you must be respectful.

People on this forum really think they can treat the reps like shit and get what they want lmao. I wouldn't want to refund or reship for someone who's throwing a tantrum and cussing me out either. I don't blame the reps. So many entitled cheap fucks on this forum.

Also, the Qingdao rep on this forum is right. If you had a problem with another rep then take it up with them. It doesn't matter if they work for the same people, if you have a problem with a certain rep then go to that rep. It works like that with any fucking lab out there.

I'm tired of seeing all these dumbfucks spam this forum with the problems they had with other reps or the underdosed product that they seem to have no proof of.
You are correct. We have tested 3 aas. All underdosed.
They were done around 5 months ago.
Same company. Same Alisa seller. Not the rep here.

The rep (and his company) deal with it with a crackhead attitude as usual.
Bare in mind that it is the only company we have seen acting that way.

Funny fact is, he keeps using some lab tests from our members. HGh and anavar raw for example, to promote his business. Which are around 6 months old. He also posted some 2010 lab test. Double standards.

Advice, do not waste too much time with him or any of his multiple fake accounts. He is just a clown trying to make few bucks. Now, I have only pity for him even though I laugh at his dementia once in a while.
I have to admit that he is pretty good for fabricating fake stories!

It will be interesting to see more lab tests and stories in another 6 months.

Good luck to everyone. You have only one health. Your choice brothers :)
Show proof or shut the fuck up ;)
People keep talking about oils being underdosed but fail to provide any proof. Primo is expensive and commonly faked anyway, so if even if one vial of Primo was underdosed out of the 10 I received, I personally wouldn't even care. Plus, as long as you provide proof the vial is underdosed 15% or more you can get a reship/refund, but of course, you must be respectful.

People on this forum really think they can treat the reps like shit and get what they want lmao. I wouldn't want to refund or reship for someone who's throwing a tantrum and cussing me out either. I don't blame the reps. So many entitled cheap fucks on this forum.

Also, the Qingdao rep on this forum is right. If you had a problem with another rep then take it up with them. It doesn't matter if they work for the same people, if you have a problem with a certain rep then go to that rep. It works like that with any fucking lab out there.

I'm tired of seeing all these dumbfucks spam this forum with the problems they had with other reps or the underdosed product that they seem to have no proof of.
Another new account :)
Stupid cunt if you want to lower you standards when you see cheap price it’s your concern.
If I pay for 100mg primo I expect to have 100mg.
Another new account :)
Stupid cunt if you want to lower you standards when you see cheap price it’s your concern.
If I pay for 100mg primo I expect to have 100mg.
Awwww cry about it :(. Get your money up broke boy. Be grateful Qingdao even offers to sell to cheapskates like you who cry about every little thing that goes wrong.

"another new account" Yea, I don't use forums like these because of entitled cheapskates like you lot. I made an account to post about my order a couple of days ago. Then I saw all you dumbasses spamming the thread about underdosed oils with no proof, so I responded.

I'm from Canada little man. Used to always order from top UGLS like Syn Pharma and Pareto. Not a shill and not a crybaby bitch like you either.

So many claims about underdosed vials from the same people, yet they fail to provide any proof whatsoever. You expect us to take you clowns seriously?
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Awwww cry about it : (. Get your money up brokeboy. Be grateful Qingdao even offers to sell to cheapskates like you who cry about every little thing that goes wrong.
The fact is you still haven’t receive your first order but you already shilling :]
Yeah boi I don’t need to sell my ass to buy from them if I want.
And I already did, was one of the first to send their gears to Jano the result came good but I’m not a cocksucker like you if they sell underdosed products they have to fix it.
And he shared multiple time the proof of the primo underdosed dumbass
The fact is you still haven’t receive your first order but you already shilling :]
Yeah boi I don’t need to sell my ass to buy from them if I want.
And I already did, was one of the first to send their gears to Jano the result came good but I’m not a cocksucker like you if they sell underdosed products they have to fix it.
And he shared multiple time the proof of the primo underdosed dumbass
So much talk about proof but no screenshots or attachments uploaded to the forum. Makes perfect sense.
2nd order will be placed either in a couple weeks when tracking is updated from my first order, or when I receive my first order. Will be getting orals, more hgh, and bpc... Winstrol is my all-time favorite oral. Even 25mg of properly dosed Winstrol keeps me full and dry at the same time on low calories. Will update on here in a few weeks
So much talk about proof but no screenshots or attachments uploaded to the forum. Makes perfect sense.
First page labtest section but retard like you can’t find it

But stupid people like you gonna see 83mg/ml and say wow it’s GoOd fOr tHe PrIce
What’s next ? Qingdao you can send me 5 vials instead of 10 I will be happy in my shit country primo cost 120$ so even 5 vials I will still be happy…

I’m done just gonna mute this thread
I switched back to pharma Clomid last night and my testicles are larger and firmer today. I was using Sigma's Clomid for the last four days as a test, and noticed softening and smaller testicular volume. I can't prove it definitively without testing, but I suspect the Clomid from them is underdosed. I'm not going to take chances with my testicular health. Not going to use their stuff.
That must be underdosed
Once a friend of my cousin bought real pharma grade clomid in the morning and his balls grew to double the original size by lunch
That must be underdosed
Once a friend of my cousin bought real pharma grade clomid in the morning and his balls grew to double the original size by lunch
The physical signs over four days definitely point to underdosing. Not complete shrinkage/softening, and the pills are bitter in the right way when dissolved in the mouth, but less bitter than expected. Wish I had access to cheap HPLC testing...
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