Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Okay so a quick update on QSC's primo:
This is probably by far one of the best primo oils I have ever had. The oil is super thin and very clear which makes it really easy to draw and pin. No floaters, no crystals. No PIP. The blind test made by Janoshik came back great, so I have no doubts about the quality.

I guess this is MCT oil because of its high viscosity?!
other way around, think of it as inverse relationship with flow ie
low viscosity flows quickly,
high viscosity flows slow.
MCT has a low viscosity & flows quickly. That said, i've read users report the Primo 100 with sesame oil flows quickly as well.
But, why is the finished vials person who made it locked up in the police station in china?? Perhaps someone died after using the oil?
I am confused. Do you have actual evidence that proves what you're saying? Or are you just going to speak in hieroglyphics while expecting us to have any idea of what the fuck you're going on about? Still doesn't answer my question of why did you buy from them in the first place if you knew all of this shit. I have some experience with the police in Asia, it's all bribery. Give them some money and they'll look the other way.
high viscosity
Low viscosity. High would be that it is very thick and slow moving.
I‘m loving the latest batch of primo 200 I just got. Some guys get sore from primo, not your normal PIP but a deep soreness. I’m lucky to not be one of those, but this batch feels even better than the last one that was sesame oil.


The fluid on the left is lower viscosity than the one on the right.
Yes, isotretinoin in particular degrades very rapidly. AAS, even Tren, seem far more stable. Usually your advice would be correct, but is in not the case with Isotretinoin.
Ok thanks, yeah thought the same. Then I better stay with the pharma gel capsules.
Ok thanks, yeah thought the same. Then I better stay with the pharma gel capsules.
Yup, correct. Even with those you want to stick to name brand like Roche Accutane. There's an easily retrieved study that shows even most generics average something like 20% underdosed, likely due to degradation. There's something about the encapsulation/suspension process that is beyond my paygrade
Low viscosity. High would be that it is very thick and slow moving.
I‘m loving the latest batch of primo 200 I just got. Some guys get sore from primo, not your normal PIP but a deep soreness. I’m lucky to not be one of those, but this batch feels even better than the last one that was sesame oil.

View attachment 172833

The fluid on the left is lower viscosity than the one on the right.
Oh, thanks. I always thought it is the other way around.
other way around, think of it as inverse relationship with flow ie
low viscosity flows quickly,
high viscosity flows slow.
MCT has a low viscosity & flows quickly. That said, i've read users report the Primo 100 with sesame oil flows quickly as well.
You don't really appreciate how well the sesame oil flows until you try grape seed oil haha
Okay so a quick update on QSC's primo:
This is probably by far one of the best primo oils I have ever had. The oil is super thin and very clear which makes it really easy to draw and pin. No floaters, no crystals. No PIP. The blind test made by Janoshik came back great, so I have no doubts about the quality.

I guess this is MCT oil because of its high viscosity?!
Man I was nervous bc I had some weird reactions to Champion Labs testoviron BS, idk it's maybe contaminated, anyways I checked a .35 pin on primo 200 today to assure it wasn't just being allergic to oils and super easy draw up even w a 30ga 5/16, did a half assed IM/subq w that in the delt. I'll see how it goes for sure. Glad you had good positive feedback on it for sure def helps me know more ewtf I'm looking at. First time ordering primo. I love their hgh
Is Isotretinoine stable at room temperature? Or does it degrade over time?
Isotretinoine is stable at room temperature, but can degrade because of light and air, it is adviced to keep it in an inert gas or should be vaccum sealed.
We are keeping it at room temperate, and after about 1 month transport to Janoshik it didn't degrade.

Isotretionin raw.png
The primo 100 flows so fast it’s like drawing bac water into the syringe. Hopefully future batches will remain good like that, im going to try the 200mg/ml one for more convenience. Is the current primo still the sesame oil batch?

Can those micro spoons be used to dose isotretinoin raws, and how would you store it.. Is fridge ok? If degrading is certain, then would it be advised to just take more? (Pharma 20mg = 40 mg raw for example)