Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

oh shit, @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals, any input on this? This is concerning that your brewer is in jail. If this is true, that's a deterrent for most customers like me

I didn't see his comments for days since I put him on ignore, but since you quoted that ignored content.
Jail is a big word, It was a simple summons to the station to know the type of activity of the lab, which is in order. No inspection followed the interrogation, neither at the lab, nor at the warehouse, or at the head office.
They don't jail anyone for this kind of products, you only risk jail if you sell to Chinese citizens, which we don't do.

What I told you is that the production will be temporarily suspended because of the strict situation in China, there were several interrogations in the field (not only us but many manufacters), fortunately for us, it was the engineer who was summoned for some questions about his activity in the laboratory, but this for us was a red alarm to take more security measures before resuming production, some of which are legal cover (splitting the company into two different companies, one of which is purely legal, and a second source of rather vague products including HGH, injectable steroid hormones and some banned products that we will be adding soon).

For the moment, since he was summoned in the past, we cannot allow him to resume the activity of producing " hormones ", because it is not known whether there will be future inspection, or s he is being watched. So we prefer to wait.

I don't understand the link that it's a deterrent for a client like you, when it's not even a deterrent for us? Sometimes you just have to temporarily lay low with the Chinese government and let the wave pass.
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I didn't see his comments for days since I put him on ignore, but since you quoted that ignored content.
Jail is a big word, It was a simple summons to the station to know the type of activity of the lab, which is in order. No inspection followed the interrogation, neither at the lab, nor at the warehouse, or at the head office.
They don't jail anyone for this kind of products, you only risk jail if you sell to Chinese citizens, which we don't do.

What I told you is that the production will be temporarily suspended because of the strict situation in China, there were several interrogations in the field (not only us but many manufacters), fortunately for us, it was the engineer who was summoned for some questions about his activity in the laboratory, but this for us was a red alarm to take more security measures before resuming production, some of which are legal cover (splitting the company into two different companies, one of which is purely legal, and a second source of rather vague products including HGH, injectable steroid hormones and some banned products that we will be adding soon).

For the moment, since he was summoned in the past, we cannot allow him to resume the activity of producing " hormones ", because it is not known whether there will be future inspection, or s he is being watched. So we prefer to wait.

I don't understand the link that it's a deterrent for a client like you, when it's not even a deterrent for us? Sometimes you just have to temporarily lay low with the Chinese government and let the wave pass.
中华人民共和国 公安部
中华人民共和国 公安部
I didn't see his comments for days since I put him on ignore, but since you quoted that ignored content.
Jail is a big word, It was a simple summons to the station to know the type of activity of the lab, which is in order. No inspection followed the interrogation, neither at the lab, nor at the warehouse, or at the head office.
They don't jail anyone for this kind of products, you only risk jail if you sell to Chinese citizens, which we don't do.

What I told you is that the production will be temporarily suspended because of the strict situation in China, there were several interrogations in the field (not only us but many manufacters), fortunately for us, it was the engineer who was summoned for some questions about his activity in the laboratory, but this for us was a red alarm to take more security measures before resuming production, some of which are legal cover (splitting the company into two different companies, one of which is purely legal, and a second source of rather vague products including HGH, injectable steroid hormones and some banned products that we will be adding soon).

For the moment, since he was summoned in the past, we cannot allow him to resume the activity of producing " hormones ", because it is not known whether there will be future inspection, or s he is being watched. So we prefer to wait.

I don't understand the link that it's a deterrent for a client like you, when it's not even a deterrent for us? Sometimes you just have to temporarily lay low with the Chinese government and let the wave pass.
Thank you for clarifying. I tagged you to ask for specifics regarding the situation. The dude keeps posting random screenshots without context so I suspected the worst. This shit is illegal after all
You pissed a lot of people off selling cheap gear lol this dude joined yesterday. Another cry baby claiming he’s going to the authorities. Actually probably the same cry baby.
It's still crazy how some people go after us, when we mind only our own business and we have never spoken in a bad way about any other source.
I even did a little tour on the internet, you see false feedbacks to smear our reputations like a certain anabolexx forum and others, where you have people who say that they were scammed for bitcoin orders at a time when we didn't even accept bitcoin..
It's a $1 billion global market, everyone can get a part of the pie, but jealousy knows no bounds..
It's still crazy how some people go after us, when we mind only our own business and we have never spoken in a bad way about any other source.
I even did a little tour on the internet, you see false feedbacks to smear our reputations like a certain anabolexx forum and others, where you have people who say that they were scammed for bitcoin orders at a time when we didn't even accept bitcoin..
It's a $1 billion global market, everyone can get a part of the pie, but jealousy knows no bounds..
That place and evolutionary.org are the same. They say all the good sources here are scamers. Nobody listens to them. Dylan runs those forums. He's an idiot.
Thank you for clarifying. I tagged you to ask for specifics regarding the situation. The dude keeps posting random screenshots without context so I suspected the worst. This shit is illegal after all
No, they're actually selling shit in China. Because of the QDS fan club here, I have so much fun and fun.

中华人民共和国 公安部
Who are you?
It's your face?IMG_20220918_210736.jpg
Who are you?
It's your face?View attachment 172849

Bro, what the actual fuck is going on?
Can you just explain yourself in a way where it can make sense to us? Because you are not stopping and it’s fucking confusing how a lot of this shit seems like it’s either senseless shit… or some super crazy I wanna kill you over $23 American dollars kind of shit.

Bro, are you alright? Or is this some useless shit?
Bro, what the actual fuck is going on?
Can you just explain yourself in a way where it can make sense to us? Because you are not stopping and it’s fucking confusing how a lot of this shit seems like it’s either senseless shit… or some super crazy I wanna kill you over $23 American dollars kind of shit.

Bro, are you alright? Or is this some useless shit?
The dude lost the remaining $50 in his checkings account and wants to see the world burn
So I'm making a new web site for you...
It will spread all over the worlds~ Look forward to it :)
Broski people will order from him no matter what are you trying to do. No one cares about your problem that you didn't pay another 20$ to get your things shipped again.
You knew from the start the "policy" and by ordering you accepted. When you order international is a risk to get the package stopped. It is what it is.
Now you make stories how you got bunk products. Do you have some testing?
Or how you heard that the peptides are the worst. You have something to cover for that? In testing products have been spot on.
Bpc had a lower purity a while back but that got resolved other than that nothing. Plus everything is much cheaper. Even if purity is lower is still worth it. People are looking for cheap things. With the amount you buy 1 vial from others here you buy 5 or 10
People are still ordering from PPL and that guy had a lot of problems that aren't even compared to your problem.
Guess what people don't care about one problem in 1000 orders. If it was a constant thing then yes but other then that no one cares about one story here and there
If a source and here no matter what name it has if is shit on any aspect it will not last very long

And if you are so concerned about the people and purity why on the other forum you didn't mention how well the Sciroxx products had been tested. Maybe because is your "friend "? Stop doing double standards things
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