Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I have received an official response from the Hong Kong Post Authority as to why the parcel was returned.
Do you want public? shout it!!!!!!:):p:D
Wow. They responded so quickly? Lucky you. In Germany it takes months to get a response.
Has QSC tried to make it up to you again? What could make you satisfied or resolve this situation?
He didn't even reply to my WhatsApp message, let alone pay me back.
I will go forward for the public interest until the end.
Your close colleague or friend may be in the same situation as me.
Posting potentially personally-identifying information is prohibited.
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals I think this is why the way you speak to your customers matters over time. Professionalism generally creates a better environment.

Wonderful opening thread to all the new members.
This is not my customer, he ordered from my collegue via whatsaap, as all of you know I use only email for communication not like some of my collegues and sales agents.

His order was seized at [EDIT: potentially personally-identifying information removed] customs, so instead of finding an arrangement with the sales agent from (I believe she offered him paying the freight and get a reship but he didn't accept), he choosed to come here and cry, which was his biggest mistake, because they have already reshipped his order.
So once I knew about the situation, I cancelled this reship.

This situation doesn't have any link with professionalism. It's just the P502 rules ^^
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He didn't even reply to my WhatsApp message, let alone pay me back.
I will go forward for the public interest until the end.
Your close colleague or friend may be in the same situation as me.

Saw a screenshot of Dingdong wanting to hide that his brewer is "in the police station". Not sure if it was posted earlier or not. i only come in here to bait the love struck losers club, but i will say one thing about this matter... Haha.
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The tracking number you show people is also fake. Look at the Hong Kong Post Office email. You send products that easily take you to the post office security check. And the tracking number shown to people is also the tracking number for general confectionery or daily necessities sent by the shipping company.
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals, You mentioned the legal side of your operations, what do you manufacture? Do you guys offer to synthesize certain extracts like Ginko, Bacopa, and racetams? All of the nootropics distributors over here like Newmind and Nootropics Depot get their raws from China via Alibaba and such. Was wondering if you have products like Shanghai Soyoung Biotechnology? They're the main provider for many brands over here in the US.
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals, You mentioned the legal side of your operations, what do you manufacture? Do you guys offer to synthesize certain extracts like Ginko, Bacopa, and racetams? All of the nootropics distributors over here like Newmind and Nootropics Depot get their raws from China via Alibaba and such. Was wondering if you have products like Shanghai Soyoung Biotechnology? They're the main provider for many brands over here in the US.
Gingko, bacopa, racetams... all available. I don't know who they are, but we are able to provide all this at very cheap prices.